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Anatomical histological structure of the cerebellum in the Iraqi frog Rana ridibunda ridibunda
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Abstract<p>The current study was designed to investigate the histological structure of the cerebellum in the Iraqi frog <italic>Rana ridibunda ridibunda</italic>. The cerebellum was removed surgically from 20 Iraqi frogs, <italic>Rana ridibunda ridibunda</italic>, and preserved in fixative of 10% formalin solution for a period of 72 hr, then the histological sections were prepared by the method of paraffin. The results of the study showed that the cerebellum of the adult Iraqi frog is one of the rhombencephalon regions, and consists of three layers, molecular layer, purkinje cells layer, and granular layer. The present histological findings suggest that the cerebellum of the Iraqi frog is very similar to that of other vertebrates, Therefore it represents the basic rule in understanding the histological formation of the cerebellum.</p>
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Advanced Veterinary And Animal Research
Histological and histochemical characteristics of the esophagus in local breed donkey (Equus asinus)
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Objective: Certain advantages of donkeys are still not listed as for other equine species. Moreover, donkeys lack comprehensive scientific studies. The present study examines the histological architecture and histochemical characteristics of the esophagus in the Iraqi local breed donkey (Equus asinus). Materials and Methods: Eight esophagus samples were collected from a local breed donkey. Tissue specimens (~1 cm³) were collected from the cervical, thoracic, and abdominal regions of the esoph¬agus and processed via routine histological technique. The tissue sections were stained with hema¬toxylin and eosin, Massons Trichrome, and combined Alcian blue (pH 2.5) plus PAS (AB-PAS). Results: The esophagus of the local breed donkey h

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Publication Date
Sun May 22 2016
Journal Name
Al-mustansiriyah Journal Of Science
Morphological and histological study of the liver in migratory starling bird (Sturnus vulgaris)
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The present work was aimed to form the baseline data of normal morphological and histological structure features of liver in migratory starling (Sturnus vulgaris). Anatomically, the starling liver bird was dark red -brown in colour and located in the cranial third of the abdominal cavity and consisted of undivided lobes (left and right). The liver right lobe was larger than the left. Histological examination revealed that the liver parenchyma was covered by a connective tissue capsule which appears to be thicker in the rim of liver lobes than other area in the liver lobe. Liver parenchyma was arranged in an unlimited hepatic lobules, which composed of polygonal hepatocytes organized as irregular, radial interconnecting cords or laminae of o

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 31 2021
Journal Name
The Crystal Structure of Bacillus cereus HblL1
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The Hbl toxin is a three-component haemolytic complex produced by Bacillus cereus sensu lato strains and implicated as a cause of diarrhoea in B. cereus food poisoning. While the structure of the HblB component of this toxin is known, the structures of the other components are unresolved. Here, we describe the expression of the recombinant HblL1 component and the elucidation of its structure to 1.36 Å. Like HblB, it is a member of the alpha-helical pore-forming toxin family. In comparison to other members of this group, it has an extended hydrophobic beta tongue region that may be involved in pore formation. Molecular docking was used to predict possible interactions between HblL1 and HblB, and suggests a head to tail dimer might f

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 14 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Analysis of the Structure of Scientific News Headlines in Online Newspapers
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Newspaper headlines are described as compressed and ambiguous pieces of discourse that represent the bodies of the articles. Their main function is to provide the readers with an informative message they would have no prior idea about. Ifantidou (2009) claims that the function of a headline is to get the readers’ attention rather than providing information because it does not have to represent the whole of the article it refers to. This paper aims at examining this hypothesis in relation to scientific news headlines reported by a number of news agencies. The paper follows Halliday (1967) information structure theory by applying it on ten selected headlines; each two headlines represent one scientific discovery reported by different new

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measure the impact of the age structure of the population on the gross domestic product in Iraq
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   يهدف البحث إلى التعرف على The research aims to identify the effect ofاثر التركيب العمري للسكان على الناتج المحلي الإجمالي في العراق وتحديد الفئات العمرية من أطفال ومنتجين أي من هم في سن العمل والمسنين لأهمية ذلك لإغراض التخطيط الاقتصادي.إنeffectofeee age structure of the population on GDP in Iraq and determine the age groups of children and any of the producers wham are of working age and the elderly of the importance for the purposes of economic planning. نسبة الفئة العمرية Proportion of the age group (00- -4 4سنوات اقتربت من

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
From Structure to the Signal (Text and Discourse in the Semiotic Analysis)
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Care and attention to the structure in the sixties of the last century replaced the mark, and if the structure of Ms. pampered in research and studies, it has become the mark is also a spoiled lady .. But the relationship between the structure and the mark was not a break and break, but the relationship of integration, His themes are structural analysis, and these are intellectual themes that can not be surpassed in contemporary research, especially since semiotics have emerged from the linguistic inflection.

We have tried to distinguish between text and speech, which is a daunting task, as it seems that whenever the difference between them is clear and clear, we come back to wonder whether the text is the same discourse, and is

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 15 2017
Journal Name
8th International Conference On Agricultural, Environment, Biology And Medical Sciences
Anatomical features of (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms) growing in Iraq
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Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms or Water hyacinth is a fertile floating aquatic widespread in worldwide. The form of plants and the anatomy parts of this plant were studied. The most important feature was obvious the air chamber with intercellular spaces by amazing arrangement. As well can notice aerenchyma tissue allow the parts of plants floated on the surface of water located in the ground meristem of root, petiole and in the mesophyll of leaves also presence of two type of crystals raphides and styloid crystals was noted of various member in the plant in addition appear astrosclereids around the air chambers, to support the plant parts from the unsuitable environmental conditions such as the speed of water flow or floods or high leve

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 18 2018
Journal Name
14th Lisbon International Conference On Agricultural, Biological, Environmental And Medical Sciences (labems-18)
Anatomical Study of Species Ipomoea carnea Jacq. (Convolvulaceae) in Iraq
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The current study included the collection of soft samples for Ipomoea carnea Jacq. The anatomical properties of the leaf, which included the characteristics of the surface epidermis, the vertical section of the leaf, the transverse section of the petiole, the pedicel and the indumentum, as well as the study of leaf venation, were examined

Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch.
Comparative anatomical study of genus Oxalis L. (Oxalidaceae) in Iraq
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The present study included the collection of fresh samples of species of genus Oxalis and examined the anatomical characteristics of the stem, scape, petiole, leaf and pedicel

Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Minar International Journal Of Applied Sciences And Technology
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A general and accurate morphological study was carried out for the species Calotropis procera which belongs to the family Asclepiadaceae. The research included the phenotypic characteristics of the root, stem and leaves the leaves were studied morphologically and anatomically, Flowers, fruits and seeds, as well as the geographical distribution of the genus were studied also. In general, there are no previous taxonomic study of this genus under consideration, according to the available sources and it is the first one has been done in Iraq, perhaps Because of its low prevalence previously, where it was recently noticed its spread in last two to three years ago. Keywords: Apocynaceae, Apple Sodom, Poisonous Plant, Anatomy

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