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Automated method for buried object detecting using ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey
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  Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a nondestructive geophysical technique that uses electromagnetic waves to evaluate subsurface information. A GPR unit emits a short pulse of electromagnetic energy and is able to determine the presence or absence of a target by examining the reflected energy from that pulse. GPR is geophysical approach that use band of the radio spectrum. In this research the function of GPR has been summarized as survey different buried objects such as (Iron, Plastic(PVC), Aluminum) in specified depth about (0.5m) using antenna of 250 MHZ, the response of the each object can be recognized as its shapes, this recognition have been performed using image processing such as filtering. Where different filters like (DC adjustment, triangular FIR, delete mean trace, FIR) have been applied on output image as well as the simulation of the soil and the buried objects layers have been obtained using GPR simulation program.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Detection of Human Remain Using GPR Technique
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    In this work, animal bones with different shapes and sizes were used to study the characteristics of the ground penetrating Radar system wares reflected by these bones. These bones were buried underground in different depths and surrounding media. The resulting data showed that the detection of buried bones with the GPR technology is highly dependent upon the surrounding media that the bones were buried in. Humidity is the main source of signal loss in such application because humidity results in low signal-to-noise ratio which leads to inability to distinguish between the signal reflected by bones from that reflected by the dopes  in the media such as rock .

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Corrosion control of Buried Low Carbon Steel Structure by Using Alteration Medias method
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The aim of the present work is to control of metal buried corrosion by alteration the media method. This method depended on the characteristics of each media. The corrosion rates in different media (soil, sand, porcelanite stone and gravel) for specimens of low carbon steel were measured by two methods weight loss method and polarization method, weight loss measured by buried specimens in these medias separately for 90 days. The polarization method includes preparing of specimen and salt solutions have electrical resistivity equivalent electrical resistivity of these media. The corrosion rate of two method results in (soil > sand> porcelainte stone> gravel). The lower corrosion rate happene

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Trends Technological And Science ,engineering
Automated Sorting for Tomatoes using Artificial Neural Network
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A .technology analysis image using crops agricultural of grading and sorting the test to conducted was experiment The device coupling the of sensor a with camera a and 75 * 75 * 50 dimensions with shape cube studio made-factory locally the study to studio the in taken were photos and ,)blue-green - red (lighting triple with equipped was studio The .used were neural artificial and technology processing image using maturity and quality ,damage of fruits the of characteristics external value the quality 0.92062, of was value regression the damage predict to used was network neural artificial The .network the using scheme regression a of means by 0.98654 of was regression the of maturity and 0.97981 of was regression the of .algorithm Marr

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
Modern Applied Science
A New Method for Detecting Cerebral Tissues Abnormality in Magnetic Resonance Images
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We propose a new method for detecting the abnormality in cerebral tissues present within Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI). Present classifier is comprised of cerebral tissue extraction, image division into angular and distance span vectors, acquirement of four features for each portion and classification to ascertain the abnormality location. The threshold value and region of interest are discerned using operator input and Otsu algorithm. Novel brain slices image division is introduced via angular and distance span vectors of sizes 24˚ with 15 pixels. Rotation invariance of the angular span vector is determined. An automatic image categorization into normal and abnormal brain tissues is performed using Support Vector Machine (SVM). St

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using GPR Technique Assessment for Study the Sub-Grade of Asphalt and Concrete Conditions
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The Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is frequently used in pavement engineering
for road pavement inspection. The main objective of this work is to validate
nondestructive, quick and powerful measurements using GPR for assessment of subgrade
and asphalt /concrete conditions. In the present study, two different antennas
(250, 500 MHz) were used. The case studies are presented was carried in University
of Baghdad over about 100m of paved road. After data acquisition and radar grams
collection, they have been processed using RadExplorer V1.4 software
implementing different filters with the most effective ones (time zero adjustment and
DC removal) in addition to other interpretation tool parameters.
The interpretatio

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Modified 2D-Checksum Error Detecting Method for Data Transmission in Noisy Media
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In data transmission a change in single bit in the received data may lead to miss understanding or a disaster. Each bit in the sent information has high priority especially with information such as the address of the receiver. The importance of error detection with each single change is a key issue in data transmission field.
The ordinary single parity detection method can detect odd number of errors efficiently, but fails with even number of errors. Other detection methods such as two-dimensional and checksum showed better results and failed to cope with the increasing number of errors.
Two novel methods were suggested to detect the binary bit change errors when transmitting data in a noisy media.Those methods were: 2D-Checksum me

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Object tracking using motion flow projection for pan-tilt configuration
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We propose a new object tracking model for two degrees of freedom mechanism. Our model uses a reverse projection from a camera plane to a world plane. Here, the model takes advantage of optic flow technique by re-projecting the flow vectors from the image space into world space. A pan-tilt (PT) mounting system is used to verify the performance of our model and maintain the tracked object within a region of interest (ROI). This system contains two servo motors to enable a webcam rotating along PT axes. The PT rotation angles are estimated based on a rigid transformation of the the optic flow vectors in which an idealized translation matrix followed by two rotational matrices around PT axes are used. Our model was tested and evaluated

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Scopus (7)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Sep 12 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Comparison between Multi-Layer Perceptron and Radial Basis Function Networks in Detecting Humans Based on Object Shape
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       Human detection represents a main problem of interest when using video based monitoring. In this paper, artificial neural networks, namely multilayer perceptron (MLP) and radial basis function (RBF) are used to detect humans among different objects in a sequence of frames (images) using classification approach. The classification used is based on the shape of the object instead of depending on the contents of the frame. Initially, background subtraction is depended to extract objects of interest from the frame, then statistical and geometric information are obtained from vertical and horizontal projections of the objects that are detected to stand for the shape of the object. Next to this step, two ty

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 21 2017
Journal Name
Biomechanics And Modeling In Mechanobiology
A novel method for non-invasively detecting the severity and location of aortic aneurysms
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The influence of an aortic aneurysm on blood flow waveforms is well established, but how to exploit this link for diagnostic purposes still remains challenging. This work uses a combination of experimental and computational modelling to study how aneurysms of various size affect the waveforms. Experimental studies are carried out on fusiform-type aneurysm models, and a comparison of results with those from a one-dimensional fluid–structure interaction model shows close agreement. Further mathematical analysis of these results allows the definition of several indicators that characterize the impact of an aneurysm on waveforms. These indicators are then further studied in a computational model of a systemic blood flow network. This demonstr

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Scopus (29)
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Reconstruction of 3D Shape for an Object using Laser Scanning Triangulation
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This paper presents a method of designing and constructing a system capable of acquiring
the third dimension and reconstructs a 3D shape for an object from multi images of that object using
the principle of active optical triangulation. The system consists of an illumination source, a photo
detector, a movement mechanism and a PC, which is working as a controlling unit for the hard ware
components and as an image processing unit for the object multi view raw images which must be
processed to extract the third dimension. The result showed that the optical triangulation method
provides a rapid mean for obtaining accurate and quantitative distance measurements. The final
result's analysis refers to the necessity of usin

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