The importance of the topic lies in explaining the extent of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Kilani’s interest in social and scientific life in Baghdad
this research talks about the weakness that had happened in the construction of the sentences which effected on the syntactic meaning . it considers an important problems faced the languages .
Abdullah bin Taher ibn al-Husayn ibn Mus'ab ibn Rizayq ibn As'ad ibn Zazan, Abu Talha al-Khuzai, Abu al-Abbas and Zureiq, Jad Taher ibn al-Husayn with the rightists, and Mullah Abdullah bin Khalaf, the father of Talha
I've dealt with my research is marked by ((urban and population planning for the city of Baghdad, during the reign of the Ottoman governor Muhammad Rashid Alkozlki 1852-1857)), a set of facts and incidents historical with the physical and demographic dimension, which passed on the history of the city of Baghdad on the fifth of the nineteenth century the contract during the Ottoman control Iraq, which lasted almost nearly four centuries
The importance of this topic highlights through a multitude of research studies that addressed which attempted to determine the concepts and various dimensions and aspects which essentially associated with the intellectual background and the extraordinary specialization of the researcher or student or the angle of view that adopted to deal with this
Manuscript (Tuhfat Al-Ashaba and the Nuzha Al-Kulbab) by Ahmed bin Ibrahim Al-Hanafi Al-Suruji (d.710 AH / 1310 AD), one of the important manuscripts as an encyclopedia characterized by the diversity of its topics
The religious forgiving in Islam takes its highest moral value from the law of Muslims (Holy Quran) that practically embodied through the biography of passenger Mohammad (pubh) and the caliphs who behave also according to prophet did to treat with non muslim who were a part of society those are Jewish ,
If the syntactic structure is a reflection of what is in the mind of the creator of synergies
One of the bases of civilization is architecture; the philosophy of applying architecture on the ground is considered the base of it's growth
The research dealt with the financial policies adopted by Almurabitin (484-520 / 1092-1143) and Almuahadin (540-620 / 1145-1223) in Andalusia, their characteristics, and how they dealt with increasing the resources of Bayt Almal and organizing the spending process. The first axis of the research discussed the policies of the management of public funds in the provinces of Almurabitin and Almuahadin in Andalusia. While the second presented to the most prominent and most important resources of Andalusia financial in the era of these two countries such as Zakat, Alkhiraj, Alghanayim, confiscations and illegal taxes and others. The third axis reviewed the public spending policies of the two countries and the political and military conditions
... Show MoreThe ammeter is art form from folklore of the Arab perform many character so he is actor several from place to another, you able to use your tools (body) and (voice), he is genus ammeter that the character
Much of the researchers focused on the study of prominent personalities, with clear roles, historians interested in mentioning them, in this research ,it is to focus figures were less fortunate than others,
The aim of this research is to make a new investigation of a scientific thesis in Arabic Morphology in which an allusion occurred in relation to its real author and its title, there is alot of dropping and flaw when it was first applied due to depending on one written transcript
إن قراءة شبه متأنية لبعض مواقف الاِمام السجاد( عليه السلام ) من الظالمين وأعوانهم ، وكذلك مواقفه من بعض الحركات الشيعية التي تفجّرت في زمانه ، وكيف انتقل من مرحلة التقية المؤلمة إلى مرحلة المواجهة الساخنة ، لا سيّما بعد أن استنفذ دوره التبليغي الصامت ، وارتأى أنّه لابدّ أن ينتقل من المرحلة السلبية السرية الصامتة إلى مرحلة اعلان المعارضة ، خاصة وإنّه أدرك أن خصومه عن دوره في تأليب الاُمّة ضدهم وتحشيد غضبها وإ
... Show MoreIn fact, the main idea of the manuscript is to deal with subdivision science of Islamic jurisprudence, it has a touch of ambiguity that attract all knowledge men , many students like to study it according to its ambiguity and trying to solve
The Arabs muslim , throughout the historical ages, had many and varied contributions in various fields of science and knowledge, and in all scientific disciplines. They were preceded by scholars of other sects, so their books were translated into Arabic and they added to it many of their scientific research and writings that affected Arab and Islamic libraries, as these scientific research turned into basic references for the benefit of students of science in this field, and they did not stop at that, but built observatories, and invented They developed many astronomical devices in their time and observed the planets and stars, drew maps for them and determined their locations
مخطوطة (تحفة الاصحاب ونزهة ذوي الالباب) للمؤلف احمد بن ابراهيم الحنفي السروجي احدى المخطوطات المهمة لكونها موسوعة تتميز بتنوع موضوعاتها
