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Development of 3D Geological Model and Analysis of the Uncertainty in a Tight Oil Reservoir in the Halfaya Oil Field

A geological model was built for the Sadi reservoir, located at the Halfaya oil field. It is regarded as one of the most significant oilfields in Iraq. The study includes several steps, the most essential of which was importing well logs from six oil wells to the Interactive Petrophysics software for conducting interpretation and analysis to calculate the petrophysical properties such as permeability, porosity, shale volume, water saturation, and NTG and then importing maps and the well tops to the Petrel software to build the 3D-Geological model and to calculate the value of the original oil in place. Three geological surfaces were produced for all Sadi units based on well-top data and the top Sadi structural map. The reservoir has been divided into 85 sublayers in the vertical direction and 170*143 grid cells in the x-y direction, totalling 2,066,350 grid cells. The Sequential Gaussian Simulation technique is used to fill 3D grid cells with property values in locations far from wells after upscaling the well log data, then distributed across all reservoir zones. The standard original oil in place has been calculated, uncertainty evaluation was used to obtain more accurate results. Model Risk Analysis employs Monte Carlo Simulation to generate the pessimistic, most likely, and optimistic reserve values (P90, P50, and P10). The uncertainty was affected by the oil formation volume factor, oil depth, petrophysical model (porosity, water saturation, and NTG), and reservoir geometric structure (horizons and zones).

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Entrepreneurship Organizations In the framework of strategic leadership practices Field research in the Ministry of Oil))


The labeled research deal with (Entrepreneurship Organizations In the framework of strategic leadership practices: Field research in the Ministry of Oil), Search over the possibility of the influence of the practices of strategic leadership Which include

(Determine the strategic direction, The discovery of the fundamental estimators and maintain it, The development of the human capital, and Maintaining of  an organizational culture influential, and Find a balanced regulatory Control) In a Entrepreneurship  in its dimensions and its (innovation, risk, pre-emptive and independence) On group of heads of departments and authorities

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 11 2020
Journal Name
The Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference, Abu Dhabi, Uae, November 2020. Paper Number: Spe-203090-ms
Stress-Dependent Petrophysical Properties of High Heterogeneous Carbonate Tight Oil Reservoirs

As a reservoir is depleted due to production, pore pressure decreases leading to increased effective stress which causes a reduction in permeability, porosity, and possible pore collapse or compaction. Permeability is a key factor in tight reservoir development; therefore, understanding the loss of permeability in these reservoirs due to depletion is vital for effective reservoir management. The paper presents a case history on a tight carbonate reservoir in Iraq which demonstrates the behavior of rock permeability and porosity as a function of increasing effective stress simulating a depleting mode over given production time. The experimental results show unique models for the decline of permeability and porosity as function effective str

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Society Of Petroleum Engineering
Stress-dependent petrophysical properties of high heterogeneous carbonate tight oil reservoirs

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Study the Efficiency of Drilling With Casing Operation in an Iraqi Oil Field

Drilling with casing (DWC) can be considered as a modern drilling technique in which both of drilling and casing operations done in the same time by using the casing to transfer the hydraulic and mechanical power to the bit instead of traditional drilling string. To overcome oil well control, minimizing the total cost through enhancing drilling efficiency, drilling with casing was proposed as an enabling technology.

   Two surface sections (17 1/2 - and 12 1/4- inch) were drilled successfully in Rumaila oil field with  casing strings which reached 655m and 1524m measured depths respectively.

   By using DWC technique, the total drill/case phase time was reduced up to 20% comparing to conventional

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Second International Conference On Innovations In Software Architecture And Computational Systems (isacs 2022)
Permeability estimation of Yamama formation in a Southern Iraqi oil field, case study

Permeability is one of the essential petrophysical properties of rocks, reflecting the rock's ability to pass fluids. It is considered the basis for building any model to predict well deliverability. Yamama formation carbonate rocks are distinguished by sedimentary cycles that separate formation into reservoir units and insulating layers, a very complex porous system caused by secondary porosity due to substitute and dissolution processes. Those factors create permeability variables and vary significantly. Three ways used for permeability calculation, the firstly was the classical method, which only related the permeability to the porosity, resulting in a weak relationship. Secondly, the flow zone indicator (FZI) was divided reservoir into

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Modifying an Equation to Predict the Asphaltene Deposition in the Buzurgan Oil Field

Buzurgan oil field suffers from the phenomenon of asphaltene precipitation. The serious negatives of this phenomenon are the decrease in production caused by clogging of the pores and decrease in permeability and wettability of the reservoir rocks, in addition to the blockages that occur in the pipeline transporting crude oil. The presence of laboratories in the Iraqi oil companies helped to conduct the necessary experiments, such as gas chromatography (GC) test to identify the components of crude oil and the percentages of each component, These laboratory results consider the main elements in deriving a new equation called modified colloidal instability index (MCII) equation based on a well-known global equation called colloidal instabi

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Modifying an Equation to Predict the Asphaltene Deposition in the Buzurgan Oil Field

Buzurgan oil field suffers from the phenomenon of asphaltene precipitation. The serious negatives of this phenomenon are the decrease in production caused by clogging of the pores and decrease in permeability and wettability of the reservoir rocks, in addition to the blockages that occur in the pipeline transporting crude oil. The presence of laboratories in the Iraqi oil companies helped to conduct the necessary experiments, such as gas chromatography (GC) test to identify the components of crude oil and the percentages of each component, These laboratory results consider the main elements in deriving a new equation called modified colloidal instability index (MCII) equation based on a well-known global equation called colloidal in

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Analytical Model for Detection the Tilt in Originally Oil Water Contacts

Many carbonate reservoirs in the world show a tilted in originally oil-water contact (OOWC) which requires a special consideration in the selection of the capillary pressure curves and an understanding of reservoir fluids distribution while initializing the reservoir simulation models.
An analytical model for predicting the capillary pressure across the interface that separates two immiscible fluids was derived from reservoir pressure transient analysis. The model reflected the entire interaction between the reservoir-aquifer fluids and rock properties measured under downhole reservoir conditions.
This model retained the natural coupling of oil reservoirs with the aquifer zone and treated them as an explicit-region composite system

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Spe Middle East Oil And Gas Show And Conference
Evaluation of the Potentials for Adapting the Multistage Hydraulic Fracturing Technology in Tight Carbonate Reservoir
Abstract<p>Hydraulic fracturing is considered to be a vital cornerstone in decision making of unconventional reservoirs. With an increasing level of development of unconventional reservoirs, many questions have arisen regarding enhancing production performance of tight carbonate reservoirs, especially the evaluation of the potential for adapting multistage hydraulic fracturing technology in tight carbonate reservoirs to attain an economic revenue.</p><p>In this paper we present a feasibility study of multistage fractured horizontal well in typical tight carbonate reservoirs covering different values of permeability. We show that NPV is the suitable objective function for deciding on the optimum number</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 22 2020
Journal Name
University Of Baghdad
Feasibility of Water Sink-Based Gas Flooding to Enhance Oil Recovery in North Rumaila Oil Field