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تغريد عبد الجبار يونس - taghreed abdull jabbar younis
PhD - assistant professor
College of Education for Pure Sciences (Ibn Al-Haitham) , Department of Physics
[email protected]
Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Physics And Research (ijpr)
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Multipole mixing ratios for gamma transition populated in from reaction have been studied by least square fitting method also transition strength ] for pure gamma transitions have been calculated taking into account the mean life time for these levels .

Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Scientific & Engineering Research
Transition properties of γ-ray Emitted from levels in 90Mo using 𝝈 𝑱 method
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The δ-mixing ratios have been calculated for several γ-transitions in 90Mo using the 𝛔 𝐉 method. The results are compared with other references the agreement is found to be very good .this confirms the validity of the 𝛔 𝐉 method as a tool for analyzing the angular distribution of γ-ray. Key word: population parameter, γ-ray transition, 𝛔 𝐉 method, multiple mixing ratios.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Ibn Al- Haitham J. Fo R Pure & Appl. Sci
Multiple Mixing Ratios of Gamma Rays Erγ)nEr(n, From 168 168 Reaction  Using a2 – Ratio Method
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The -mixing of  - transition in Er 168 populated in Er)n,n(Er 168168  reaction is calculated in the present work by using a2- ratio method. This method has used in previou studies [4, 5, 6, 7] in case that the second transition is pure or for that transition which can be considered as pure only, but in one work we applied this method for two cases, in the first one for pure transition and in the 2nd one for non pure transitions. We take into accunt the experimental a2- coefficient for p revious works and -values for one transition only [1]. The results obtained are, in general, in agood agreement within associated errors, with those reported previously [1], the discrepancies that occur are due to inaccuracies existing

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr
Interaction of Alpha Particles with Breast Tissue
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As modern radiotherapy technology advances, radiation dose and dose distribution have improved significantly. As part of a natural evolution, there has recently been renewed interest in therapy, particularly in the use of heavy charged particles, because these types of radiation serve theoretical advantages in all biological and physical aspects. The interactions of alpha particle with matter were studied and the stopping powers of alpha particle with Breast Tissue were calculated by using Beth-Bloch equation, Zeigler's formula and SRIM software, also the Range and Liner Energy Transfer (LET) and Breast Thickness As well as Dose and Dose equivalent for this particle were calculated by using Mat lab language for (0.01-200) MeV alpha ene

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Applied Sciences
interaction of alpha particles with Overy tissue
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Nuclear medicine is important for both diagnosis and treatment. The most common treatment for diseases is radiation therapy used against cancer. The radiation intensity of the treatment is often less than its ability to cause damage, so radiation must be carefully controlled. The interactions of alpha particle with matter were studied and the stopping powers of alpha particle with ovary tissue were calculated using Beth-Bloch equation, Zeigler’s formula and SRIM Software also the range and Liner Energy Transfer (LET) and ovary thickness as well as dose and dose equivalent for this particle were calculated by using Matlab language for (0.01-200) MeV alpha energy.

Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
Ibn Al- Haitham J. Fo R Pure & Appl. Sci
Evaluation of The Nuclear Data on(α,n)Reaction for Natural Molybdenum
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The cross section evaluation for (α,n) reaction was calculated according to the available International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and other experimental published data . These cross section are the most recent data , while the well known international libraries like ENDF , JENDL , JEFF , etc. We considered an energy range from threshold to 25 M eV in interval (1 MeV). The average weighted cross sections for all available experimental and theoretical(JENDL) data and for all the considered isotopes was calculated . The cross section of the element is then calculated according to the cross sections of the isotopes of that element taking into account their abundance . A mathematical representative equation for each of the element

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
Journal Name
Diyala Journal For Pure Sciences
Multipole Mixing Ratios for Gamma transitions in 56Fe populated in Reaction by using least square fitting method .
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The γ- mixing ratios of γ- transitions from levels of 56Fe populated in reaction are calculated using least square fitting program for the first time in the case of pure and mixed transitions the results obtained have been compound with γ Values determined by other methods .The comparison shows that the agreement is good this confirmed the valilety of this method in calculating of values for such γ- transitions key word: γ- transition ,Multipole mixing ratios ,Least square fitting method.

Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Ibn Al- Haitham J. Fo R Pure & Appl. Sci
Multiple Mixing Ratios of Gamma Rays From Reaction Using a2-ratio Method
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The -multiple mixing ratios of γ-transitions from levels of populated in the are calculated in the present work by using the a2-ratio methods. We used the experimental coefficient (a2) for two γ-transitions from the same initial state, the statistical tensor, which is related to the a2-coefficient would be the same for the two transitions. This method was used in a previous work for pure transitions or which can be considered pure. In these cases the multiple mixing ratios for the second transition ( ) equal zero, but in our work we applied this method for mixed γ-transitions and then the multiple mixing ratio ( ) is known for one transition. Then we calculate the ( ) value and versareversa. The weight average of the -values calcu

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Ibn Al- Haitham J. Fo R Pure & Appl. Sci
Multiple Mixing Ratios of Gamma Rays Reaction 32 70 70 33 Ge p n As (, ) γ Using a2-ratio Method.
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The δ-mixing of γ-transitions in 70As populated in the 32 70 70 33 Ge p n As (, ) γ reaction is calculated in the present work by using the a2-ratio methods. In one work we applied this method for two cases, the first one is for pure transition and the sacend one is for non pure transition, We take into account the experimental a2-coefficient for previous works and δ -values for one transition only.The results obtained are, in general, in a good agreement within associated errors, with those reported previously , the discrepancies that occur are due to inaccuracies existing in the experimental data of the previous works.

Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
مجلة واسط للعلوم والطب
Study of nuclear characters to some 164, 166, 168 68 Er isotopes by using the interacting boson model IBM-1
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The aim of this study is to show the concepts of nuclear shape and the geometrical picture to the even-even nuclei of 164,166,168E isotopes in the context of the Interacting boson Model IBM-1. The energy spectra were calculated and the effective charge values (eB) of the electromagnetic transition strength were obtained and used to calculate the B(E2) values of the electromagnetic transitions and the quadrupole moment Q of 2+ -states. The Hamiltonian parameters were calculated by taking in account the properties of these nuclei. Comparison were made with the available experimental data and included in tables. The geometrical picture of these nuclei were looked at by calculating the deformation which were represented by the potentia

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Study of The Effect of Concentration on The Efficiency of The Sensitive N749-TiO2 Solar Cell
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In this research, we studied the effect of concentration carriers on the efficiency of the N749-TiO2 heterogeneous solar cell based on quantum electron transfer theory using a donor-acceptor scenario. The photoelectric properties of the N749-TiO2 interfaces in dye sensitized solar cells DSSCs are calculated using the J-V curves. For the 〖(CH_3)〗_3 COH solvent, the N749-TiO2 heterogeneous solar cell shows that the concentration carrier together with the strength coupling are the main factors affecting the current density, fill factor and efficiency. The current density and current increase as the concentration increases and the strength coupling increases as the N749-TiO2 heterogeneous in solar cell. However, the efficiency is more sens

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Determination of naturally occurring radionuclides in Disi aquifer water of Jordan
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The Disi water samples were collected from different Disi aquifer wells in Jordan using a clean polyethylene container of 10-liter size. A hyper-pure germanium (HPGe) detector with high- resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy and a low background counting system was used for the identification of unknown gamma-rays emitting from radionuclides in the environmental samples. The ranges of specific activity concentrations of 226Ra and 228Ra in the Disi aquifer water were found to be from 0.302 ± 0.085 to 0.723 ± 0.207 and from 0.047 ± 0.010 to 0.525 ± 0.138 Bq L−1, with average values of 0.516 ± 0.090 and 0.287 ± 0.091 Bq L−1, respectively. The average combined radium (226Ra + 228Ra) activity and radium activity ratio (228Ra/226Ra) in Disi

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Finding Most Stable Isobar for Nuclides with Mass Number (165- 175) against Beta Decay
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In the beta decay process, a neutron converts into a proton, or vice versa, so the atom in this process changes to a more stable isobar. Bethe-Weizsäcker used a quasi-experimental formula in the present study to find the most stable isobar for isobaric groups of mass nuclides (A=165-175). In a group of isobars, there are two methods of calculating the most stable isobar. The most stable isobar represents the lowest parabola value by calculating the binding energy value (B.E) for each nuclide in this family, and then drawing these binding energy values as a function of the atomic number (Z) in order to obtain the mass parabolas, the second method is by calculating the atomic number value of the most stable isobar (ZA). The results show