في مدينة الري القريبة من طهران الحالية ولد ابو بكر محمد بن يحيى بن زكريا الرازي سنة 251هـ/865 م وسميً بالرازي نسبة الى مدينة الري 0 أحب الرازي الغناء والضرب على العود في بداية حياته ثم هجر ذلك كله واتجه الى الطب والكيمياء 0 درس الطب في شبابه في بغداد وقد اخطأ بعض المؤرخين في ظنهم ان
مارس العراقيون ومنهم سكان مدينة بغداد أنواعاً متعددة من الألعاب الرياضية الفردية منها السباحة ، الفروسية ، الساس ، الطابك ، والمصارعة بطريقتها القديمة ـ الزورخانة ـ وما تحملهُ من عادات وتقاليد وطقوس شبه دينية إضافة لما في حركتها من معاني القوة والبطولة ونجد أنَّ الذين يقبلون على مزاولتها عند انتشار بيوتاتها في بغداد فيما بعد هم من علية القوم ووجهاء مدينة بغداد ومن الذين كانوا يتمتعون بالاخلاق الدينية الفا
... Show Moreاسلوب الحوار في القرآن الكريم اسلوب حياة وفي حقيقة الامر يضم القرآن الكريم بين دفتيه حوارات كثير مابين الله عزوجل وخلقه وما بين الانبياء واقوامهم وما بين الانبياء والطواغيت ومابين المؤمنين والكفار وهكذا ، وبدء الخلق قام على حوار مابين الله عزوجل وآدم وما بين آدم وابليس وما بيا الله جل وعلا والملائكة .
From this research ,it can be concluded that Ibn al-Jawzi touch on the subject of dreams , dignities and paranormal part of his curriculum, which he ontinued on his book, as it is an important part of the elements of translation, we find first special attention and promise of things recognized when responding with them in most of the cases in which they received, including proximity He pointed out to an important point through dreams, dignities.
Karbala is one of the oldest cities in Iraq. It was named after the name of the child. This is the saga that Imam Hussein was martyred in
The shortcomings of the Muslim regime were however, became more obvious in later periods. Under the first Abbasids, the Muslims bourgeoisies were still a new class, rising in the social hierarchy of the caliph empire. It became even powerful class and a factor to reckon with
The harsh human suffering experienced by the Andalusians were a religious conflict and racist impact on all aspects of public life. The religious factor most important factors that determined the nature of the hostile relationship between the Andalusian and Castilian, Castile has sought to make them Christians by force through laws that deprived them of all their rights. In spite of the large number of those laws, the authority admitted inability to subdue the Andalusians to its will through the issuance of the final decree of expulsion.
تقوم الدراسات التاريخية في مصدر تاريخي
The dialect is part of a broader environment that includes many dialects that have their own characteristics, but they share a set of linguistic phenomena that work on the communication of the members of this environment with each other, and these dialects are old and died, wheras some of them live next to classical, each dialect has a set of common characteristics, The dialectical division is due to the feeling of the place of the one region, that they speak in a way that differs from the image that the inhabitants of the neighboring region walk in, and the dialects of speech in the Arab countries still retain ancient elements that were common in the dialects of Arabs before Islam, as they adhered to many of the
... Show MoreIslamic history is replete with many important and eminent personalities who had a great and important impact in developing and preserving the teachings of the Muhammadan message, men who spent their lives studying research and debates to libel and defend everyone who wanted to challenge or distort the teachings of this great message that God Almighty made the conclusion of all heavenly laws It is dominant over it, and the Almighty pledged to preserve it in the Almighty’s saying: “We have revealed the Remembrance, and we will preserve it.” So he entrusted the preservation of it by many distinguished scholars. The author of the book (Provisions of the Qur’an) Imam Al-Kia Al-Harassi Al-Tabari Al-Shafi’i, may Go
... Show MoreRiding in Andalusia was a sport emphasized by Islam. It also works to strengthen the muscles, prevent them from sagging, gain vitality and vitality, regulate blood circulation and improve brain and heart function. The research we discussed in the study is not limited to a particular class. Most Andalusian rulers practiced equestrian And they hold concerts and competitions of horse competition, as happened during the reign of Caliph al-Hakam al-Mustansir and Muzaffar ibn Abi Amer and the governor adopted Ben Abbad and the Caliph Muhammad bin Bani al-Ahmar, the governor of the city of Granada in the presence of the great poets such as the son of Abu Salt and Ibn
... Show MoreBlack slaves formed a section of the Murabit community, and they had an important role in wars and in settling battles to the Murabit state. Murabit state lords have depended on them in many scales such as, wars or within the community boarders
Non-Muslim scholars, who are Jews, Christians, Sabians and Magi, excelled in various pure scientific and human sciences, being the owners of civilizational inheritances. On the rest of the sciences in which non-Muslims excelled, namely mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, astrology, philosophy, history, and the Arabic language.