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Fibrewise Multi-Compact and Locally Multi- Compact Spaces
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The primary objective of this paper is to introduce a new concept of fibrewise topological spaces on D is named fibrewise multi- topological spaces on D. Also, we entroduce the concepts of multi-proper, fibrewise multi-compact, fibrewise locally multi-compact spaces, Moreover, we study relationships between fibrewise multi-compact (resp., locally multi-compac) space and some fibrewise multi-separation axioms.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Criminal policy in the domain of freezing terrorist funds and its role in addressing crime
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It emerged as the issue of counter - terrorism recently on international levels and internal as a result of the increase in terrorist acts and committed in various countries، resulting in loss of lives and money so concerned with countries in this issue and the need to combat and eliminate the negative destructive effects that have become affect the prestige and integrity of States and stability.

 As a result followed criminal legislation at the international and domestic incriminatory policy may be varied somewhat in order to confront terrorist crimes by criminalizing certain acts that constitute the crime of terrorist At the international level ، several global and regional international conventions held to combat this p

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
A Comparative Reservoir Study of Zubair and Nahr Umr Formations in Subba Oilfield, Southern Iraq
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The lower Cretaceous sandstones of Zubair and Nahr Umr formations are the main producing reservoirs in Subba oilfield in southern Iraq. Key differences in their petrophysical and depositional attributes exist affecting their reservoir characteristics. The evaluation of well logs and core porosity-permeability data show better reservoir properties in Nahr Formation. The Litho-saturation logs indicate greater thickness of oil-saturated reservoir units for Nahr Unr Formation associated with lower values of shale volume, and higher values of effective porosity. In addition, higher values of permeability for Nahr Umr Formation is suggested by applying porosity-irreducible water saturation cross plot. The reducing reservoir quality of Zub

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Environmental Assessment of heavy metals Concentration and Distribution in Surface Soils of Wasit Governorate/ Iraq
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     Wasit Governorate is characterized by industrials activities such as groups of asphalts and bricks factories, oil fields and thermal power plant, in addition to the agricultural activity that is widely separated, which leads to pollution of the surface soils with heavy metals. The main objective in this research is to assess heavy metals pollution and understand the distribution in the surface soils in the studied area.  Twenty two surface soils samples were collected from 6 districts and 4 subdistricts within Wasit Governorate during April 2017. The results obtained showed that grain size analyzes are classified as sandy mud (sand 9.5%, silt 50.8 % and clays 39.8%). In the term of geochemic

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Effect of Continuous Improvement in Achieving Competitive Advantage for Iraqi Universities: And Their Research Projects
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The rapid change in economic is a serious challenge facing all countries around the world, even developed ones. This challenge is increasing as the world enters the age of knowledge in which different knowledge and technologies have emerged and the distance between the emergence of scientific knowledge and its actual application on the ground has been reduced as well as the growing role of science and technology in community development. One of the most important technology amongst these technologies is nanotechnology, where this technology plays a major role in the development of products and modern devices and reduces cost with quality improvement. This technology is cross-cultural, requires a comprehensive knowledge structure and depe

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Criminalization of Graft in Palestinian Legislation between Constitutional Legitimacy and Procedural Necessity : A Comparative Study
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This study aimed to identify the extent of the constitutionality of proving the crime of graft regarding transferring the burden of proof to the accused and its violation of the presumption of innocence. The presumption of innocence, unlike the Kuwaiti legislator, who did not shift the burden of proof in the crimes of illegitimate gain, and that the proof of the crimes of illegitimate gain according to the Palestinian and Jordanian legislators are linked to two forms: actual exploitation and judgmental or presumed exploitation, while the Kuwaiti legislator has limited proof of illegitimate gain crimes in the form of The study recommended a set of recommendations for an amendment to the text of Article 3 of Decree Law No. 37 of 2018 regar

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Petrophysical Properties and Well Log Interpretations of Tertiary Reservoir in Khabaz Oil Field / Northern Iraq
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The aim of this study is interpretation well logs to determine Petrophysical properties of tertiary reservoir in Khabaz oil field using IP software (V.3.5). The study consisted of seven wells which distributed in Khabaz oilfield. Tertiary reservoir composed from mainly several reservoir units. These units are : Jeribe, Unit (A), Unit (A'), Unit (B), Unit (BE), Unit (E),the Unit (B) considers best reservoir unit because it has good Petrophysical properties (low water saturation and high porous media ) with high existence of hydrocarbon in this unit. Several well logging tools such as Neutron, Density, and Sonic log were used to identify total porosity, secondary porosity, and effective porosity in tertiary reservoir. For

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
Journal Name
The Theory of knowledge And Their Repercussions On the Journalistic Image In Electronic Designs Websites
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represent websites link support of human communicate and cohesion of cultures different depending on their languages and their environments around, it was the evolution of one of the most important means of communication of services for electronic networks, the Internet active role in containing the world Bbodqh science and knowledge to Taatlaqah cultures from which derives its intellectual and cognitive cupboards continuity and as a link language for each those environmental Altdadat, linguistic, religious, political, economic . We all know that these electronic means difficult promise ring intellectual and mental connectivity for the masses polarized without being of the image as an element Kravekaa supporter of the electronic media an

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Imaging and clinicopathological characteristics of breast cancer among women under the age of 40 years
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Background: although breast cancer in young women is less common and often overlooked, it is still considered a major health concern.
Objectives: to evaluate the demographic, clinical, radiological and histopathological characteristics of breast cancer among a sample of Iraqi women diagnosed under the age of 40 years.
Patients and methods: a retrospective study enrolled 73 females below the age of 40 years with a history of breast cancer. All data was extracted from an established information system database designed by the Principal Investigator of the Iraqi National Breast Cancer Research Project under supervision of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) over a 4-years period from 2011 to 2014.
Results: sevent

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Publication Date
Sat May 08 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
EEG Signals Analysis for Epileptic Seizure Detection Using DWT Method with SVM and KNN Classifiers
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Epilepsy is a critical neurological disorder with critical influences on the way of living of its victims and prominent features such as persistent convulsion periods followed by unconsciousness. Electroencephalogram (EEG) is one of the commonly used devices for seizure recognition and epilepsy detection. Recognition of convulsions using EEG waves takes a relatively long time because it is conducted physically by epileptologists. The EEG signals are analyzed and categorized, after being captured, into two types, which are normal or abnormal (indicating an epileptic seizure).  This study relies on EEG signals which are provided by Arrhythmia Database. Thus, this work is a step beyond the traditional database mission of delivering use

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Comparison of Some Physiological Parameters in Female Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients in Pre- and Postmenopausal Stages
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Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that is highly prevalent, leading to gradual cartilage distraction, and therefore is important to diagnose in the early stage. This study aimed to estimate the level of rheumatoid factor (RF) and Anti-citrullinated protein (Anti-ccp) in the serum of female patients. We also investigated several female reproductive hormones in the patients and compared their levels in the premenopausal and postmenopausal phases. The study included 88 female subjects, 50 suffering from signs of rheumatoid arthritis who were attending AL-Yarmouk teaching hospital, Baghdad, Iraq, and 38 without clinical signs of RA as a control group. The ELISA technique was used to estimate all the studied parameters. The resul

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