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Effect of Incorporating Chitosan to Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement on Shear Bond Strength to Dentin (An In vitro Comparative Study)
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A<sc>bstract</sc> <sec> <title>Aim:

Resin-modified glass ionomer cement tends to shrink due to polymerization of the resin component. Additionally, they are more prone to syneresis and imbibition during the setting process. This in vitro study evaluates the impact of chitosan, a biopolymer that is, both biomaterial and biocompatible, on the strength of dentin bonding and compares it with ACTIVA Bio-ACTIVE Restorative. The present study was aimed to assess the impact of including chitosan into Fuji II on the shear bond strength between. the restoration material and tooth dentin, in contrast to Bioactiva in permanent teeth.

Materials and Methods:

A total of 30 premolar teeth were recently extracted. The study involved three distinct sample groups. Group 1 (10 teeth) is the negative control (Fuji II), Group 2 (10 teeth) is the positive control (ACTIVA Bio-ACTIVE Restorative), and Group 3 (10 teeth) is treated with a mixture of Chitosan and Fuji II (CH-Fuji II). Each tooth’s buccal and palatal cusps were eliminated to achieve a horizontal surface. Using a periodontal probe, 1.5 mm from the mesial pit to the mesial marginal ridge were removed. Restoration was implemented in all groups following manufacturer directions. Thermocycling the teeth by immersing them in a water bath with temperatures ranging from 5°C to 55°C (± 1–2°C) for 30 s (500 cycles). Each sample was attached to the universal testing machine’s jig at a cross-head speed of 1 mm/min. Shear force was used until breakage, and the bond’s adhesive strength was then calculated. Statistical analysis using ANOVA with Dunnett’s T3 post hoc test. Results were significant at P < 0.05.


Statistically significant difference was present between Chitosan and Fuji II and between Chitosan and Activa by reducing the shear bond strength.


Addition of chitosan to Fuji II had a negative effect on the shear bond with a significant difference while Activa and Fuji II exhibited favorable shear bond strength.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 04 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Effect of Remineralizing Toothpastes on Enamel Surface Roughness after Hybrid Laser Bleaching (An In vitro Study)
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Background: one of the complications of power bleaching is surface roughness of enamel which increases the possibility of post bleaching teeth discoloration. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of toothpaste containing nano hydroxyapatite, NovaMin and kin sense fluoride on surface roughness of human tooth enamel after laser bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide bleaching gel. Materials and Methods: Twenty human enamel incisors were cleaned and their labial surface polished up to #1200, then categorized into four equal groups; first group kept without bleaching as a control group, while the remaining three experimental groups were bleached with 35% hydrogen peroxide, and each group treated with a restore paste containing o

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 18 2022
Journal Name
Dental Hypotheses
Microleakage Evaluation of Glass Hybrid Restoration Following Usage of Papain-Based Gel and Ceramic Bur for Caries Removal: An in Vitro Study
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of plasma treatment on the bond of soft denture liner to conventional and high impact acrylic denture materials
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Background: The main drawback of soft lining materials was that they debonded from the denture base after a certain period of usage. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to determine the impact of oxygen and argon plasma treatment on the shear bonding strength of soft liners to two different kinds of denture base materials: conventional acrylic resin and high impact acrylic resin. Materials and Methods: Heat cure conventional and high impact acrylic blocks (40 for each group) were prepared. A soft liner connected the final test specimen of two blocks of each acrylic material. Shear bond strength (SBS) was assessed using universal testing machine. Additional blocks were also prepared for analyzing Vickers microhardness, contact ang

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Proposition Framework to Application Kaizen Cost Technique of to realization Target Pricing: Practical Study in the Al-Muthanna Cement Company
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The study the problem emerged in the inability of local companies to enter the field of active competition with other companies operating in the same economic sector due to the high cost of their products, hence, the companies that want to apply this technique can effectively compete in order to achieve those objectives.

