Researcher Image
نور نهاد عبد الحسين امين - Noor Nihad
MSc - lecturer
College of pharmacy , Department of clinical laboratory sciences
[email protected]

I graduated with a degree in Biology from the University of Baghdad in 2001 and then went to the Department of clinical laboratory science in pharmacy college /Baghdad university as biologist then in 2014 I joined department of Biotechnology at Acharya University to do a M.Sc. on the " Azurin protein anti-breast cancer under the supervision of Prof. Satya Krishna. Having graduated from A.N.U in 2016, returned to pharmacy college as lecturer, my research interests include the caseinase production, peptide antibiotic production, using of novel curcumin as antibacterial. in 2023 I joined Ph.D. in the department of Biotechnology in college of science /Baghdad university continuing right now


14 years experience in molecular and genetic engineering tools


I was responsible for continuing education unit .Now I responsible of Biology -Histology lab.

Awards and Memberships

I have so many appreciation letters from ministry of higher education and Baghdad university also from Pharmacy college

Research Interests

Molecular.industrial Biotechnology.Genetic engineering

Academic Area

Ph.D studenrt from (2023 upto now) M.Sc. in Biotechnology (2014-2016) Bs.C in Biology (1997-2001)

Teaching materials
Biology lab.
كلية الصيدلة
العلوم المختبرية السريرية
Stage 1

Biology and histology lab.,clinical chemistry lab.,training lab.biochemistry lab.


Supervised on graduation projects,fifth stage students

Publication Date
Sun Feb 27 2022
Journal Name
Iranian Journal Of Ichthyology
Production of peptide antibiotic bacteriocin using banana peel media
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Many strains of lactic bacteria produce antimicrobial peptides of bacteriocins that are antibiotics used against pathogenic strains. The present work aimed to use a banana peels medium in the fermentation process to replace the commercial MRS medium for decreasing the cost of bacteriocins LAB production. Based on the result, banana peel was a cost-effective and viable alternative carbon source for the production and development of bacteriocin-producing Lactobacilli. The growth of lactobacilli in commercial MRS medium and Banana Peel medium showed no differences, therefore banana peel waste can be used to produce Lactobacilli bacteriocins. Lactobacillus strains grew exceptionally well at 37 C and pH 6.0.

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