Competitive swimming is a highly researched area and technological developments have aided advances in the understanding of the biomechanical principles that underpin these elements and govern propulsion. Moreover, those working in the sports field especially in swimming are interested in studying, analyzing, evaluating and developing motor skills by diagnosing the strengths and weaknesses of the skill, and accordingly, coaches and specialists correct these errors. The researchers chose this (Butterfly swimming) and the (arm length) is an important variable because the success of the stroke is greatly dependent on the propulsion generated from the arm pull, and swimmers with a longer arm span have a mechanical advantage with the resulting force being greater than those with a shorter arm span are. The descriptive method was used in a comparative manner, and the research sample was chosen intentionally are (3) swimmers from the advanced category in the (50 m) The Second International Scientific Conference of the Arab Society for Biomechanics in Sports butterfly swimming. This study took one month to filming the swimmers and take (8) kinematic variables were determined, it was identified that there is a significant relationship between the following variables (maximum time for strike, maximum time for arm (recovery phase), total of arm strikes and rate length for Strike). Moreover, the conclusion was Based on the presented data, butterfly swimming performance was depend on (upper limps) in general, the (Arm length) in particular, and more on technical variables (mainly motor coordination .)
يناقش هذا البحث مشكلة التعدد الخطي شبه التام في انموذج الانحدار اللاخطي ( انموذج الانحدار اللوجستي المتعدد) ، عندما يكون المتغير المعتمد متغير نوعيا يمثل ثنائي الاستجابة اما ان يساوي واحد لحدوث استجابة او صفر لعدم حدوث استجابة ، من خلال استعمال مقدرات المركبات الرئيسية التكرارية(IPCE) التي تعتمد على الاوزان الاعتيادية والاوزان البيزية الشرطية .
اذ تم تطبيق مقدرات هذا ا
... Show Moreهدفت الدراسة الى اعداد برنامج بدني لبعض النساء المصابات بتكيس المبايض بإعمار (20 -25) سنة، فضلاً عن التعرف على تأثير هذا البرنامج البدني في بعض المتغيرات الفسيولوجية قيد الدراسة ومقدار الإصابة بتكيس المبايض لدى عينة البحث، واتبعت الباحثتان المنهج التجريبي بتصميم المجموعة الواحدة ذات الاختبارين القبلي والبعدي لملائمتها طبيعة المشكلة واهداف الدراسة، فيما تمثلت عينة البحث باختيار 10 من النساء بأعمار 20 -2
... Show Moreيهدف هذا البحث إلى دراسة مسببات الصراع، والتي شملت (المصالح الشخصية، التمايز المهني والوظيفي، ضعف التنسيق والتعاون وسوء تحديد الواجبات ووصف العمل)، وأثرها في قرارات المستشفى التي شملت (مدى تحقيق الأهداف، خدمة المريض وإرضاءه، كفاءة استخدام الموارد المتاحة، ومكافأة العاملين وتحفيزهم).
لقد تم اختيار مستشفى بغداد التعليمي ومستشفى غازي الحريري التابعتين لدا
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... Show MoreThe present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different inhibitors on the corrosion rate of aluminum in 50% (v/v) ethylene glycol solution at 80°C and pH 8.0 in which the electrochemical technique of linear sweep voltammetry was employed to characterize each inhibitor function and to calculate the corrosion rate from Tafel plots generated by a computer assisted potentiostat.
It is found that both sodium dichromate and borax reduces the corrosion rate by polarizing the anodic polarization curve while sodium phosphate, potassium phosphate, and sodium benzoate reduces the corrosion rate by polarizing both the anodic and cathodic polarization curve.
When inhibitor concentration increases from I g/l up
... Show MoreIn linear regression, an outlier is an observation with large residual. In other words, it is an observation whose dependent-variable value is unusual given its values on the predictor variables. An outlier observation may indicate a data entry error or other problem.
An observation with an extreme value on a predictor variable is a point with high leverage. Leverage is a measure of how far an independent variable deviates from its mean. These leverage points can have an effect on the estimate of regression coefficients.
Robust estimation for regression parameters deals with cases that have very high leverage, and cases that are outliers. Robust estimation is essentially a
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