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Mazhar Al-Rahman - Mudheher Numan Abdulrahman
MSc - lecturer
College of pharmacy , Deanship
[email protected]

حاصل على شهادة البكالوريوس 2008 التسلسل الاول ولاربعة سنوات وحاصل على هوية المتفوقين وتكريم ممثل رئيس الوزراء ووزير التعليم العالي ورئيس جامعة بغداد 2008وحاصل على شهادة الماجستير عام 2015وحصلت على اللقب العلمي مدرس عام 2019وقمت بالتدريس لعدة سنوات


شهادة البكالوريوس عام 2008 وشهادة الماجستير عام 2015وشهادات في التاهيل التربوي واللغة العربية والحاسوب والتوفل ولقب علمي مدرس مساعد عام 2015 ومدرس عام 2019 وحاصل على هوية المتفوقين وتكريم ممثل رئيس الوزراء ووزير التعليم العالي ورئيس جامعة بغداد


مسؤول وحدة التقاعد من تاريخ 2017 ومسؤول وحدة الملاك لسنوات عديدة وخبرة في شعبة الموارد البشرية موثقة رسميا ومسؤول برنامج التوقيفات التقاعدية ومسؤول عن احصائيات الملاك واحصائيات الرقم الوظيفي ومسؤول عن احصائيات البطاقة التموينية

Research Interests

ماجستير علوم في الاقتصاد من كلية الادارة والاقتصاد - جامعة بغداد

Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2019
Journal Name
Opcion Journal
The Role of Agricultural Activities in Achieving Sustainable Development
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Agricultural development occupies an important position in the economies of developing countries, and its role is greater for the Arab countries. The first task is to provide food security for all the population through sustainable development, which includes the investment of available natural resources and employment opportunities for the rural population, As well as the provision of raw materials for agricultural processing in order to increase agricultural exports to reduce the balance of payments deficit. Sustainable development is linked to increased production and improvement, as well as to food security. On the one hand, it has to cope with the increase in population and if it is possible to achieve a surplus allocated for export, a

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2019
Journal Name
The Role of Total Quality in Increasing the Productivity of Wheat and Barley Crops and Reducing Costs Using Modern Irrigation Methods in Iraq
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Most of the world is seeking attention to the agricultural sector, which occupies a distinguished economic center, including Iraq, it is no wonder that the focus is on this sector, especially in developing countries. Descriptive analysis of the sample tables of wheat and barley crops in Iraq showed that adherence to the principles and rules of total quality, including modern irrigation methods (irrigated) has a significant impact in increasing productivity, reducing costs and improving quality compared to traditional irrigation methods, so it became necessary to take agricultural economic units All procedures and means that will help in the application of the rules of total quality to promote the reality of wheat and barley cultivation in I

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