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On Inference of Finite Mixture of Rayleigh Distribution by Gibbs Sampler and Metropolis-Hastings
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Inferential methods of statistical distributions have reached a high level of interest in recent years. However, in real life, data can follow more than one distribution, and then mixture models must be fitted to such data. One of which is a finite mixture of Rayleigh distribution that is widely used in modelling lifetime data in many fields, such as medicine, agriculture and engineering. In this paper, we proposed a new Bayesian frameworks by assuming conjugate priors for the square of the component parameters. We used this prior distribution in the classical Bayesian, Metropolis-hasting (MH) and Gibbs sampler methods. The performance of these techniques were assessed by conducting data which was generated from two and three-component mixture of the Rayleigh distribution according to several scenarios and comparing the results of the scenarios by calculating the mean of classification successful rate (MCSR) and the mean of mean square error(MMSE). The results showed that Gibbs sampler algorithm yields a better computation results than the others in terms of MMSE and MCSR.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Positron Annihilation Lifetime Study on free Volume Changes in TLD by Gamma - irradiation
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Positron annihilation lifetime has been utilized for the first time to investigate the free - volume hole properties in thermolumenscent dosimeter ( TLD ) as a function of gamma-dosc . The hole volume, free volume fraction determined form orthopsitronium lifetime are found to be ?lamatically increase to large values , and then to minimum values as a function ofgamma-dose . The free - volume holes size is found to be 0.163nm’ and to have maximum of 0.166nm^ at the gamma-dose of 0.1 and 0.8 Gy, respectively-

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research
UV Photovoltaic detector based on Bi doped TiO2 Fabricated by Pulse Laser Deposition
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Pure and doped TiO 2 with Bi films are obtained by pulse laser deposition technique at RT under vacume 10-3 mbar, and the influence of Bi content on the photocvoltaic properties of TiO 2 hetrojunctions is studied. All the films display photovoltaic in the near visible region. A broad double peaks are observed around λ= 300nm for pure TiO 2 at RT in the spectral response of the photocurrent, which corresponds approximately to the absorption edge and this peak shift to higher wavelength (600 nm) when Bi content increase by 7% then decrease by 9%. The result is confirmed with the decreasing of the energy gap in optical properties. Also, the increasing is due to an increase in the amount of Bi content, and shifted to 400nm when annealed at 523

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect the Grain Size on the Polymer Matrix Composites Reinforced by Reenia Particles
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 Synthetic polymers such as polyurethane are used widely in the field of biomedical applications such as implants or part of implant systems.

This paper focuses on the preparation of base polymer matrix composite materials by (Hand Lay-Up) method, and studying the effect of selected grain size (32, 53, 63, 75, and 90) µm of (Reenia) particles on some properties of the prepared composite.

Mechanical tests were used to evaluate the prepared system (Tensile, Compression, Impact, and Hardness) tests, and a physical test of (Water absorption %), and all tests were accomplished at room temperature.

Where results showed tensile test (maximum tensile strength and modulus of elasticity) high at small grain size while

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Distribution Of Some Heavy Metals In Water,Sediment & Fish Cyprinus carpio in Euphrates River Near Al- Nassiriya City Center South Iraq .
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The heavy metals Cd, Cu, Fe, pb, and Zn were determined in dissolved and particulate phases of the water,in addition to exchangeable and residual phases of the sediment and in the selected organs of the fish Cyprinus carpio collected from the Euphrates River near Al-Nassiriya city center south of Iraq during the summer period / 2009 .Also sediment texture and total organic carbon(TOC) were measured. Analysis emploing a flam Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers . The mean regional concentrations of the heavy metals in dissolved (µg/l) and particulate phases (µg/gm) dry weight were Cd (0.15,16.13) ,Cu (0.59,24.48) ,Fe (726,909.4) ,Pb (0.20, 49.95) and Zn (2.5,35.62) respectively,and those for exchangeable and residual phases of the

