The outline of my research is focused on the metabolism and drug resistance of gram-negative bacteria particularly Acinetobacter baumanii, and the mechanism mediated resistance, the structure of cell wall and proteomic study involved in resistance, the composition of LPS and factors affect the growth and biofilm formation of this bacterium. The newly research will be focused on the gram- positive bacteria in terms of metabolism and antimicrobial drug resistance. CRISPR technique is another side of my subject in Gram-positive bacteria. Up to date, my research is focused on the presence and occurrence of antibiotics in different water bodies, and the fate of antibiotics in water, and related multidrug resistance bacteria that have the ability to degrade and/ or adsorb antibiotic residuals. In addition, we also involved modern techniques (eDNA , NGS, and metagenomic) in our scope and aims.
- Molecular Biology: cloning, making deletion mutants, site directed mutagenesis, design primer, PCR -protein biochemistry: protein over-expression, protein purification (metal affinity chromatography, Ion-exchange, gel filtration), SDS-PAGE, Tris-Tricine PAGE and protein concentration determination, development and application of ligand binding assays.
- Protein precipitation techniques -Growing and cultivation of aerobic, microaerobic, anaerobic bacteria, microdilution assay, disc diffusion assay, growth curve, liquid culture preparation.
- Bacterial cell fractionation, periplasmic, cytoplasm and cell envelope preparation
- Western Blot, NMR, Circular Dichroism, Thermoflour, enzyme and kinetic assays, microscope and fluorescent light microscope
- Crystallography and protein structure determination
- Bioinformatics
Administrator of Undergraduate (2015) Membership of accreditation certificate committee. (2016-2017) Membership of undergraduate studies Committee (2015-2017) Membership of higher studies committee.(2017- 2020) Membership of scientific committee in the department (2017- 2020) Membership of credit hour system study (2018-209) Membership of ISO Accreditation committee (2016-2017) Membership of plagiarism detector system (2016- to date) Membership of oral and comprehensive exams (2018-to date) Membership of competitive exam (2017-to date) Designer-editor in Baghdad Science Journal (2021 to date) Editor in Asian Journal of Research in Infectious Diseases (2022- to date).
- Awarded an Academic excellence prize form the Minister of Higher Minister of Education (2009).
- Awarded 1st degree class honours prize (University arms) from the Faculty of science, University of Baghdad (2008). Awarded the Biological science Division, annual Poster Competition prize. University of Sheffield. 2013
- 1st Midland Molecular Microbiology Meeting M4, University of Birmingham. UK. Poster Presentation. Identification of a novel system against host-derived antimicrobial peptides in Campylobacter jejuni.2012
- Campylobacter UK Meeting, Food Standard Agency, University of Liverpool, Liverpool. UK. Oral Presentation. 2014Identification of a novel defence system against host derived antimicrobial peptides in Campylobacter jejuni 2014
Molecular Microbiology of Gram-negative and Gram-positive Bacterial Physiology and Metapolism Drug Resistance mechanism Environmnetal Microbiology Proteoms Omics
BSc in Biology- College of education for Women-University of Baghdad 2001 MSc in Zoology-College of Science for Women-University of Baghdad 2008 PhD in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology-University of Sheffield-United Kingdom 2015
Undergraduate Bacteriology (Second Stage) Antibiotics (Third Stage) Pathogenic Microorganism (Third satge) Clinical analysis(Fourth Stage) General Fungi (Second stage) Envrionmental techniques (Fourth stage) General Biology, General Zoology, The Cell (First Stage
Postgraduate: Microbial Physiology (MSc) Microbial Biotechniques (PhD) Advance Environmental techniques (PhD) Elective modules (Msc, PhD) more than 5 modules
Undergraduate: Fourth Class project (more than 15) Postgraduate MSc: 7 to date PhD: 2 to date