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Study and Investigation of Hard Photons Emission in Heavy Ion Collisions
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This work involves hard photon rate production from quark -gluon plasma QGP interaction in heavy ion collision. Using a quantum chromodynamic model to investigate and calculation of photons rate in 𝑐𝑔 → 𝑠𝑔𝛾 system due to strength coupling, photons rate, temperature of system, flavor number and critical. The photons rate production computed using the perturbative strength models for QGP interactions. The strength coupling was function of temperature of system, flavor number and critical temperature. Its influenced by force with temperature of system, its increased with decreased the temperature and vice versa. The strength coupling has used to examine the confinement and deconfinement of quarks in QGP properties and inf

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
Ibn Al- Haitham J. Fo R Pure & Appl. Sci
Multipole Mixing Ratios of Gamma Rays From Fe(n,ny Reaction Using Constant Statistical Tensor Method (CST).
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The - M ultiple mixing ratios of -transitions from levels of 56Fe populated in 56 56 Fe n n Fe ( , )  reactions are calculated by using const. S.T.M. This method has been used in other works [3,7] but with pure transition or with transitions that can be considered as pure transitions، in our work we used This method for mixed  - transitions in addition to pure  - transitions. The experimental angular distribution coefficients a2 was used from previous works [1] in order to calculet - values. It is clear from the results that the - values are in good agreement or consistent, within associated errors, with those reported previously [1]. The discrepancies that occur are due to inaccuracies existing in the expe

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Physics And Research (ijpr)
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The - mixing ratios of -transitions from levels in populated in the reactions are calculated in present work using - ratio, constant statisticalTensor and least squares fitting methods The results obtained are in general, in good agreement or consistent, within the associated uncertainties, with these reported in Ref.[9],the discrepancies that occurs are due to inaccuracy existing in the experimental data The results obtained in the present work confirm the –method for mixed transitions better than that for pure transition because this method depends only on the experimental data where the second method depends on the pure or those considered to be pure -transitions, the same results occur in – method

Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research - Granthaalayah
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With the advancement of modern radiotherapy technology, radiation dose and dose distribution have significantly improved. as part of Natural development, interest has recently been renewed by treatment, especially in the use of heavy charged particles, because these radiation types serve theoretical advantages in all biological and physical aspects. The interactions of alpha particle with matter were studied and the stopping powers of alpha particle with Bone Tissue were calculated by using Zeigler’s formula and SRIM software, also the Range for this particle were calculated by using Mat lab language for (0.01-1000) MeV alpha energy.

Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Mass stopping power of alpha particles in liquid water and some gases
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The interaction of charged particles with the chemical elements involved in the synthesis of human tissues is one of the modern techniques in radiation therapy. One of these charged particles are alpha particles, where recent studies have confirmed their ability to generate radiation in a highly toxic localized manner because of its high ionization and short its range. In this work, We focused our study on the interaction of alpha particles with liquid water; since the water represents over 80% of the most-soft tissues, as well as, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen ,because they are key chemical elements involved in the synthesis of most human tissues. The mass stopping powers of alpha particle with HଶO , COଶ, Oଶ, Hଶ and Nଶhave

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research - Granthaalayah
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In the current work, the mixing ratios ( 𝛿 ) of gamma transitions were calculated from energy levels in the isotopes neodymium 60𝑁𝑎 142−150 populated in the 60Nd 142− 150 (n, n ˊγ) 60Nd 142− 150 using the 𝑎2 ratio method. We used the experimental coefficient (𝑎2 ) for two γ-transitions from the initial state itself, the statistical tensor 𝜌2(𝐽𝑖), associated with factor 𝑎2 , would be the same for the two transitions. The results obtained are in good agreement or within the experimental error with -those previously published. And existing contradictions resulting from inaccuracies in the empirical results of previous work. The current results confirm that the , 𝑎2 − method is used to calculate th

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research - Granthaalayah
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In the current research, multiple mixing ratios of gamma -transitions of the energy levels 60𝑁𝑑 142−150 isotopes populated in 𝑁𝑑(𝑛, 𝑛 ˊ 60 142−150 ) 60𝑁𝑑 142−150 interaction are calculated using the constant statistical tensor (CST) method. The results obtained are, in general, in good agreement or consistent, within the experimental error, with the results published in the previously researches. Existing discrepancies result from inaccuracies in the experimental results of previous works. The current results confirm the validity of the constant statistical tenser method of calculating the values of mixing ratios and its predictability of errors in experimental results

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