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Determination of Optimal Time-Average Wind Speed Data in the Southern Part of Malaysia
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Mersing is one of the places that have the potential for wind power development in Malaysia. Researchers often suggest it as an ideal place for generating electricity from wind power. However, before a location is chosen, several factors need to be considered. By analyzing the location ahead of time, resource waste can be avoided and maximum profitability to various parties can be realized. For this study, the focus is to identify the distribution of the wind speed of Mersing and to determine the optimal average of wind speed. This study is critical because the wind speed data for any region has its distribution. It changes daily and by season. Moreover, no determination has been made regarding selecting the average wind speed used for wind studies. The wind speed data is averaged to 1, 10, 30, and 60 minutes and used to find the optimal wind speed average. This study used Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Chi-Square as the goodness of fit. The finding shows that the wind speed distribution in Mersing varies according to the time average used and the best fit distribution is Gen. Gamma.  In contrast, the optimal average wind speed is 10 minutes due to the highest similarity results with 1-minute data. These affect the reliability of the finding, accuracy of the estimation and decisions made. Therefore, the implementation of this study is significant so that the wind distribution in a particular area is more accurate.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 20 2028
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The aim of this study was to increasing natural carotenoides production by a locally isolate Rodotorula mucilagenosa M. by determination of the optimal conditions for growth and production of this agents, for encouragest to use it in food application permute artificial pigments which harmfull for consumer health and envieronmental. The optimal condition of carotenoides production from Rhodotorula mucilaginosa M were studied. The results shows the best carbon and nitrogen source were glucose and yeast extract. The carotenoids a mount production was 47430 microgram ̸ litter and 47460 microgram ̸ litter, respectively, and the optimum temperature was 30°C, PH 6, that the carotenoides a mount was 47470 microgram ̸ litter and 47670 microgr

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Application of Data Mining Techniques on Tourist Expenses in Malaysia
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Tourism plays an important role in Malaysia’s economic development as it can boost business opportunity in its surrounding economic. By apply data mining on tourism data for predicting the area of business opportunity is a good choice. Data mining is the process that takes data as input and produces outputs knowledge. Due to the population of travelling in Asia country has increased in these few years. Many entrepreneurs start their owns business but there are some problems such as wrongly invest in the business fields and bad services quality which affected their business income. The objective of this paper is to use data mining technology to meet the business needs and customer needs of tourism enterprises and find the most effective

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimation Mean Wind Speed in Iraq By Using Parametric And Nonparametric Linear Mixed Models
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In this research, the one of the most important model and widely used in many and applications is linear mixed model, which widely used to analysis the longitudinal data that characterized by the repeated measures form .where estimating linear mixed model by using two methods (parametric and nonparametric) and used to estimate the conditional mean and marginal mean in linear mixed model ,A comparison between number of models is made to get the best model that will represent the mean wind speed in Iraq.The application is concerned with 8 meteorological stations in Iraq that we selected randomly and   then we take a monthly data about wind speed over ten years Then average it over each month in corresponding year, so we g

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Lights statement in the first part    From the Qur'an
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My research tagged [the lights of the statement in the first part of the Koran] came to show that the dear book was developed according to a precise linguistic system is not increased by a word or letter or movement - Aldmh and Kira and the hole - and does not lack anything of it except with the wisdom required by the meanings of the Koranic text or Sura generally . The Koran does not come falsehood from his hands or from behind it is infallible and preserved; because it was revealed by the sage Hamid Hamid ﭽﮗ ﮘ ﮙ ﮚ ﮛ ﮜ ﮝ ﮞ ﭼ [stone]. The Qur'an is safe from any verbal or moral dominance and dominates all the heavenly books and exists at any time and place that speaks the truth ﭽ ﯛ ﯜ ﯝ ﯞ ﯟ ﯹ ﯺﭼ [The

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigating the Sensitivity Effect of Actuarial Assumptions on Pension Liabilities in Malaysia
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Malaysia will be an ageing population by 2030 as the number of those aged 60 years and above has increased drastically from 6.2 percent in 2000 and is expected to reach 13.6 percent by 2030. There are many challenges that will be faced due to the ageing population, one of which is the increasing cost of pensions in the future. In view of that, it is necessary to investigate the effect of actuarial assumptions on pension liabilities under the perspective of ageing. To estimate the pension liabilities, the Projected Unit Credit method is used in the study and commutation functions are employed in the process. Demographic risk and salary risk have been identified as major risks in analyzing pension liabilities in this study. The sensitivity

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Exploring the actual implementation of e-wallet application in Malaysia
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E-wallet, also referred to as digital wallet, is a software application designed to replace physical wallets, with the primary purpose of facilitating online transactions when users wish to make virtual payments. Nowadays, E-wallets are not limited to mobile applications, but they have also been extended to wearable devices, such as smartwatches, enabling users to make payments via their watches. This research study focuses on three main E-wallet service providers in Malaysia, namely TouchNGo E-wallet, Boost, and Grab pay, as they are the top three E-wallets in the country. The aim of this paper is to explore the real-world implementation of E-wallets among mobile phone users in Malaysia, employing the Technology Adoption Model as the th

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 19 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Game Theory to Determine the Optimal Strategy for the Transportation Sector in Iraq
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In this paper, game theory was used and applied to the transport sector in Iraq, as this sector includes two axes, the public transport axis and the second axis the private transport axis, as each of these axes includes several types of transport, namely (sea transport, air transport, land transport, transport by rail, port transport) and the travel and tourism sector, as public transport lacks this sector, as the competitive advantage matrix for the transport sector was formed and after applying the MinMax-MaxMin principle to the matrix in all its stages, it was found that there was an equilibrium point except for the last stage where the equilibrium point was not available Therefore, the use of the linear programming method was

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Determine the optimal policy for the function of Pareto distribution reliability estimated using dynamic programming
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The goal (purpose) from using development technology that require mathematical procedure related with high Quality & sufficiency of solving complex problem called Dynamic Programming with in recursive method (forward & backward) through  finding series of associated decisions for reliability function of Pareto distribution estimator by using two approach Maximum likelihood & moment .to conclude optimal policy

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Data Acquisition System for Wind Speed, Direction and Temperature Measurements
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This paper describes the use of microcomputer as a laboratory instrument system. The system is focused on three weather variables measurement, are temperature, wind speed, and wind direction. This instrument is a type of data acquisition system; in this paper we deal with the design and implementation of data acquisition system based on personal computer (Pentium) using Industry Standard Architecture (ISA)bus. The design of this system involves mainly a hardware implementation, and the software programs that are used for testing, measuring and control. The system can be used to display the required information that can be transferred and processed from the external field to the system. A visual basic language with Microsoft foundation cl

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Use of Replacement Models On Determine the Optimal Time to Replacement
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            The approach maintenance and replacement one of techniques of operations research whom cares of the failure experienced by a lot of production lines which consist of a set of machines and equipment, which in turn exposed to the failure or work stoppages over the lifetime, which requires reducing the working time of these machines or equipment below what can or conuct  maintenance process once in a while or a replacement for one part of the machine or replace one of the machines in production lines. In this research is the study of the failure s that occur in some parts of one of the machines for the General Company for Vege

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