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The Blockchain for Healthcare 4.0 Apply in Standard Secure Medical Data Processing Architecture
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Cloud-based Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have seen a substantial increase in usage in recent years, especially for remote patient monitoring. Researchers are interested in investigating the use of Healthcare 4.0 in smart cities. This involves using Internet of Things (IoT) devices and cloud computing to remotely access medical processes. Healthcare 4.0 focuses on the systematic gathering, merging, transmission, sharing, and retention of medical information at regular intervals. Protecting the confidential and private information of patients presents several challenges in terms of thwarting illegal intrusion by hackers. Therefore, it is essential to prioritize the protection of patient medical data that is stored, accessed, and shared on the cloud to avoid unauthorized access or compromise by the authorized components of E-healthcare systems. A multitude of cryptographic methodologies have been devised to offer safe storage, exchange, and access to medical data in cloud service provider (CSP) environments. Traditional methods have not been effective in providing a harmonious integration of the essential components for EHR security solutions, such as efficient computing, verification on the service side, verification on the user side, independence from a trusted third party, and strong security. Recently, there has been a lot of interest in security solutions that are based on blockchain technology. These solutions are highly effective in safeguarding data storage and exchange while using little computational resources. The researchers focused their efforts exclusively on blockchain technology, namely on Bitcoin. The present emphasis has been on the secure management of healthcare records through the utilization of blockchain technology. This study offers a thorough examination of modern blockchain-based methods for protecting medical data, regardless of whether cloud computing is utilized or not. This study utilizes and evaluates several strategies that make use of blockchain. The study presents a comprehensive analysis of research gaps, issues, and a future roadmap that contributes to the progress of new Healthcare 4.0 technologies, as demonstrated by research investigations.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Inference for Generalized Inverted Exponential Distribution UnderProgressive Type-I Interval Censored Data
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This article discusses the estimation methods for parameters of a generalized inverted exponential distribution with different estimation methods by using Progressive type-I interval censored data. In addition to conventional maximum likelihood estimation, the mid-point method, probability plot method and method of moments are suggested for parameter estimation. To get maximum likelihood estimates, we utilize the Newton-Raphson, expectation -maximization and stochastic expectation-maximization methods. Furthermore, the approximate confidence intervals for the parameters are obtained via the inverse of the observed information matrix. The Monte Carlo simulations are used to introduce numerical comparisons of the proposed estimators. In ad

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 18 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Proposed Approach for Analysing General Hygiene Information Using Various Data Mining Algorithms
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General medical fields and computer science usually conjugate together to produce impressive results in both fields using applications, programs and algorithms provided by Data mining field. The present research's title contains the term hygiene which may be described as the principle of maintaining cleanliness of the external body. Whilst the environmental hygienic hazards can present themselves in various media shapes e.g. air, water, soil…etc. The influence they can exert on our health is very complex and may be modulated by our genetic makeup, psychological factors and by our perceptions of the risks that they present. Our main concern in this research is not to improve general health, rather than to propose a data mining approach

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 21 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal For Computer Science And Mathematics
Fuzzy C means Based Evaluation Algorithms For Cancer Gene Expression Data Clustering
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The influx of data in bioinformatics is primarily in the form of DNA, RNA, and protein sequences. This condition places a significant burden on scientists and computers. Some genomics studies depend on clustering techniques to group similarly expressed genes into one cluster. Clustering is a type of unsupervised learning that can be used to divide unknown cluster data into clusters. The k-means and fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithms are examples of algorithms that can be used for clustering. Consequently, clustering is a common approach that divides an input space into several homogeneous zones; it can be achieved using a variety of algorithms. This study used three models to cluster a brain tumor dataset. The first model uses FCM, whic

