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The Relationship Between Orthodontic Force Applied by Monoblock and Salivary Levels of Alkaline Phosphatase and Lactate Dehydrogenase Enzymes
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Aim: The current study was aimed to determine the relationship between the orthodontic force applied by monobloc and the salivary level of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) enzymes, considering the time factor after insertion of the appliance and whether there is a correlation between these enzymes. Materials and methods: A sample of 28 growing patients requiring orthodontic treatment with myofunctional appliance (Monoblock) was taken for the current study with an age range 9 to 12 years,all patients had Angle's class II division 1 malocclusion with no or mild crowding, the sample was selected using simple random sampling. Only 16 subjects (10 males and 6 females) were included who follow certain inclusion criteria. Unstimulated saliva was collected from the patients before monoblock insertion, then 1 hour after insertion, followed by 14 days and 28 days. Salivary levels of ALP and LDH were measured using a spectrophotometer and compared with the base line. Results: The results revealed that ALP and LDH levels increased with increasing time after monoblock insertion, and there was the statistically insignificant difference after 1-hour post-insertion for ALP enzyme level, but highly significant after 14 and 28 days. While for LDH level,there was the statistically significant difference after 1-hour post-insertion, but highly significant difference after 14 and 28 days post-insertion. In this regard to the relation between salivary ALP and LDH enzymes levels at different time intervals, showed that there were no significant correlations between the enzymes using Pearson's correlation test. Conclusion: The ALP and LDH salivary enzymes activity is affected by mechanical forces generated by monobloc activator and these enzymes activities can also be increased during the rapid growth phase of childhood such as late infancy and early puberty where the age of subjects was selected in the current study. Clinical significance: The determination of ALP and LDH salivary enzymes activities during the skeletal maturity is crucial for the success of myofunctional monobloc treatment; therefore, saliva can be used as a noninvasive diagnostic tool for determination of chemical biomarkers for detection of bone remodeling process during myofunctional monoblock treatment. © Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
Estimation of Alkaline Phosphatase level in the Serum and Saliva of Hypothyroid Patients with and without Periodontitis
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 17 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A kinetic Study of the Rate Reaction of Alkaline Phosphatase in Tuberculosis
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 Serum alkaline phosphatase activity has been investigated in three major types of tuberculosis (TB). These were Extra pulmonary primary, Acute miliary, and Primary tuberculosis. Activities were found elevated in these cases studied at basic PH and 37 C. The study concentrated an a comprehensive determination of the rate reaction kinetics of the enzyme reaction in both normal and TB sera. The pseudo first — order plot reflects both values of the first — order association constant (K I) and the half life time (t1/2) of the enzymatic reaction. The activation energy of the reaction (ES-complex formation) with Hill coefficient (n) were both estimated using Arrhenius and Hill plots respectively.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Blood Research
Relationship between liver iron concentration determined by R2-MRI, serum ferritin, and liver enzymes in patients with thalassemia intermedia
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4 Blood Res 2018;53:314-319. Received on August 11, 2018 Revised on August 30, 2018 Accepted on August 30, 2018 Background Iron overload is a risk factor affecting all patients with thalassemia intermedia (TI). We aimed to determine whether there is a relationship of serum ferritin (SF) and alanine ami- notransferase (ALT) with liver iron concentration (LIC) determined by R2 magnetic reso- nance imaging (R2-MRI), to estimate the most relevant degree of iron overload and best time to chelate in patients with TI. Methods In this cross-sectional study, 119 patients with TI (mean age years) were randomly se- lected and compared with 120 patients who had a diagnosis of thalassemia major (TM). Correlations of LIC, as determined by R2-MRI, with SF

