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تطبيق إدارة القيمة الاجمالية في تحسين تصميم العملية: بحث تطبيقي في الشركة العامة للمنتوجات الغذائية- مصنع المأمون
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يهدف البحث الى تطبيق إدارة القيمة االجمالية في تحسين تصميم عملية أنتاج معجون االسنان في مصنع المامون التابع للشركة العامة للمنتوجات الغذائية. وقد تمثلت مشكلة البحث في أن الشركة المبحوثة ال تقوم بقياس فاعلية تصميم العمليات فهي تعاني من ضعف في تحليل فاعلية تصميم العمليات في إطار مت ازمن مع أسلوب تطبيق إدارة القيمة االجمالية ، فضالً عن عدم اعطاء االنتباه الكافي لموضوع كلف المنتجات واسعار البيع ضمن ما يسمى بقيمة الكلفة مقابل الربح كإحدى القيم التي يهتم بها مفهوم إدارة القيمة االجمالية ، استند البحث على فرضية أساسية مفادها أن تطبيق إدارة القيمة االجمالية يمكن أن يحسن من فاعلية تصميم عملية انتاج معجون االسنان ، وتوصل البحث لمجموعة من االستنتاجات كان أهمها: إن فاعلية تصميم عملية انتاج معجون االسنان منخفضة وال تتناسب مع اهداف أداء العملية من حيث مؤشرات االنتاجية، الكفاءة، السرعة واالنتفاع والكلفة. كما توصل البحث الى أن تطبيق مفهوم إدارة القيمة االجمالية من خالل استخدام قيمة الكلفة مقابل الربح يحسن من قاعلية تصميم عملية انتاج هذا المنتج ، وتوصل البحث لمجموعة من التوصيات ، ومن اهمها: ضرورة تطبيق مفهوم ادارة القيمة االجمالية لتحسين مؤشرات تصميم عملية انتاج منتج معجون االسنان من خالل التركيز على تحسين قيمة الكلفة مقابل الربح.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 28 2022
Journal Name
جامعة بغداد/ كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة - ابن الهيثم
فاعلية استراتيجيات تدريسية مقترحة على وفق انموذج بناء المعرفة المشتركة في تحصيل طلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط وكفاءتهم الرياضية
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الحركة العلمية في المغرب الاسلامي من خلال كتاب معجم البلدان لياقوت الحموي ( ت 626هـ / 1229م) العلوم الشرعية انموذجا
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    The Dictionary of Countries by Yaqut al-Hamawi is one of the most important sources that researchers rely on in everything related to geography in knowing the names of places and countries, and the important historical information it contains about different cities and countries

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Madenat Alelem University College
دراسة خلايا البشرة والمعقدات الثغرية للسيقان والكساء السطحي لبعض المراتب من عائلة عرف الديك Juss. Amaranthaceae في العراق
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Gompharena globosa L., Irisene herbistii Hook. ex Lindl. The results of this study showed that the anatomical characters of the stems epidermis and the indumentum covering different parts of the plant have an important anatomical characters such as the cell wall shape of ordinary epidermal cells also the shape and type of stomata, their presence in some taxa and abscent in others. The hairs also differentiated by their shapes and them types, either they glandular or eglandular also they are different in distribution between the different taxa or in the some taxon.

Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
آل البيت ( عليهم السلام ) من خلال كتاب درر السمط في خبر السبط لابن الابار البلنسي الاندلسي ( ت658هـ/1260م)
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One of them one of the important books due to its containing valuable information written by the author. Information include the life of the Messenger (Peace be upon him)

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم و التكنولوجية للنشاطات البدنية و الرياضية
The Effectiveness of Electronic Puppet Educational Theater by Camtasia Studio in Learning Some of The Artistic Gymnastics Skills For First-Grade
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The study aims to design an electronic puppet educational theater by Camtasia studio and identify the effectiveness in learning some of the artistic gymnastics skills for first grade, the research curriculum is experimental by designing two equal groups, and the research sample first grade students are distributed among 4 grade, and by the pumpkin determines two divisions (15 from each) representing the experimental group and control group, the main experiment conducted for 8 weeks by two educational units per week after which the post-tests were conducted, SPSS was used to process the results, and it was found that the electronic puppet educational theater contributed by making the learning process enjoyable and interesting and meeting the

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
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Study of the participation of Saudi women in official visual arts exhibitions "Contemporary Saudi Art Exhibition as an Example": حنان بنت سعود الهزاع
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This research studies the Saudi women participation in the visual arts, presents descriptive and analytical overview on their artworks and assess development through their participation in the said exhibition, frequency of participation, and aims to understand the most important stages and changes of the subjects addressed, artistic styles and the factors affecting these results in view of female artist's attitude pertaining to several aspects such as administrative organization, judging committees etc.

Interviews were held with a sample of female artists, 17 artists from different regions and generations out of 182 participants and reviewed relevant exhibition literature during the period 1979-2018. The research problem is to id

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Constructing Imminent Carcinogenic Attack in English and Arabic Scientific Discourse: A Corpus-Based Contrastive Study
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Cancer is one of the critical health concerns. Health authorities around the world have devoted great attention to cancer and cancer causing factors to achieve control against the increasing rate of cancer. Carcinogens are the most salient factors that are accused of causing a considerable rate of cancer cases. Scientists, in different fields of knowledge, keep warning people of the imminent attack of carcinogens which are surrounding people in the environment and may launch their attack at any moment. The present paper aims to investigate the linguistic construction of the imminent carcinogen attack in English and Arabic scientific discourse. Such an investigation contributes to enhancing the scientists’ awareness of the linguistic co

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2016
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Modeling of violence in a speech creativity photogrammetry Iraqi contemporary: أريج سعد عدنان الهنداوي
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The latest events in Iraq and notably the fall of Mosul in the summer of 2014 have marked a turning point in The modern history of Iraq. Violent terrorist groups have overrun a vast area comprising of many towns in mid and northern Iraq causing many casualties and mass migration. Despite Iraq’s long history of pain and suffering the events of the second half of the year 2014 have been the most violent ever witnessed. From this point of view the researcher has tried to identify specifically in this time and place the effect these events have had on the Iraqi artist and to understand how the Iraqi artists depicted this violence in their works of art. The research comprises four parts; the first looked at the language used and the and pro

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر استخدام قبعات التفكير الست على اكتساب المفاهيم التاريخية واستبقائها لدى طالبات الصف الرابع الادبي في مادة التاريخ
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Problem: Find dimensions of the problem by answering the following question: what the effect of using the Six Thinking Hats strategy to acquire the historical concepts and retain the fourth-grade students in the subject of literary history. Importance of research: current research is gaining importance in many ways, including: 1. Keep pace with the new in the field of education and modern educational strategies. 2. Shed light on innovative education strategy in the teaching of history, which is one of the materials that need to renew the tragedy of instruction methods for students. 3. Out of the monotony and traditional way of teaching to a method and a new strategy to develop the teacher and the learners thinking skills through various

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of Beran estimator using Nadaraya-Waston and Prestley-chao weights in estimating the conditional survival function of breast cancer patients
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This study includes the application of non-parametric methods in estimating the conditional survival function of the Beran method using both the Nadaraya-Waston and the Priestley-chao weights and using data for Interval censored and Right censored of breast cancer and two types of treatment, Chemotherapy and radiation therapy Considering age is continuous variable, through using (MATLAB)  use of the (MSE) To compare weights The results showed a superior weight (Nadaraya-Waston) in estimating the survival function and condition of Both for chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

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