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On Inference of Finite Mixture of Rayleigh Distribution by Gibbs Sampler and Metropolis-Hastings

Inferential methods of statistical distributions have reached a high level of interest in recent years. However, in real life, data can follow more than one distribution, and then mixture models must be fitted to such data. One of which is a finite mixture of Rayleigh distribution that is widely used in modelling lifetime data in many fields, such as medicine, agriculture and engineering. In this paper, we proposed a new Bayesian frameworks by assuming conjugate priors for the square of the component parameters. We used this prior distribution in the classical Bayesian, Metropolis-hasting (MH) and Gibbs sampler methods. The performance of these techniques were assessed by conducting data which was generated from two and three-component mixture of the Rayleigh distribution according to several scenarios and comparing the results of the scenarios by calculating the mean of classification successful rate (MCSR) and the mean of mean square error(MMSE). The results showed that Gibbs sampler algorithm yields a better computation results than the others in terms of MMSE and MCSR.

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Publication Date
Thu May 04 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Influence Annealing on the Physical Properties of Silver Selenide Thin Film at Different Temperatures by Thermal Evaporation

This survey investigates the thermal evaporation of Ag2Se on glass substrates at various thermal annealing temperatures (300, 348, 398, and 448) °K. To ascertain the effect of annealing temperature on the structural, surface morphology, and optical properties of Ag2Se films, investigations and research were carried out. The crystal structure of the film was described by Xray diffraction and other methods.The physical structure and characteristics of the Ag2Se thin films were examined using X-ray and atomic force microscopy (AFM) based techniques. The Ag2Se films surface morphology was examined by AFM techniques; the investigation gave average diameter, surface roughness, and grain size mutation values with increasing annealing temperature

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Influence Annealing on the Physical Properties of Silver Selenide Thin Film at Different Temperatures by Thermal Evaporation

This survey investigates the thermal evaporation of Ag2Se on glass substrates at various thermal
annealing temperatures (300, 348, 398, and 448) °K. To ascertain the effect of annealing
temperature on the structural, surface morphology, and optical properties of Ag2Se films,
investigations and research were carried out. The crystal structure of the film was described by Xray diffraction and other methods.The physical structure and characteristics of the Ag2Se thin films
were examined using X-ray and atomic force microscopy (AFM) based techniques. The Ag2Se
films surface morphology was examined by AFM techniques; the investigation gave average
diameter, surface roughness, and grain size mutation value

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Oxidative Desulfurization of Simulated Diesel Fuel by Synthesized Tin Oxide Nano-Catalysts Support on Reduced Graphene Oxide

   The modified Hummers method was applied to prepare graphene oxide (GO) from the graphite powder. Tin oxide nanoparticles with different loading (10-20 wt.%) supported on reduced graphene oxide were synthesized to evaluate the oxidative desulfurization efficiency. The catalyst was synthesized by the incipient wetness impregnation (IWI) technique. Different analysis methods like FT-IR, XRD, FESEM, AFM, and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) were utilized to characterize graphene oxide and catalysts. The XRD analysis showed that the average crystal size of graphene oxide was 6.05 nm. In addition, the FESEM results showed high metal oxide dispersions on the rGO. The EDX analysis shows the weight ratio of Sn is close to its theoretical weight.

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Annealing Effect on the Optical Properties of (ZnO)x (CdO)1-x Films Obtained by Spray Pyrolysis

The effect of the annealing on the optical transmission , absorp tion coefficient,
dielectric constants (ε
),( ε
) ,Skin depth and the optical ener gy gap of (ZnO)x(CdO)1-x thin
films with (x=0.05) deposited on preheated glass substrates at a temperature of (450 C°) by
chemical pyrolysis technique were performed . These f ilms show direct allowed inter band
transition that influenced by annealing at ( 450 C°) for two hours . And it also found that the
optical ener gy gap has been increased fro m about (2.50 eV) before annealing to about (2.65
eV) after annealing , fro m the analysis of the absorp tion and transmission sp ectra in the
wavelength range (380-900nm) . The results show t

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Chemical Data Collections
Removal of diclofenac from aqueous solution on apricot seeds activated carbon synthesized by pyro carbonic acid microwave

Pharmaceuticals have been widely remaining contaminants in wastewater, and diclofenac is the most common pharmaceutical pollutant. Therefore, the removal of diclofenac from aqueous solutions using activated carbon produced by pyrocarbonic acid and microwaves was investigated in this research. Apricot seed powder and pyrophosphoric acid (45 wt%) were selected as raw material and activator respectively, and microwave irradiation technique was used to prepare the activated carbon. The raw material was impregnated in pyrophosphoric acid at 80◦C with an impregnation ratio of 1: 3 (apricot seeds to phosphoric acid), the impregnation time was 4 h, whereas the power of the microwave was 700 watts with a radiation time of 20 min. A series o

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Sensitize the electrical properties of partial substitution on mercury-base superconductor manufactured by the solid reaction method

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 21 2025
Journal Name
The Indonesian Journal Of Community And Occupational Medicine
Observance of the Adherence to Antibiotic Prescriptions by Iraqi Dental Patients: A Different Perspective on Antimicrobial Resistance

Background: The excessive use and abuse of antibiotics contribute to bacterial resistance, raising the risk of complications and treatment failures. This study investigates adherence to antibiotic prescriptions among Iraqi dental patients, highlighting implications for antimicrobial resistance.Objective: To assess adherence levels and identify factors influencing antibiotic therapy compliance among dental patients.Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in which adult dental patients aged 18 and older, who had been prescribed antibiotics within the past year, participated. The modified Morisky Medication Adherence Scale-8 items was used to evaluate adherence, and data were analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics software V26.Results: Amon

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2008
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Sensitivity and Specificity of Oral Tumors and Premalignant Lesions Diagnosis by Otolaryngologists

Background: Tumors of the oral cavity are under
estimated in general dental and medical practice,
some authors describe it as the forgetting disease,
others wondering if the attention paid to this disease
compared to its fatality (The 5-year survival rate is
about 50%) is enough for disease control? However;
this disease deserves a comprehensive assessment by
all dental and medical fields assumed to examine the
oral cavity regularly, especially otolaryngologist.
Objectives: To find out the sensitivity and specificity
of clinical examination in diagnosing oral tumors and
premalignant conditions by otolaryngologist.
Methods: Across sectional retrospective study was
conducted in the:
-study design:

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 05 2018
Journal Name
Eurasip Journal On Wireless Communications And Networking
Positioning and guiding educational robots by using fingerprints of WiFi and RFID array

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Use of Internet by Universities Teachers and Benefits in Teaching and Scientific Research

The research aims to shed light on the internet and how to employ them and to take advantage of applications in scientific research among faculty members, from a survey the opinions of professors at the University of Alanbar and Almustansiriah, to see the reality of use of the Internet and ways to invest in the service of scientific research.
The follow descriptive analysis approach , which is appropriate to the nature of this study concerned with exploring the views on the uses of the Internet. The study reached the field the following results:
1- There are(60) % of respondents use the Internet on an ongoing basis to see new information and keep pace with scientific developments in the field of specialty and the average use of the

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