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Plasma alkaline phosphatase polymer phism and it’s association with productivity in Iraqi fowl
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Plasma alkaline phosphatase isozyme in Iraqi fowl was studied by acrylamide gel electrophoresis. Two phenotypes fast and slow, were observed. These two phenotypes have been shown to be controlled by one single autosomal locus with two allel AKPF and AKPS. The gene frequency of AKPS is dominant over the AKPF. The result indicated that gene frequency of AKPF in leghorn and new hamshire was more frequent than in local Iraqi birds. Birds of fast isozyme type had higher 90 – day's egg production and egg weights as compared to those with slow isozyme. It is concluded that the fast isozyme can be used as gene marker for spotting out pullets with high body weight sexual maturity, high egg production and high egg weight.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 08 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of orthodontic tooth movement on salivary levels of Interleukin-1beta, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha, and C- reactive protein
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Background: Orthodontic force is considered to stimulate cells in the periodontium to release many mediators such as cytokines which play a responsible role for periodontal and alveolar bone remodeling, bone resorption and new bone deposition. Aim of this study was carried out to estimate changes of the (interleukin-one beta, tumor necrosis factor – alpha and C-reactive protein) levels in unstimulated whole saliva during the leveling stage of orthodontic tooth movement. Materials and methods: The sample consisted of thirty adult patients (12 males and 18 females) with ages ranges (19-23) years. Each sample had Class I and Class II malocclusion dental classification and required bilateral extraction of their maxillary first premolars, und

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Comparative Study of Serum lactic Acid, Lactate Dehydrogenase and Lipid Profile in Ischemic Heart Disease Patients and Healthy Control
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 The term ischemic heart disease (IHD) defines a disease spectrum of diverse etiology, with the common factor being on imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand . Fifty patients (30 male and 20 female) attending Ibn- Al- betar cardic center, the mean age of male was 65 years and 58 years for female were included in the present study , Thirty healthy subjects ( 15 male and 15 female ) of matched age were used as control groups.  Some biochemical parameters including lipid and lipoprotein, total cholesterol (TC) , triglycerides (TG), high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL), in addition to lactic acid and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities , were evaluated in the sera of IHD patient groups

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Biochemical and Kinetic Studies on Alkaline Phosphatase and other Biochemical Features in Sera of Patients with type 2 Diabetes
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Background :Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was a widely used marker for skeletal and hepatobiliary disorders, but its activity was also increased in atherosclerosis and peripheral vascular disease. Several study has showed that ALP activity was increased in the sera of diabetic patients. The current study was conducted to evaluate ALP activity in type 2 diabetic patients and optimum conditions for enzyme activity in their sera.Methods: This study was carried out at in AL-Yarmok hospital(diabetic center) between February /2009 and April /2009. Fifty two patients with type 2 diabetes have been enrolled. Besides BMI, WHR, serum fasting blood glucose, ALP, HbA1C,uric acid and lipid profile levels have been performed .The relationship bet

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 08 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Force decay of orthodontic elastomeric chains by using three different mechanisms simulating canine retraction
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Background: The ideal force-delivery system must: provide optimal tooth moving forces that elicit the desired effects, be comfortable and hygienic for the patient, require minimal operator manipulation and patient cooperation and provide rapid tooth movement with minimal mobility during orthodontic therapy, the elastomeric chains have the greatest potential to fulfill these requirements. Materials and Methods: This in vitro study was designed to determine the effect of three different mechanisms for canine retraction : (6-3 , 6-5-3 and chain loop ) on the load relaxation behavior of three types of elastomeric chains : (maximum clear , maximum silver and extreme silver) from the same company (Ortho Technology company) with two different bran

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 08 2017
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmaceutical , Biological And Chemical Sciences
Assessment activity and Partial purification of Alkaline phosphatase (AIP) from sera of patients with celiac disease
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Force degradation of orthodontic elastomeric chains: A literature review
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Background: Elastomeric chains are used to generate force in many orthodontic procedures, but this force decays over time, which could affect tooth movement. This study aimed to study the force degradation of elastomeric chains. Data and Sources: An electronic search on Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, LILACS, and PubMed was made, only articles written in English were included, up to January 2022.Study selection: Fifty original articles, systematic reviews, and RCTs were selected. Conclusion: Tooth movement, salivary enzymes, alcohol-containing mouthwash, whitening mouthwash, and alkaline and strong acidic (pH <5.4) solutions all have a significant impact on elastomeric chain force degradation. T

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