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محمود عطية فرحان
MSc - assistant professor
College of Education Ibn Rushd for Human Sciences , Department of English Language
[email protected]
Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Swift Journal Of Social Sciences And Humanity
Difficulties encountered in translating Some legal texts from Arabic into English
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Translation is both a social and cultural phenomenon, it can neither exist outside a social community and it is within society, nor it can be viewed as a medium of cross-cultural fertilization. This paper aims to investigate the difficulties that a translator may face when dealing with legal texts such as marriage and divorce contracts. These difficulties can be classified according to the present paper into syntactic, semantic, and cultural. The syntactic difficulties include word order, syntactic arrangement, unusual sentence structure, the use of model verbs in English, and difference in legal system. As to the semantic difficulties, they involve lack of established terminology, finding functional and lexical equivalence, word for word t

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 04 2016
Journal Name
International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Denotative and Connotative Meaning of Barnyard Verbs
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Communication is a vital process that needs much more understanding and mutual background knowledge on the part of ESL learners in terms of grammar, meaning and context. Thus, the main aim of the current research paper is to identify and figure out the denotative and connotative meaning of barnyard verbs in English and practically analyzing these verbs to identify the dictionary meaning from connotative one. The main problem of this study is attributed to the fact that ESL learners may not be able to identify and understand the connotative meaning of barnyard verbs since these verbs are onomatopoeic (i.e,) a word that phonetically imitates, or suggests the source of sound that it describes). Consider the following example: the verb "coo" ha

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Investigating Difficulties Faced by Iraqi EFL Learners in Identifying the Illocutionary Force of the Reduplicative Words
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A reduplicative word is an important phenomenon in all language studies because it reflects many functions in language communication such as plurality, emphasis, contrast, imitation.  The various instances of reduplicative words in a particular language reflect the richness and uniqueness of that language. Moreover, such variation gives insights into both culture and thought. A reduplicative word is a linguistic phenomenon found in the syntactic, morphological, phonological and semantic levels. The current study aims at investigating the illocutionary force of English reduplicative words in some selected English colloquial utterances. To achieve this aim, an analytical -pragmatic approach has been used by adopting Searle’s (1979)

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
التحقق من المعنى السياقي للعبارات الاصطلاحية الدالة على الحيوانات في بعض الالفاظ الشعبية الانكليزية المختارة
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تُعد اللغة الانكليزية احدى اللغات التي تشتهر بالعديد من التعابير الاصطلاحية ، وان تعلّم هذه التعابير هو جزء اساس لتعلّم المفردات وان التعابير الاصطلاحية الدالة على الحيوانات هي من التعابير الشائعة في اللغة الانكليزية الشعبية لذلك ينبغي على متعلمي اللغة الانكليزية كلغة ثانية اوكلغة اجنبية ان يتواصلوا مع هذه التعابير الاصطلاحية وحقيقة الامر فان المشكلة الاساس التي تواجههم هو انهم لا يكونوا قادرين على الت

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
A Critical Discourse Analysis Study of Reduplication in Some Selected English Newspapers Headlines
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The main problem of the current study concentrates on applying critical discourse analysis to examine textual, discoursal and social features of reduplication in some selected English newspaper headlines. The main aim of the current study is to analyze the linguistic features of reduplication by adopting Fairclough's three-dimensional model (2001). This study sets forth the following hypotheses: (1) English headline – newspapers comprise various textual, discoursal and social features ;(2)the model of analysis is best suited for the current study.To achieve the aims and verify the hypotheses, a critical discourse analysis approach is used represented by Fairclough's socio-cultural approach (2001).The present study has examined the use of

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