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An Investigation of Leadership Style and the Strategic Planning Process of Public and Private Colleges in Iraq: An Empirical Study
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Globalisation and rapid environmental change have created many challenges for public and private organisations across Iraq as a developing country, particularly in the higher education sector. This includes, for example, decreases in government funding; increased demand for higher education; a need for economic transformation, and related competitiveness of organizations. Such challenges require exceptional leaders and strategic planning in order to take action to improve. In Iraq, the higher education sector is still one of the main foundations in progressing the knowledge economy. Studies into leadership style, strategic planning processes, and the importance of leadership and organisational culture to an organisation’s success have been used to assist both public and private Iraqi colleges in responding to the challenges they face. Although, some studies have examined the interaction between leadership and strategic planning, and leadership and organisational success, there has been no empirical study that has investigated how these three variables interact together. Thus, this study aimed, firstly, to identify the current leadership styles and strategic planning processes in the colleges and the challenges they faced, and to gain an understanding from the perspective of the senior leaders themselves as to how they might best respond to the current situation. Secondly, based on the participants’ experiences, knowledge and perceptions, the study aimed to identify implications for both practice and policy to help improve the colleges’ outcomes. The study involved a mixed-methods approach and was conducted in two stages. During the first stage, the researcher gathered quantitative data by administering a survey package to 129 leaders (deans, associate deans, and heads of departments) across both public and private colleges in the capital city of Baghdad. During the second stage, the researcher gathered qualitative data to more deeply explore the survey results by conducting individual interviews with a sub-sample of 21 leaders from both college types (ten public and 11 private). In the data analyses stages, both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were applied to compiling tables and charts, and to test hypotheses, by employing the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Microsoft Excel, and NVivo. The results of study showed that both transformational and transactional leadership styles played a varied and vital role in the colleges’ strategic planning processes, and in turn their success. The fact that private colleges were ‘for profit’ and public colleges were ‘not for profit’, as well as their contrasting funding models, highlighted key differences between the two college types’ leadership and general modus operandi. While it was found that both transformative leadership and transactional leadership styles were necessary to address the challenges colleges faced in the Iraqi educational context, the impetus for change extended far beyond the need for professional development of leaders. The embracing of information communication technologies, and reliable Internet was seen as necessary in all aspects of the colleges’ work and provision for teaching and learning, and students’ success. This applied to both college types along with the need for closer adherence to government regulations and more focused government coordination of colleges’ administrative functions. Furthermore, implications for making successful improvements to practice also identified the need to manage the challenge of sociocultural influences on the appointments and promotions of leaders. It was concluded that a greater emphasis on teamwork and provision of incentives for staff, along with a ‘boost’ to pedagogy and practice, which could be provided through the adoption of information communication technologies and appropriate professional development strategies, would enhance the colleges’ ranks and the status of their qualifications. Also, theoretically, the study offers a value-add to leadership, strategic planning process, and organisational success literature in the form of a conceptual model that links these variables in the context of Iraqi higher education sector.  

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Uncompleted Personality and it’s relation with Some Variables of the University Students
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Uncompleted Personality and it’s relation with Some Variables of the University Students

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Self Protection and it's Relation with the social ignorance OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS
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The aim of this research is to find a relation between self-protection and the social - ignorance of the univresity students. In applying the aims of the reaearch, the ressearcher has constructed two scales to measure
self - protection and the social - ignorance. After finding their validity and stability and their discriminative power, the researcher has applied them on a sample of (200) male and female. University students, who were selected randomly. The results of the research has arrived at finding a positive relation between self-protection and social - ignorance.

