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The impact of training on the sand development in the carrying(Speed ​​and power performance) BalambarzhEmpirical researchOn the young players Basra Balambarzh
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تعد المبارزة أحد الألعاب الرياضية التي يتأثر فيها الأداء بتطور القدرات الخاصة بالأداء ومنها تحمل (سرعة وقوة الأداء ),وأن أكثر الأساليب السابقة في تدريب تطوير تحمل(سرعة وقوة الأداء) بالمبارزة تكون على ارض صلبة مثل الخشب والألمنيوم آو الإسفلت وفي بعض القاعات يكون التارتان, وظل هذا الأسلوب لفترات طويلة في العراق ،حيث تستخدم تدريبات الإثقال التي تعمل على تنمية تحمل القوة . أما في الوقت الحاضر فقد ظهر اتجاه حديث في التدريب ,إذ نرى لاعبي كرة القدم لريال مدريد يؤدون تدريباتهم على الرمال الشاطئية بعد ثمان دقائق من تدريبات الإحماء والركض, ومن خواص التدريب على الرمل جعل مقاومة وزن الجسم أثقل لانغماس الرجل في الرمل مما يعطي مقاومة اكبر للجسم . و تكمن أهمية البحث من خلال الاطلاع على كثير من الدراسات والبحوث قد ثبت أن تطور القدرات الخاصة على اليابسة تؤدي إلى نتائج جيدة ،وكذلك نفس المجال بالنسبة لتدريباتها على الرمل . لذا هدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على أي الأسلوبين أكثر فاعلية في تطوير تحمل( سرعة وقوة الأداء) بالمبارزة. واستخدم المنهج التجريبي على لاعبي منتخب شباب البصرة بالمبارزة والبالغ عددهم ( 12) لاعباً , وقسمت عينة البحث بالطريقة العشوائية إلى مجموعتين, حيث كانت المجموعة الأولى التجريبية(6 لاعبين) يتدربون باستخدام أسلوب التدريب بالمقاومات على الرمل , بينما كانت المجموعة الثانية الضابطة (6لاعبين) يتدربون باستخدام أسلوب التدريب بالمقاومات على الأرض (داخل القاعة الرياضية وكانت أرضيتها من الإسفلت (صب). وبعد الانتهاء من تطبيق المنهاج التدريبي باستخدام تدريبات المقاومة بوزن الجسم والإثقال الخفيفة على الأرض في القاعة الرياضية والتدريبات على الرمل تم تحويل البيانات إلى جداول. و لغرض اختبار الفرضية المتعلقة بدلالة الفروق بين الاختبارات القبلية والبعدية تم استخدام اختبار ( ت ) للعينات المترابطة. فاستنتجت الباحثة :وجود فروق معنوية بين المجموعة التي تدربت على أرضية القاعة ( الإسفلت) وبين المجموعة التي تدربت على الرمل ولصالح المجموعة التي تدربت على الرمل . وتوصي باستخدام التدريبات على الرمل لما لها من اثر ايجابي في تطوير تحمل (سرعة وقوة الأداء بالمبارزة ).

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Science And Engineering
The effect of model scale, acceleration history, and soil condition on closed-ended pipe pile response under coupled static-dynamic loads
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This paper analyzes the effect of scaling-up model and acceleration history on seismic response of closed-ended pipe pile using a finite element modeling approach and the findings of 1 g shaking table tests of a pile embedded in dry and saturated soils. A number of scaling laws were used to create the numerical modeling according to the data obtained from 1 g shake table tests performed in the laboratory. The current study found that the behaviors of the scaled models, in general have similar trends. From numerical modeling on both the dry and saturated sands, the normalized lateral displacement, bending moment, and vertical displacement of piles with scale factors of 2 and 35 are less than those of the pile with a scale factor of 1 and the

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 17 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
PDF S and U shape offset studying of the refractive index sensor based on coreless fiber: Aya R. Mejble* Hanan J.Taher
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Abstract:  Two different shapes of offset optical fiber was studied based on coreless fiber for refractive index (RI)/concentration (con.) measurement, and compare them. These shapes are U and S-shapes, both shapes structures were formed by one segment of coreless fiber (CF) was joined between two single mode (SMF) lead in /lead out with the same displacement (12.268µm) at both sides, the results shows the high sensitive was achieved in a novel S-shape equal 98.768nm/RIU, to our knowledge, no one has ever mentioned or experienced it, it’s the best shape rather than the U-shape which equal 85.628nm/RIU. In this research, it was proved that the offset form has a significant effect on the sensitivity of the sensor. Addi