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 06 2022
Journal Name
Kuwait Journal Of Science
AVO analysis for high amplitude anomalies using 2D pre-stack seismic data
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Amplitude variation with offset (AVO) analysis is an 1 efficient tool for hydrocarbon detection and identification of elastic rock properties and fluid types. It has been applied in the present study using reprocessed pre-stack 2D seismic data (1992, Caulerpa) from north-west of the Bonaparte Basin, Australia. The AVO response along the 2D pre-stack seismic data in the Laminaria High NW shelf of Australia was also investigated. Three hypotheses were suggested to investigate the AVO behaviour of the amplitude anomalies in which three different factors; fluid substitution, porosity and thickness (Wedge model) were tested. The AVO models with the synthetic gathers were analysed using log information to find which of these is the

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Intelligent Engineering And Systems
FDPHI: Fast Deep Packet Header Inspection for Data Traffic Classification and Management
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Traffic classification is referred to as the task of categorizing traffic flows into application-aware classes such as chats, streaming, VoIP, etc. Most systems of network traffic identification are based on features. These features may be static signatures, port numbers, statistical characteristics, and so on. Current methods of data flow classification are effective, they still lack new inventive approaches to meet the needs of vital points such as real-time traffic classification, low power consumption, ), Central Processing Unit (CPU) utilization, etc. Our novel Fast Deep Packet Header Inspection (FDPHI) traffic classification proposal employs 1 Dimension Convolution Neural Network (1D-CNN) to automatically learn more representational c

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 23 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hazard Rate Estimation Using Varying Kernel Function for Censored Data Type I
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     In this research, several estimators concerning the estimation are introduced. These estimators are closely related to the hazard function by using one of the nonparametric methods namely the kernel function for censored data type with varying bandwidth and kernel boundary. Two types of bandwidth are used:  local bandwidth and global bandwidth. Moreover, four types of boundary kernel are used namely: Rectangle, Epanechnikov, Biquadratic and Triquadratic and the proposed function was employed with all kernel functions. Two different simulation techniques are also used for two experiments to compare these estimators. In most of the cases, the results have proved that the local bandwidth is the best for all the

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Proposition of New Ensemble Data-Intelligence Models for Surface Water Quality Prediction
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Publication Date
Thu Aug 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Analytical Study of Medical Image Combination Techniques
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Image combination is a technique that fuses two or more medical images taken with different conditions or imaging devices into a single image contain complete information. In this study relied on mathematical, statistical and spatial techniques, to fuse MRI images that captured horizontal and vertical times (T1, T2),  and applied a method of supervised classification based on the minimum distance before and after combination process, then examine the quality of the resulting image based on the statistical standards resulting from the analysis of edge analysis, showing the results to identify the best techniques adopted in combination process, determine the exact details in each class and between classes.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Variables (Bias-cut) of Tailoring and their Effect on the Quality of Fitting the Standard Pattern for Large-Shaped Iraqi Ladies: رشا علي صالح , بشرى فاضل صالح التميمي
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The present research is descriptive and analytical by nature; it practically presents the method of implementing the standard pattern in an unconventional way using the bias-cut line. The study aims at investigating the variables of bias-cut and their suitability for fitting large-shaped Iraqi ladies. It also aims at exploring the artistic and innovative features of the bias-cut. Therefore, one needs to understand the rules and basics of clothing and the nature of the body to reach the maximum degree of control.Consequently, the study is to answer the following questions: What is the effectiveness of tailoring on the bias-cut in fitting a standard template of a large-shaped Iraqi ladies? Is it possible to obtain from the offered possibil

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 12 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Classification of Iraqi Anber Rice by Using Image Processing and KNN Algorithm
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Image classification takes a large area in computer vision in term of quality or type or data sharing and so on Iraqi Anber Rice in they need this kind of work, where few in the field of computer science that deal with the types of Iraqi Anber rice, and because of the Anber Rice are grown and produced in Iraq only, and because of the importance of rice around the world and especially in Iraq. In this paper a proposed system distinguishes between the classes of Iraqi Anber Rice that Grown in different parts of Iraq, and have their own specifications for each class by using moment invariant and KNN algorithm. Iraqi Anber Rice that is more than Fiftieth class Cultivated and irrigated in different parts of Iraq, and because of the different

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