The researcher has recommended a concentration on the role of parents in raising their childern depending on themselves and making f

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Impact of Fear and Rational Appeal Scam Techniques on Individual Susceptibility
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Scams remain among top cybercrime incidents happening around the world. Individuals with high susceptibility to persuasion are considered as risk-takers and prone to be scam victims. Unfortunately, limited number of research is done to investigate the relationship between appeal techniques and individuals' personality thus hindering a proper and effective campaigns that could help to raise awareness against scam. In this study, the impact of fear and rational appeal were examined as well as to identify suitable approach for individuals with high susceptibility to persuasion. To evaluate the approach, pretest and posttest surveys with 3 separate controlled laboratory experiments were conducted. This study found that rational appeal treatm

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Eastern-european Journal Of Enterprise Technologies
The influence of information technology (IT) on firm profitability and stock returns
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This research study examines the impact of information technology on firm profitability and stock returns. Using a comprehensive dataset of firms across various industries, this research employs rigorous statistical analysis techniques to investigate the relationship between IT investments, firm profitability metrics, and stock returns. The study focuses at how IT investments affect financial performance measures including return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE), with P-values of 0.34 and 0.12, respectively. Furthermore, the study investigates the influence of IT on stock returns, taking into account market capitalization, industry trends, and macroeconomic variables. This study's conclusions center on the beneficial assoc

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Scopus (21)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
The Saudi Dental Journal
The effects of cigarette smoking and exercise on total salivary antioxidant activity
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
Visual analysis of the Kurdish women's dress and its impact on modernity
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A collection of pictures of traditional Kurdish women's national clothing and contemporary clothing was collected. A visit was also made to the city of Sulaymaniyah and the city of Halabja to find out the foundations of traditional clothing for the Kurdish regions and the impact of contemporary fashion on traditional dress. Which represents the culture and regionalism and reflects the picturesque nature of northern Iraq, and in order to complete the study, the parametric measurements of the clothes were analyzed and the graphs of the dress and its accessories were re-drawn to understand and make a comparison between them to study the clear influences and changes and examine the possibility of benefiting from them in sewing contemporary f

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Eruca sativa extract on Gram Posative and Negative Bacteria
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The antibacterial effect of (Eruca sativa) extract was evaluated by an in vitro study testing the growth of various Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative bacteria . The bactericidal activity of this extract was analyzed by serial dilution in tubes. This study,found that Gram-Negative and Gram-Positive bacteria susceptible to very low eruca concentrations. On the other hand, Gram-positive bacteria were more susceptible than Gram-negative bacteria, the minimal bactericidal concentration of Gram-positive bacteria was 5 mg ml-1 but minimal bactericidal concentration of Gram-negative bacteria was 10 mg ml-1 that mean duble inhibation concentration of Gram-positive bacteria . this study suggest that Eruca sativa leaves have inhibation effect on Gra

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Investigations on the Strength and Serviceability of Biaxial Hollow Concrete Slabs
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Biaxial hollow slab is a reinforced concrete slab system with a grid of internal spherical voids included to reduce the self-weight. This paper presents an experimental study of behavior of one-way prestressed concrete bubbled slabs. Twelve full-scale one-way concrete slabs of (3000mm) length with rectangular cross-sectional area of (460mm) width and (150mm) depth. Different parameters like type of specimen (solid or bubbled slabs), type of reinforcement (normal or prestress), range of PPR and diameter of plastic spheres (100 or 120mm) are considered. Due to the using of prestressing force in bubbled slabs (with ratio of plastic sphere diameter D to slab thickness H, D/H=0.67), the specimens showed an increase in ultimat

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The strategy of spreading extremism and its impact on Egypt regional role
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ABSTRACT The importance and objectives of the study were an attempt to understand the methodology of disseminating radical thought and the reasons of social acceptability that make young people embrace this thought. It also sheds light on the impact of this phenomenon on the regional role of Egypt and examines the strategic means and standards that the Egyptian state focuses on in immunization and prevention of extremism.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The Structure and Electrical Properties of Porous Silicon Prepared by Electrochemical Etching
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Porous silicon was prepared by using electrochemical etching process. The structure, electrical, and photoelectrical properties had been performed. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) observations of porous silicon layers were obtained before and after rapid thermal oxidation process. The rapid thermal oxidation process did not modify the morphology of porous layers. The unique observation was the pore size decreased after oxidation; pore number and shape were conserved. The wall size which separated between pore was increased after oxidation and that effected on charge transport mechanism of PS

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