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Determination of Optimal Time-Average Wind Speed Data in the Southern Part of Malaysia

Mersing is one of the places that have the potential for wind power development in Malaysia. Researchers often suggest it as an ideal place for generating electricity from wind power. However, before a location is chosen, several factors need to be considered. By analyzing the location ahead of time, resource waste can be avoided and maximum profitability to various parties can be realized. For this study, the focus is to identify the distribution of the wind speed of Mersing and to determine the optimal average of wind speed. This study is critical because the wind speed data for any region has its distribution. It changes daily and by season. Moreover, no determination has been made regarding selecting the average wind speed used for wind studies. The wind speed data is averaged to 1, 10, 30, and 60 minutes and used to find the optimal wind speed average. This study used Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Chi-Square as the goodness of fit. The finding shows that the wind speed distribution in Mersing varies according to the time average used and the best fit distribution is Gen. Gamma.  In contrast, the optimal average wind speed is 10 minutes due to the highest similarity results with 1-minute data. These affect the reliability of the finding, accuracy of the estimation and decisions made. Therefore, the implementation of this study is significant so that the wind distribution in a particular area is more accurate.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
North and north-eastern wind and its impact on the racial temperature and humidity in Iraq

The study area is witnessing divergence where I am North wind North East wind as we find that the north wind is getting replicated as we move from the south, The reason can be attributed to the nature of the surface of the region, with at least repeat this wind the northern region to the presence of mountain ranges, while we find that energizes the surface in the center and south helped to increase repeat this wind gusts, It also finds that the North wind East prevail in the northern region and least replicated as we move from the north to the south and to the fact that North stations are within blowing this wind sites for the circles near the display of high pressure located centers to the north-east, north and distancing itself from pa

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparing Bayesian methods to estimate the failure probability for electronic systems in case the life time data are not available

In this research, we find the Bayesian formulas and the estimation of Bayesian expectation for product system of Atlas Company.  The units of the system have been examined by helping the technical staff at the company and by providing a real data the company which manufacturer the system.  This real data include the failed units for each drawn sample, which represents the total number of the manufacturer units by the company system.  We calculate the range for each estimator by using the Maximum Likelihood estimator.  We obtain that the expectation-Bayesian estimation is better than the Bayesian estimator of the different partially samples which were drawn from the product system after  it checked by the

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isolation, Screening and Antibiotic Sensitivity of Pseudomonas species from Kelana Jaya Lake Soil in Selangor Malaysia

Pathogenic microorganisms from hospitals, communities, and the environment remain great threats to human health. The increasing concern about antibiotic resistance has also necessitated the search for robust alternatives. Therefore, this study aims to isolate, screen and evaluate the antibiotic susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from a soil sample taken from northern, western and eastern parts of Kelana Jaya Lake against four antibiotics (gentamycin, tetracycline, ampicillin, and penicillin) on a Mueller-Hinton Agar media plate. Pseudomonas identification was done by using API 20 kit. Disc diffusion was employed as well as the oxidase test. From the positive oxidase result, the isolated bacteria were identified as Burkhold

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Testing and Commissioning of a Low-Speed Wind Tunnel (LSWT) Test Section

The calibration of a low-speed wind tunnel (LSWT) test section had been made in the present work. The tunnel was designed and constructed at the Aerodynamics Lab. in the Mechanical Engineering Department/University of Baghdad. The test section design speed is 70 m/s. Frictional loses and uniformity of the flow inside the test section had been tested and calibrated based on the British standards for flow inside ducts and conduits. Pitot-static tube, boundary layer Pitot tube were the main instruments which were used in the present work to measure the flow characteristics with emphasize on the velocity uniformity and boundary layer growth along the walls of the test section. It is found that the maximum calibrated velocity for empty test s

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study The Influence of Forming Conditions Like Deformation Speed on Void Closure in Open Die Forging

This paper presents an investigation to the effect of the forming speed on healing voids that inhabit at various size in an ingot. The study was performed by using finite element method with bilinear isotropic material option, circular type voids were considered. The closure index was able to predict the minimum press force necessary to consolidate voids and the reduction. The simulation was carried out, on circular cross-section lead specials containing a central void of different size. At a time with a flat die, different ratio of inside to outside radius was taken with different speed to find the best result of void closure.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Proposed Wavelet and Forecasting Wind Speed with Application

Time series analysis is the statistical approach used to analyze a series of data. Time series is the most popular statistical method for forecasting, which is widely used in several statistical and economic applications. The wavelet transform is a powerful mathematical technique that converts an analyzed signal into a time-frequency representation. The wavelet transform method provides signal information in both the time domain and frequency domain. The aims of this study are to propose a wavelet function by derivation of a quotient from two different Fibonacci coefficient polynomials, as well as a comparison between ARIMA and wavelet-ARIMA. The time series data for daily wind speed is used for this study. From the obtained results, the

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Publication Date
Wed May 13 2015
Journal Name
Elsevier Procedia Economics And Finance
The Role of FDI Inflows in Economic Growth in Malaysia (Time Series: 1975-2010)

Recently, Malaysia has been recognized as one of the most popular destinations for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Southeast Asia. But how do these FDI inflows affect Malaysia economy? This paper aims to identify the role of FDI inflows in Malaysia economic growth through a proposed endogenous growth model. Annual data covers from 1975 to 2010. Unit root test and Johansen Co-integration test are adopted to respectively verify the time series data is stable and the linear combination of the variables is stationary. Hierarchical Multiple Regressions (HMR) Analysis is then conducted to find out the momentum of the Malaysia economic growth including FDI inflows. The results show that the FDI inflows together with the human capital deve

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 26 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Optimization of Wear Parameters in AISI 4340 Steel


 This study investigated the optimization of wear behavior of AISI 4340 steel based on the Taguchi method under various testing conditions. In this paper, a neural network and the Taguchi design method have been implemented for minimizing the wear rate in 4340 steel. A back-propagation neural network (BPNN) was developed to predict the wear rate. In the development of a predictive model, wear parameters like sliding speed, applying load and sliding distance were considered as the input model variables of the AISI 4340 steel. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the significant parameter affecting the wear rate. Finally, the Taguchi approach was applied to determine

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering

A low speed open circuit wind tunnel has been designed, manufactured and constructed at the
Mechanical Engineering Department at Baghdad University - College of Engineering. The work is one of
the pioneer projects adapted by the R & D Office at the Iraqi MOHESR. The present paper describes the
first part of the work; that is the design calculations, simulation and construction. It will be followed by a
second part that describes testing and calibration of the tunnel. The proposed wind tunnel has a test
section with cross sectional area of (0.7 x 0.7 m2) and length of (1.5 m). The maximum speed is about (70
m/s) with empty test section. The contraction ratio is (8.16). Three screens are used to minimize flow

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Mon Dec 11 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Simulation Model of Wind Turbine Power Control System with Fuzzy Regulation by Mamdani and Larsen Algorithms


     The aim of this work is to create a power control system for wind turbines based on fuzzy logic. Three power control loop was considered including: changing the pitch angle of  the blade, changing the length of the blade and turning the nacelle. The stochastic law was given for changes and instant inaccurate assessment of wind conditions changes. Two different algorithms were used for fuzzy inference in the control loop, the Mamdani and Larsen algorithms. These two different algorithms are materialized and developed in this study in Matlab-Fuzzy logic toolbox which has been practically implemented using necessary intelligent control system in electrical engineerin

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