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Evaluation of English Language Textbooks for Fifth and Sixth Graders Based on the American Council Criteria for Teaching Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
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This study aims to identify the extent to which the criteria of the American Council for Teaching Foreign Languages (ACTFL) are included in the English language books for the fifth and sixth graders. To achieve the objective of the study, a content analysis card was prepared, where the classification of language proficiencies was divided into five main levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced, superior, and distinguished) of the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), The content analysis card consisted of (89) indicators distributed at the four levels of language skills as follows: Listening (17), speaking (33), reading (15), and writing (26). The study sample consisted of Engl

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Polygamy and its impact on academic achievement and self-confidence among a sample from Sattam bin Abdul Aziz University students
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The study aimed to recognize the impact of polygamy on academic achievement and self-confidence among Sattam bin Abdul Aziz University students. To achieve this goal, the researchers used the Descriptive Analytical method using The Self Confidence measurement ,that has been prepared for the purposes of this study, consists set of 29 questions, then applied to the students sample that emerges from polygamy and one- wife families, study sample consists of randomly selected 230 students registered for the year .1435-1436
The results of the study showed presence of medium statistical impact on the significance level (a 4 0.05), this proof significant statistical effect of polygamy on self-confidence among the sample of Prince Sat-tam Univ

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Development of an Eco-Friendly Method for Iron Extraction and Determination in Pharmaceuticals Using Ciprofloxacin Drug as Chelating agent
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A method is developed for the determination of iron (III) in pharmaceutical preparations by coupling cloud point extraction (CPE) and UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The method is based on the reaction of Fe(III) with excess drug ciprofloxacin (CIPRO) in dilute H2SO4, forming a hydrophobic Fe(III)- CIPRO complex which can be extracted into a non-ionic surfactant Triton X-114, and iron ions are determined spectrophotometrically at absorption maximum of 437 nm. Several variables which impact on the extraction and determination of Fe (III) are optimized in order to maximize the extraction efficiency and improve the sensitivity of the method. The interferences study is also considered to check the accuracy of the procedure. The results hav

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 17 2016
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal Of Engineering Manufacture
Development and control of shaped metal deposition process using tungsten inert gas arc heat source in additive layered manufacturing
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Tungsten inert gas arc welding–based shaped metal deposition is a novel additive manufacturing technology which can be used for fabricating solid dense parts by melting a cold wire on a substrate in a layer-by-layer manner via continuous DC arc heat. The shaped metal deposition method would be an alternative way to traditional manufacturing methods, especially for complex featured and large-scale solid parts manufacturing, and it is particularly used for aerospace structural components, manufacturing, and repairing of die/molds and middle-sized dense parts. This article presents the designing, constructing, and controlling of an additive manufacturing system using tungsten inert gas plus wire–based shaped metal deposition metho

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Reflection of random Creation in institution of university education in the stagflation implications
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Since period the developing economies  including, Iraq economy faced undesirable double economic which is spread unemployment beside continual rising  in price levels this phenomenon called stagflation , there is researches  deal with this phenomenon and the elements participate in it, but it seems to the researcher there is important element from These elements which did not give sufficient concern and this lead to unhealthy situation  which can be represent to the rush creating establishments to University education in Iraq during period ( 2004- 2014) with excessive the3 truly need of the outputs which the Iraq market need which result increase the numbers unemployed on one

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 07 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Role of School in Promoting Intellectual Security of Students in Qurayyat Governorate
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The current study aimed to reveal the role of the high school (boys) in the Governorate of Qurayyat (KSA) in promoting intellectual security of students, and whether there were differences in the estimates of the study sample due to the variables; the current position, academic qualification, teaching specialization and years of experience. This study was conducted by applying the analytical descriptive method, and used questionnaire as a tool for data collection. The survey consisted of (44) ite

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Human Gene
The G allele of the ADAM33 T1 polymorphism (rs2280091) is a risk factor associated with asthma severity among the Iraqi Arab population
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Background: The gene encoding a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain 33 (ADAM33) is known to be associated with asthma in different ethnic groups. In Iraq, among the Arab ethnic background, this association has not yet been highlighted. Methods: One hundred and ninety-two asthmatics were examined; 118 males and 74 females (mean age 38.23 ± 9.13 years). The control group was 183; 110 males and the rest were females. The SNP of rs2280091 A/G (T1) was studied here to determine adam33 genotyping status using polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR–RFLP). The level of total IgE was measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results: Significant differences (p = 0.004) in the frequencies of

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 28 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
A future view for the political systems of the Arab Gulf states After normalization ... the United Arab Emirates as a case study
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The dangers of (Israel's) integration with Arab countries in the middle east region will threaten the Arab security structure dimension, which the latter makes the Arab regional system vulnerable for distortion due to its nominal and symbolic value which is far from the Arab self and questioning with its effectiveness in comparing with the real capabilities to Arab countries in achieving the common targets. So, how to assess the different problems that began to hit the structure of the Arab regional system? and how to pledge an allegiance after putting forward what is known as the American Deal of the Century for the administration of former US President Donald Trump for making another step toward normalization with (Israel)?. The reveal

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