  So this study focused on the goal of reducing the cost of products by reducing the cost product to a minimum , as the study was based in its hypothesis on the ability of companies to application this technique which in turn leads to increased profits under conditions of normal working and the power available and their potential in improving the quality of its products, as well as the need for full coordina

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Punching Shear Strength of Self Compacted Ferrocement Slabs
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This study aims to investigate the behavior and strength of self-compacted ferrocement slabs under punching shear load. Experimental results of thirteen square ferrocement slabs of 500×500 mm simply supported on all edges are presented.  The main parameters investigated include the volume fraction of reinforcement, slab thickness and size of load-bearing plate. The load deflection and cracking characteristics of the tested slabs are studied and compared.  The test results showed that the volume fraction of wire mesh has significant effect on both ultimate load and displacement. The increase of slab thickness leads to decrease in deflection values and increase in stiffness of slabs. Both ductility and stiffness increase as the

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Cement and Admixture Types on the Resistance of High Performance Concrete to Internal Sulphate Attack
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This work is concerned with the study of the effect of cement types, particularly OPC and SRPC, which are the main cement types manufactured in Iraq. In addition, study the effect of mineral admixtures, which are HRM and SF on the resistance of high performance concrete (HPC) to internal sulphate attack. The HRM is used at (10%) and SF is used at (8 and 10)% as a partial replacement by weight of cement for both types. The percentages of sulphate investigated are (1,2 and 3)% by adding natural gypsum as a partial replacement by weight of fine aggregate. The tests carried out in this work are: compressive strength, flexural strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity, and density at the age of 7, 28, 90 and 120 days.

The r

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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A reinforced concrete frame is referred as "RIGID FRAMES". However, researches indicate that the Beam-Column joint (BCJ) is definitely not rigid. In addition, extensive research shows that failure may occur at the joint instead of in the beam or the column. Joint failure is known to be a catastrophic type which is difficult to repair.
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of hoops and column axial load on the shear strength of high-strength fiber reinforced Beam-Column Joints by using a numerical model based on finite element method using computer program ANSYS (Version 11.0). The variables are: diameter of hoops and magnitude of column axial load.
The theoretical results obtained from ANSYS program are in a good a

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study on the Contact Angle, Adhesion Strength, and Antibacterial Activity of Polymer/Cement Composites for Waterproof Coating
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     In the present work, polymeric composites were prepared for coating floors and swimming pools in dark colors. This was achieved through the use of a polymer coating solution added to fine cement with weight percentage (wt%) values of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 to obtain dark-colored (gray) composites. Mortar samples were prepared using the adhesion test. The contact angle and adhesion strength were studied for the prepared samples concerning the effect of changing the weight ratio of additive cement on water absorption. Also, the antibacterial activity was tested for the prepared coatings. The results showed that the contact angle increases with increasing the weight ratios of additive cement, which indicates that the

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A Study of the effect of adding antimony oxide to the coating surfaces of steel and cast Iron by glass
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The study included adding antimony oxide to mixtures of coating metal surfaces (Enameling), after it was selected ceramic materials used in the coating metal pieces of the type of steel and cast iron in two layers. The first is called a ground coat and the second is a cover coat.
Ceramic materials layer for ground coat have been melted down in
platinum crucible at a temperature of 1200oC to prepare the glass
mixture (Frit). It was coated on metals at a temperature of 780oC for
two minutes, while the second layer was prepared glass mixture
(Frit) at a temperature of 1200oC, but was coated at a temperature of
760oC for two minutes.
Underwent tests crystalline state of powders (Frits) and enameled samples using X-ray di

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2024
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Reduced Volume Approach to Evaluate Biaxial Bubbled Slabs’ Resistance to Punching Shear
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The bubbled slab, a type of reinforced concrete (RC) slab with plastic voids, is an innovative design that employs a biaxial distribution of voiding formers within the slab to reduce the slab’s self-weight while preserving a load-carrying capacity that is approximately comparable to that of solid slabs. This paper presents a new approach for figuring out the effective critical shear perimeter of voided slabs using the reduced-volume concept of concrete. This approach aims to reduce the coefficient of variation of the current design standards, namely the ACI 318-19 and Eurocode 2, for assessing the slabs’ resistance to punching shear. Our experimental program investigated the impact of voiding former patterns and the location of

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