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Proportional-Derivative PD Vibration Control with Adaptive Approximation Compensator for a Nonlinear Smart Thin Beam Interacting with Fluid
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This work is concerned with the vibration attenuation of a smart beam interacting with fluid using proportional-derivative PD control and adaptive approximation compensator AAC. The role of the AAC is to improve the PD performance by compensating for unmodelled dynamics using the concept of function approximation technique FAT. The key idea is to represent the unknown parameters using the weighting coefficient and basis function matrices/vectors. The weighting coefficient vector is updated using Lyapunov theory. This controller is applied to a flexible beam provided with surface bonded piezo-patches while the vibrating beam system is submerged in a fluid. Two main effects are considered: 1) axial stretching of the vibrating beam that leads to the appearance of cubic stiffness term in beam modelling, and 2) fluid effect. Fluid forces are decomposed into two components: hydrodynamic forces due to the beam oscillations and external (disturbance) hydrodynamic loads independent of beam oscillations. Simulation experiments are implemented using MATLAB/SIMULINK to verify the correctness of the proposed controller. Two piezo-patches are bonded on the beam while an impulse force with multi-pulse is applied to excite the beam vibration. The results show the strength of the proposed control structure.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Frustrated total internal reflection of newton rings multiple beam interference
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Frustrated Total Internal Reflection FTIR phenomenon is manifested employing Newton‟s rings setup generated via a coherent light beam of a laser diode ( . All concentric bright and dark rings, except the central bright spot, were noticed to recede (disappear) when the incident angle exceeded the critical angle of 41o.
It was also shown that the current setup has proven its applicability for other tests and can give convenient results that conform with theory. Neither the concept nor the design is beyond what can be realized in an undergraduate laboratory. However, technical improvements in mounting the prism - lens may be advisable. As an extension of the experiments, the effect can be studied using hollow prism filled with liquids

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Form a proposal to audit the mutual operations with related parties program in accordance with international standards: Proposal pattern
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The relationships between the related parties constitute a normal feature of trading and business processes. Entities may perform parts of their activities through subsidiary entities, joint ventures and associate entities. In these cases, the entity has the ability to influence the financial and operating policies of the investee through control, joint control or significant influence,  So could affect established knowledge of transactions and balances outstanding, including commitments, and relationships with related to the evaluation of its operations by users of financial statements, including the risks and opportunities facing the entity assess the parties. So research has gained importance of the importance of the availability

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
New Adaptive Data Transmission Scheme Over HF Radio
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Acceptable Bit Error rate can be maintained by adapting some of the design parameters such as modulation, symbol rate, constellation size, and transmit power according to the channel state.

An estimate of HF propagation effects can be used to design an adaptive data transmission system over HF link. The proposed system combines the well known Automatic Link Establishment (ALE) together with variable rate transmission system. The standard ALE is modified to suite the required goal of selecting the best carrier frequency (channel) for a given transmission. This is based on measuring SINAD (Signal plus Noise plus Distortion to Noise plus Distortion), RSL (Received Signal Level), multipath phase distortion and BER (Bit Error Rate) fo

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 19 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Online And Biomedical Engineering (ijoe)
Object Tracking Using Adaptive Diffusion Flow Active Model
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Object tracking is one of the most important topics in the fields of image processing and computer vision. Object tracking is the process of finding interesting moving objects and following them from frame to frame. In this research, Active models–based object tracking algorithm is introduced. Active models are curves placed in an image domain and can evolve to segment the object of interest. Adaptive Diffusion Flow Active Model (ADFAM) is one the most famous types of Active Models. It overcomes the drawbacks of all previous versions of the Active Models specially the leakage problem, noise sensitivity, and long narrow hols or concavities. The ADFAM is well known for its very good capabilities in the segmentation process. In this

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 24 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Adaptive inter frame compression using image segmented technique
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The computer vision branch of the artificial intelligence field is concerned with developing algorithms for analyzing video image content. Extracting edge information, which is the essential process in most pictorial pattern recognition problems. A new method of edge detection technique has been introduces in this research, for detecting boundaries.

           Selection of typical lossy techniques for encoding edge video images are also discussed in this research. The concentration is devoted to discuss the Block-Truncation coding technique and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coding technique. In order to reduce the volume of pictorial data which one may need to store or transmit,

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Smoothing of Image using adaptive Lowpass Spatial Filtering
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Lowpass spatial filters are adopted to match the noise statistics of the degradation seeking
good quality smoothed images. This study imply different size and shape of smoothing
windows. The study shows that using a window square frame shape gives good quality
smoothing and at the same time preserving a certain level of high frequency components in
comparsion with standard smoothing filters.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Adaptive Canny Algorithm Using Fast Otsu Multithresholding Method
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   In this research, an adaptive Canny algorithm using fast Otsu multithresholding method is presented, in which fast Otsu multithresholding method is used to calculate the optimum maximum and minimum hysteresis values and used as automatic thresholding for the fourth stage of the Canny algorithm.      The new adaptive Canny algorithm and the standard Canny algorithm (manual hysteresis value) was tested on standard image (Lena) and satellite image. The results approved the validity and accuracy of the new algorithm to find the images edges for personal and satellite images as pre-step for image segmentation.  

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering, Ije Transactions B: Applications
Adaptive Polynomial Coding of Multi-Base Hybrid Compression
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Publication Date
Tue May 10 2022
Journal Name
European Scholar Journal (esj)
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Astronomers have known since the invention of the telescope that atmospheric turbulence affects celestial images. So, in order to compensate for the atmospheric aberrations of the observed wavefront, an Adaptive Optics (AO) system has been introduced. The AO can be arranged into two systems: closedloop and open-loop systems. The aim of this paper is to model and compare the performance of both AO loop systems by using one of the most recent Adaptive Optics simulation tools, the Objected-Oriented Matlab Adaptive Optics (OOMAO). Then assess the performance of closed and open loop systems by their capabilities to compensate for wavefront aberrations and improve image quality, also their effect by the observed optical bands (near-infrared band

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 25 2022
Journal Name
Chalcogenide Letters
Study the properties of Cu2Se thin films for optoelectronic applications
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Copper selenide (Cu2Se) thin films were prepared by thermal evaporation at RT with thickness 500 nm. The heat-treating for (400 &500) K for the absorber layer has been investigated. This research includes, studying the structural properties of X-ray diffraction (XRD) that show the Cu2Se thin film (Cubic) and has a polycrystalline orientation prevalent (220). Moreover, studying the effect of annealing on their surface morphology properties by using Atomic Force Microscopy AFM. Optical properties were considered using the transmittance and absorbance spectra had been recorded when wavelength range (400 - 1000) nm in order to study the absorption coefficient and energy gap. It was found that these films had allowed direct transitio

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