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The Blockchain for Healthcare 4.0 Apply in Standard Secure Medical Data Processing Architecture
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Cloud-based Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have seen a substantial increase in usage in recent years, especially for remote patient monitoring. Researchers are interested in investigating the use of Healthcare 4.0 in smart cities. This involves using Internet of Things (IoT) devices and cloud computing to remotely access medical processes. Healthcare 4.0 focuses on the systematic gathering, merging, transmission, sharing, and retention of medical information at regular intervals. Protecting the confidential and private information of patients presents several challenges in terms of thwarting illegal intrusion by hackers. Therefore, it is essential to prioritize the protection of patient medical data that is stored, accessed, and shared on the cloud to avoid unauthorized access or compromise by the authorized components of E-healthcare systems. A multitude of cryptographic methodologies have been devised to offer safe storage, exchange, and access to medical data in cloud service provider (CSP) environments. Traditional methods have not been effective in providing a harmonious integration of the essential components for EHR security solutions, such as efficient computing, verification on the service side, verification on the user side, independence from a trusted third party, and strong security. Recently, there has been a lot of interest in security solutions that are based on blockchain technology. These solutions are highly effective in safeguarding data storage and exchange while using little computational resources. The researchers focused their efforts exclusively on blockchain technology, namely on Bitcoin. The present emphasis has been on the secure management of healthcare records through the utilization of blockchain technology. This study offers a thorough examination of modern blockchain-based methods for protecting medical data, regardless of whether cloud computing is utilized or not. This study utilizes and evaluates several strategies that make use of blockchain. The study presents a comprehensive analysis of research gaps, issues, and a future roadmap that contributes to the progress of new Healthcare 4.0 technologies, as demonstrated by research investigations.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detecting Keratoconus by Using SVM and Decision Tree Classifiers with the Aid of Image Processing
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 Researchers used different methods such as image processing and machine learning techniques in addition to medical instruments such as Placido disc, Keratoscopy, Pentacam;to help diagnosing variety of diseases that affect the eye. Our paper aims to detect one of these diseases that affect the cornea, which is Keratoconus. This is done by using image processing techniques and pattern classification methods. Pentacam is the device that is used to detect the cornea’s health; it provides four maps that can distinguish the changes on the surface of the cornea which can be used for Keratoconus detection. In this study, sixteen features were extracted from the four refractive maps along with five readings from the Pentacam software. The

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jun 20 2014
Journal Name
Jurnal Teknologi
A Review of Snake Models in Medical MR Image Segmentation
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Developing an efficient algorithm for automated Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) segmentation to characterize tumor abnormalities in an accurate and reproducible manner is ever demanding. This paper presents an overview of the recent development and challenges of the energy minimizing active contour segmentation model called snake for the MRI. This model is successfully used in contour detection for object recognition, computer vision and graphics as well as biomedical image processing including X-ray, MRI and Ultrasound images. Snakes being deformable well-defined curves in the image domain can move under the influence of internal forces and external forces are subsequently derived from the image data. We underscore a critical appraisal

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Scopus (10)
Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Compared of estimating two methods for nonparametric function to cluster data for the white blood cells to leukemia patients
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   We can notice cluster data in social, health and behavioral sciences, so this type of data have a link between its observations and we can express these clusters through the relationship between measurements on units within the same group.

    In this research, I estimate the reliability function of cluster function by using the seemingly unrelate

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Combine Level of Capital Structure and Dividend Policy on Firm Stock Price An apply study of companies listed on Amman Stock Exchange
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Although a great deal of works has been done on the area of capital structure and dividend policy, there is still insufficient knowledge of how these policies affect stock prices. This shortcoming may have been originated from the separation between both policies when investigating their effect on stock prices. Based on this point, this research adopts a new technique (completely randomized design), to combine the effect of capital structure and dividend policy on stock prices rather than separating between them. The study used panel based regression analysis depending on the sample of 30 service and industrial Jordanian firms for the period of 2001-2010. The result of test hypotheses found the following; 1) dividend payout has a

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Texture Analysis Image Processing Technique to Study the Effect of Microwave Plasma on the Living Tissue
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The present study is a hybrid method of studying the effect of plasma on the living tissue by using the image processing technique. This research explains the effect of microwave plasma on the DNA cell using the comet score application, texture analysis image processing and the effect of microwave plasma on the liver using texture analysis image processing. The study was applied on the mice cells. The exposure to the plasma is done by dividing the mice for four groups, each group includes four mice (control group, 20, 50, 90 second exposure to microwave plasma). The exposure to microwave plasma was done with voltage 175v and gas flow on 2 with room temperature; the statistical features are obtained from the comet score images and the textur

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 24 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiyah For Computer Science And Mathematics
Iris Data Compression Based on Hexa-Data Coding
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Iris research is focused on developing techniques for identifying and locating relevant biometric features, accurate segmentation and efficient computation while lending themselves to compression methods. Most iris segmentation methods are based on complex modelling of traits and characteristics which, in turn, reduce the effectiveness of the system being used as a real time system. This paper introduces a novel parameterized technique for iris segmentation. The method is based on a number of steps starting from converting grayscale eye image to a bit plane representation, selection of the most significant bit planes followed by a parameterization of the iris location resulting in an accurate segmentation of the iris from the origin

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Communications
SDN Implementation in Data Center Network
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Numerical Investigation of Physical Parameters in Cardiac Vessels as a New Medical Support Science for Complex Blood Flow Characteristics
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This study proposes a mathematical approach and numerical experiment for a simple solution of cardiac blood flow to the heart's blood vessels. A mathematical model of human blood flow through arterial branches was studied and calculated using the Navier-Stokes partial differential equation with finite element analysis (FEA) approach. Furthermore, FEA is applied to the steady flow of two-dimensional viscous liquids through different geometries. The validity of the computational method is determined by comparing numerical experiments with the results of the analysis of different functions. Numerical analysis showed that the highest blood flow velocity of 1.22 cm/s occurred in the center of the vessel which tends to be laminar and is influe

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Using the international standard for Training (ISO-10015) to Improve the Quality of the Control Activity – A Survey Study at the Federal Board of Supreme Audit.
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The great  importance of training made it as an investment for the organization, and assert the Quality of performance which support it by prepare the employee to the Current and future Jobs . The Research problem a rounded about How to measure the impact of training based on (ISO 10015) and its effect on the Quality of performance , How to evaluation the results of training to attained the training goals . The Research aims to find out the effects of application of international standard guidelines (ISO 10015) to attained the quality of audit work achieved in the Federal Board of Supreme Audit. The Research sought to achieve a number of objectives cognitive and applied on the basis of four key assumptions, and other su

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
Glottal Stop in R.P English and Standard Arabic with Reference to Some Other Varieties
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