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Development of new computational machine learning models for longitudinal dispersion coefficient determination: case study of natural streams, United States
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
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Analysis of the relationship between the internal public debt and the public budget deficit in Iraq for the period from 2010-2020
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The study aimed to analyze the relationship between the internal public debt and the public budget deficit in Iraq during the period 2010–2020 using descriptive and analytical approaches to the data of the financial phenomenon. Furthermore, to track the development of public debt and the percentage of its contribution to the public budget of Iraq during the study period. The study showed that the origin of the debt with its benefits consumes a large proportion of oil revenues through what is deducted from these revenues to pay the principal debt with interest, which hinders the development process in the country. It has been shownthat although there was a surplus in some years of study, it was not

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Theoretical Calculation of the Electron Transport Parameters and Energy Distribution Function for CF3I with noble gases mixtures using Monte Carlo simulation program
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 04 2020
Journal Name
Frontiers In Plant Science
Suppression of Arabidopsis Mediator Subunit-Encoding MED18 Confers Broad Resistance Against DNA and RNA Viruses While MED25 Is Required for Virus Defense
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 11 2024
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Using an educational method according to special exercises to perform the skill of bow and develop flexibility for cub wrestlers in Iraq
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creating unique exercises utilizing a teaching approach that works with the research sample, determining how special exercises affect the development of torso flexibility, and determining how special exercises affect the development of bow ability. Activate the search The results of the pre- and post-tests for the control and experimental research groups show a statistically significant association that is favoring the post-test in the development of bow skill performance Using the experimental technique, the researcher set up one group and gave them two tests (pre and post) based on scientific theories that made sense for the topic at hand. Forty adolescent wrestlers from the Adhamiya Club in the Baghdad Governorate were recognized

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Comparison Between Some Estimator Methods of Linear Regression Model With Auto-Correlated Errors With Application Data for the Wheat in Iraq
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This research a study model of linear regression problem of autocorrelation of random error is spread when a normal distribution as used in linear regression analysis for relationship between variables and through this relationship can predict the value of a variable with the values of other variables, and was comparing methods (method of least squares, method of the average un-weighted, Thiel method and Laplace method) using the mean square error (MSE) boxes and simulation and the study included fore sizes of samples (15, 30, 60, 100). The results showed that the least-squares method is best, applying the fore methods of buckwheat production data and the cultivated area of the provinces of Iraq for years (2010), (2011), (2012),

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 21 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
“Usages of the Youth in the Emirati Society for the Dubbed Turkish Series on the Arab Satellite Channels and the Satisfactions Achieved”
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The research topic is summarized in the importance of studying the measuring the extent of the university youth’s exposure in the Emirati Society to those series and the resulting achieved satisfaction. The most important results and recommendations of the study are as follows: a high rate of the respondents’, sample individuals, exposure to the dubbed Turkish series since it is evident that almost three-fourths of the study individuals watch the dubbed Turkish series,.”. The most significant positive aspects of the dubbed Turkish series are: “they focus on the most important tourist attractions in Turkey” and “ improving the audience›s knowledge and information on the traditions of the Turkish society”. The most apparent

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
PDF Lab-On-a-Chip an integrated microfluidic device sensitive low-Cost, and Rapid with a syringe pump for Analysis of Ibuprofen
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Abstract: Microfluidic devices present unique advantages for the development of efficient drug assay and screening. The microfluidic platforms might offer a more rapid and cost-effective alternative. Fluids are confined in devices that have a significant dimension on the micrometer scale. Due to this extreme confinement, the volumes used for drug assays are tiny (milliliters to femtoliters).

 In this research, a microfluidic chip consists of micro-channels carved on substrate materials built by using Acrylic (Polymethyl Methacrylate, PMMA) chip was designed using a Carbon Dioxide (CO2) laser machine. The CO2 parameters have influence on the width, depth, roughness of the chip. In order to have regular

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 12 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of government investment spending on tax revenue in Iraq from( 2008 – 2020) : Applied research in The General Authority for Taxes.
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The expenditures of the general budget, in its operational and investment divisions, are a basic factor in the economic and social growth of any country, and its impact on various economic activities such as income, employees , and the standard of living of members of society. This was based on a basic premise: Does increasing or decreasing investment expenditures have an effect on increasing or decreasing the tax proceeds, What is the level of relationship between them? and to achieve the goal of the research, an inductive and analytical method was chosen to measure the impact of the investment budget expenditures on the tax outcome quantitatively using the financial data obtained from The General Authority for Taxes, Ministry of Financ

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measure the relationship between inflation and the exchange rate in the formulation of Monetary policy in Iraq for the period 1990-2018
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       Due to the importance of the relationship between the phenomenon of inflation and the exchange rate in the formulation of monetary policy in Iraq, the exchange rate plays a strategic role in limiting the inflation caused by the monetary expansion due to government spending, as a point of a view, the inefficiency of interest to achieve the monetary market balance and stability of the general level of prices as an overall goal of monetary policy in Iraq, the exchange rate has emerged as a brake on inflation in Iraq, as the research found that the monetary authority in the period 2003-2018 provided a methodical development in the formulation of monetary policy towards realizing the effects of inf

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis of Multifunctional Polymers Based on Tert-Butyl Acrylamide/Octyl Acrylate as Lubricant Additives and Adsorbents for Copper Ion from Aqueous Solution
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Two homopolymeric and three copolymeric additives for base oil were synthesized using octyl acrylate (OA) and tert-butyl acrylamide (TBA) monomers. The two additives named P1 and P2 are the homopolymers of TBA and OA, respectively, whereas copolymeric additives named Co1, Co2, and Co3 were synthesized by varying the ratios of TBA:OA as 1:3, 3:1 and 1:1, respectively. The prepared polymers were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR). Based on the solubility of synthesized polymers in base oil and reactivity ratios of TBA/OA copolymer (0.222, 0.434) calculated by Fineman-Ross method, P2, Co1, Co2 and Co3 were selected to evaluate their performance as pour point depressant (PPD), viscosity improver (VII), and anticorrosion addit

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