Hierarchy of the difficulty of texts in the translation process from a lexical-textual perspectiveTranslation has been classified from the beginning into many categories. This categorization was carried out from a typological perspective of a lexical-textual nature. At the lexical level, the translation gave great interest in the specialty of the terms or what is called the specialized language in which words with their own meanings are used, ignoring their common meanings, since a word, in addition to its common meaning could give more than one meaning to what are called in lexicographical works as meanings, since a word can carry a meaning of a scientific nature in a scientific text, legal in a legal text, political in a political text, literary in a literary text each is different from the other in such a way that it is unacceptable or incoherent if one is substituted for the other.From here, the translations have been classified, according to the type of the specialized lexicon of the texts, in categories and subcategories such as legal, literary, scientific, political translation…etc. Consequently, normally the difficulty that occurs when translating increases according to the density of technical-specialized words in the text.
The present study discusses the significant role of the historical memory in all the Spanish society aspects of life. When a novelist takes the role and puts on the mask of one of the novel’s protagonists or hidden characters, his memory of the events becomes the keywords of accessing the close-knit fabric of society and sheds lights on deteriorating social conceptions in a backwards social reality that rejects all new progressive ideas and modernity. Through concentrating on the society flawing aspects and employing everything of his stored memory, the author uses sarcasm to criticize and change such old deteriorating reality conceptions.
... Show MoreDesde la Salamanca de doradas piedras que tantas veces cantara, don Miguel de Unamuno dio a la literatura y al pensamiento españoles unas obras que, a pesar de muchos pesares, perdura viva, como viva fue su agónica existencia.
El bilbaíno Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936) es autor de al menos, doce obras teatrales. Su costumbre de mezclar géneros literarios, sin distinguir claramente el drama de la novela dialogada, le llevó a preferir el teatro leído. De ahí que sus estrenos fuesen, frecuentemente, muy posteriores a las ediciones impresas.
The Bilbao Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936) is the author of at least twelve plays. His habit of mixing genres,
... Show MoreL'œuvre de fiction la plus ancienne qui nous soit restée, est aussi bien la première jamais écrite. L'épopée de Gilgamesh a été composée à l'aube de la civilisation mésopotamienne. Gilgamesh était le cinquième souverain après le déluge.
Sous son règne, trois millénaires environ avant Jésus-Christ, les Urukiens s’emparèrent des cités voisines, et formèrent ainsi ce que nous appellerions une petite nation. Pendant plus de deux mille ans, les civilisations du Proche-Orient ont fait de Gilgamesh leur héros épique. Il existe des
... Show MoreThe present paper focuses on studying a rhetorical form often used in Spanish linguistic discourse .It also examines the study two sides (theoretical and practical), the concept of metaphor, the most important modern school that deals with this issue, the development of this technique and its relationship with other intellectual ideologies, and the role metaphor plays in interpreting the meaning of the linguistic discourse especially in conveying political message. The study allows the formulation and the creation of a conceptual picture for the purposes of metaphor in the linguistic discourse used in Spanish press. It investigates discursive models from the Spanish press,
... Show MoreSelon l’expérience acquise lors de l’apprentissage de français en tant qu’étudiant au département de français, mais aussi lors de la période en tant qu’enseignant au même département, il est à constater, que le français oral est toujours loin d’être à la portée de nos étudiants au département de français.
Est-il possible de mettre à l’examen ce problème, et d’essayer d’en trouver les raisons ?
Voila donc le problème qui sera débattu dans les pages suivantes de cette recherche.
Si toutes les langues du monde ont en commun certaines ’’caractéristiques générales, elles ne sont pas pour autant les réalisations parallèles d’un modèle unique’’(1).
... Show MoreThe essential objective of this study presents a analyzes of the combination of reality and fantasy in three dramas of Spanish author Alejandro Casona. "Trees die standing" (premiered in Buenos Aires in 1949), “Prohibited suicide in spring” (premiered in Mexico in 1937) and "The boat without fisherman" (premiered in Buenos Aires in 1945).
The first part is an introduction about the biography of Spanish author Alejandro Casona that will allow us to understand some peculiarities of his work in relation to the social historical context of his time.
In the second part of this study we have analyzed elements of reality and fantasy in the th
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The twentieth century French novel had undergo a significant change that took the form of a radical move from the traditional son who follows his father to one who no way prevalent in the classical French novel. The new son in the 2Oth century novel finds himself emotionally attached which both became a new trend and approach in novel writing.
Marcel Proust's novel which can be considered a source of inspiration for most of 2Oth century novelists is a good example of the mother supremacy which is crystal clear from the first page through its parts and chapters till the last page. In fact, Proust had written a completely different novel from the Balzacian conventions. Unlike the latter's novels, Pro
... Show MoreCuáles son los escritores que aun triunfan en España? ¿A cuáles tendencias o escuelas representan? ¿Todavía mantiene prestigio fecundo en el estudio literario? A todas tales preguntas queríamos ofrecer nuestro planteamiento investigativo en la página de las más importantes de la literatura española contemporánea, pero según nuestro punto de ver a las cosas.
La panorámica de la literatura española a partir del año 1860 no ofrece un tema o un estilo mutuamente románticos, aun cuando en este romanticismo decaído ya se advierten muy acusados los tones que se decoloran y los dibujos que se desvanecen. De esta realidad surge la necesidad del toque tan importante como el de Ramón del Valle Inclán cuya obra se encuentra nue
La question de la violence et de l'agressivité porte une importance remarquable dans l’esprit de Jean Genet qui estime le crime en le considérant comme beau. Il lui donne une valeur suprême. Il le glorifie avec ses personnages criminels. Le langage théâtral genétien est violent qui conduit à la fin à l’acte agressif, le crime et la mort. Ce théâtre qui aborde la condition humaine retrace sur la scène le chemin tragique de l’homme moderne.
... Show MoreIt is axiomatical that the narrative prospective is profoundly significant to the writer who intends to commence his sketch of projected novel. It is the pillar of comprehensive absorbing as the writer should commit himself to circular his own concepts to the reader of his narrative characters.
The dilemma of plot-perception is a twofold aspect; partly offers the question: what is the authors stand in regard to his characters? And: what is the aim of this theme? These correlative questions are inseparable since the reader who wishes
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