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 10 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal For Computer Science And Mathematics
Solving tri-criteria: total completion time, total late work, and maximum earliness by using exact, and heuristic methods on single machine scheduling problem
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The presented study investigated the scheduling regarding  jobs on a single machine. Each  job will be processed with no interruptions and becomes available for the processing at time 0. The aim is finding a processing order with regard to jobs, minimizing total completion time , total late work , and maximal tardiness  which is an NP-hard problem. In the theoretical part of the present work, the mathematical formula for the examined problem will be presented, and a sub-problem of the original problem of minimizing the multi-objective functions  is introduced. Also, then the importance regarding the dominance rule (DR) that could be applied to the problem to improve good solutions will be shown. While in the practical part, two

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed May 02 2018
Journal Name
The Oxidation of Peroxide by Disordered Metal Oxides: A Measurement of Thermodynamic Stability “By Proxy”
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It is often noted that disordered materials have different chemical properties to their more “ordered” cousins. Quantifying these effects in terms of thermodynamics is challenging in part because disordered materials can be difficult to characterize and are frequently relatively unstable. During the course of our experiments to understand the effects of disorder in catalysts for water oxidation we observed that many disordered manganese and cobalt oxide water oxidation catalysts directly oxidized peroxide in contrast to their more ordered analogues which catalyzed its disproportionation, that is, MnO2+2H+ +H2O2! Mn2+ +2H2O+O2(oxidation) versus H2O2!H2O+1=2 O2(disproportionation). By measuring the efficiency for one reaction over the oth

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Scopus (6)
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Investigation of nanostructured and gas sensing of tin dioxide films prepared by oxidation of Sn
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
J Bagh College Of Dentistry
Assessment of consistency and compressive strength of glass ionomer reinforced by different amount of hydroxyapatite
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Background: Glass ionomers have good biocompatibility and the ability to adhere to both enamel and dentin. However, they have certain demerits, mainly low tensile and compressive strengths. Therefore, this study was done to assess consistency and compressive strength of glass ionomer reinforced by different amount of hydroxyapatite. Materials and Methods: In this study hydroxyapatite materials were added to glass ionomer cement at different ratios, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% (by weight). The standard consistency test described in America dental association (ADA) specification No. 8 was used, so that all new base materials could be conveniently mixed and the results would be of comparable value and the compressive strength test described by

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Scaphoid Fracture Non Union Treated by Bone Graft and Plaster of Paris Cast Splint.
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Objective: to evaluate the results of (Modification of Russe method) in treatment of nonunion fracture scaphoid bone by bone graft with external splintage (plaster of paris cast (pop ). Methods:Prospective study done on 26 patients (24 male, 2 female), age range between 25-42 years (mean age 34 years), fracture site at middle 1/3 with minimal displacements with no carpal bone or radial bone injury, technique of Matte- Russe method (explore the bone through volar approach using bone graft from iliac crest (cortico-cancellous peg plus cancellus bone) with thumb spica for 90 days with period of follow up 12-18 months. Results: out of 26 patients treated by this method , 23 patients (88.5%) union was achieved radiologically by the end of 3rd mo

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Scaphoid Fracture Non Union Treated by Bone Graft and Plaster of Paris Cast Splint.
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Objective: to evaluate the results of (Modification of Russe method) in treatment of nonunion fracture scaphoid bone by bone graft with external splintage (plaster of paris cast (pop ).
Methods:Prospective study done on 26 patients (24 male, 2 female), age range between 25-42 years (mean age 34 years), fracture site at middle 1/3 with minimal displacements with no carpal bone or radial bone injury, technique of Matte- Russe method (explore the bone through volar approach using bone graft from iliac crest (cortico-cancellous peg plus cancellus bone) with thumb spica for 90 days with period of follow up 12-18 months.
Results: out of 26 patients treated by this method , 23 patients (88.5%) union was achieved radiologically by the end

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