Increasing need for day after day to find ways and innovative means of
helping to educate and give children the skills of different kind, has found a
researcher on the subject of hats, six room to give children language skills
through the experience of field reconnaissance conducted on the three
children found that language skills improved, he decided to make these study.
Objectives of the study:
Understand the differences between the experimental group first (the way the
debate) and second (six caps) depending on the test post administration.
to identify the language skills of the second group according to the pre and
post test
Differences between males and females in the second group (Six Hats)
Search T
The process of cognitive representation includes mental activities such as perception, concepts formation and decision making leading to formation of Cognitive representation where the need for Cognition is one of basic humane needs promoting individuals to have more information.
This Study aims to measure the level of Cognitive representation among gifted Schools, the level of need for Cognition among them, recognize statistical Significant differences with Cognitive representation according to gender Variable and recognize the Correlation between Cognitive representation and the need for Cognition among giftel schools . The sample Consists of subsample of mair application one Consisting of( 400) students, noting that the first sampl
Ceremony of the Koran vocabulary animate different connotations unique style patch on
smth not any method of Arabs, has been used used vocabulary and special Madza, he put
every single in place of installation so that if you do not put in place misfire meaning and
became Rkika method. Our goal in this research study a range of vocabulary in terms of the
implications and documenting the trial of the Hadith and sayings of the beneficiaries of Arab
scholars have different attitudes, linguists and interpreters and speakers and fundamentalists,
philosophers, and others.
The growing phenomenon of drug abuse in light of the increasing psychological and social pressures experienced by members of the community of wars and crises of the Iraqi society in the middle of the last decade was Andv societies that are free of the phenomenon of drug addiction, but with a high level events, wars and economic crises and the deterioration of the situation security and lack of control on the border with the neighboring countries, it has become a breeding ground and the focus of drug-smuggling gangs, all of which led to the spread of drug abuse, especially among the youth category, and undoubtedly the seriousness of drug abuse Taatmd negative community impacts, Valmtaati drug becomes a member unproductive and unable to ea
... Show MoreSarcasm is conceders one patterns of undesirable communication, which causes social problems in humans relationships because of the contradictory verbal and nonverbal expressions is known sarcasm may defined , statements with intent to belittle others in different situations, dealing with the individual deliberately, to diminish the will or overwhelmed by the recipe stupid, which generate a reaction when a person listener, raising the intentions of ridicule and undermine it, and this may happen is different from the irony interest increased in sarcasm since the development of scientists "Watzlawick '" and Bevin "Jackson's" in 1967 theory interactive and considered the sarcasm one interaction patterns in the social relationship, which use
... Show MoreAbstract
This study turns about The Military Thinking and His Islamic balance in
The Caliph Ali Bin Abi Talib ( peace is on him ) Compact to Malek Al Ashtar
(God be pleased on him )The military field is very wide in all intellectual and
practically effects at The Caliph Ali Bin Abi Taleb(peace is on him ). Its
considered the first seed for islam ,therefore,there are a lot from military
situtions which proved his practical experience in these affairs , and away
from the details of war and practical battles lets search the sample and the
academic study for fair military thinking (justice) in The Compact of Caliph Ali
to Malek Al Ashtar when he became the ruler of egypt.
The military fair thinking determines fr
Feedback on students’ assignments can be done in many different ways. Nowadays, the growing number of students at universities has increased the burden on the instructors to give feedback on students’ writings quickly and efficiently. As such, new methods of modern online automated feedback tools, such as Hemingway app and ecree,are used to assist and help instructors. Hence, this research is an explanatory study to examine the effect of using the online automated feedback on some Iraqi EFL learners’ writings at the university level. The study comprised 60 students enrolled in an English language course at the University of Anbar. They were divided randomly into two groups, experi
... Show MoreIn this research, we attempt to show the extent of harmony in an aspect of the text according to the stylistics for the Knowing of the stylistic value of the title threshold, and the pathways of titles that suggest and support the meaning when the recipient reads the literary text, in addition to the interpretations that reflect the purposes of the poet who contributed to the drawing of his poetic achievement. The research presented a brief about the poet and his most important works, because they are the text which will be studied according to the stylistics. The research also explained the concept of style and the stylistics in the preface , because of the stylistic is the method adopted by the research to study the title thresholds in
... Show MoreThis research deals with the study of the identity lost in the novel (handcuffs of paper) by Writer (Kuwaiti / Iraqi ) Yousif Hadi Mays.This is because of The strange subject presented by the writer ,Kuwait has chosen a sbace for his novel and chose apurely Kuwaiti theme. Hence the importance of the novel, as it came to the subject of identity completely dntdiffere from what we wwrote after the fall off the regime (2003), Which is related to the last coming from outside the country, which remained oscillataing between his mother,s identity where language, religion and history and the identity of the other by virtue and dazzling, and integration and here con not belong to either party. This is a violation of the taboos of
... Show MoreThe social support is considered one of the most important constituents of
society and the one which can ensure its unity.
The resources of social support are different accordind to the variety and
the multiplication of the net – work of the social relationships that are
established among the individuals. The importance of this variable is evident
in the emolional adaptation and the mental health as well as its role in mitigating of the illness threating and in accelerating the recovery. social support can enhance the individuals ability to tolerate and face the emotional
and physical problems in the time of cris and stressful life conditions.
The most important results are shown as follows :
1- It was
The Palestinian existence in Lebanan is regard as active Arab powers
in political system in Lebanan. This existence arises exactly in Lebanan on 5 /
June / 1967. The Palestinians distributed from south to north, from Bayrouth
to Al-Bquaa, also they lived in Camps like (Tal Al-Zater), (Aen Al-hlwa, Mya –
Mya) and so on.
The armed Palestinian resistance breakout from these camps in
Lebanan against Israel, Lebanon rejected this conflict to avoid any
confrontation with Israel which have big military and high ability in different
aspects in addition security of Lebanan did not connected with security of
Arab states in other side the civil war which break out in Lebanon impact upon
Naber and toning in the modern Arab poetry Mahmoud Darwish, a model
The research tries to discuss the European attitude towards the Iranian nuclear
activities withen its ambitious nuclear program. It studies the European endeavor to settle
this problem peacefully or to solve it by exerting economic and diplomatic pressures on the
Iranian leadership so, it will give up its nuclear ambitions.
Germany exerts single efforts and others withen the European Troika to follow up
the Iranian nuclear case attempting to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapon which
gives Iran a distinguished regional status. Thus , this situation will lead the current regional
equivalence become unbalanced as well as it is conducive to dangerous consequences , to
endanger the security of Israel is the most
Human resources are considered as strategic fortune for being the main driver of the development wheel in the society, and the field of education and learning is one of the main pillars of this fortune for its great effect in the process of economic and social progress of individuals. I was the subject of education to the concerns of many countries, as adopted national policies . And regional support and the reduction of constraints, so came our study (education hub for human development) to identify the role of education in human development and to identify the obstacles facing the education process and the extent of its impacts negatively on the process of human development also contribute to the knowledge of school enrollment and the
... Show MoreThe preparatory phase since it corresponds to adolescence are the most important stages of life , where the individual 's personality to take shape at this stage and start asking questions about the same , trying to discover the positive and negative traits hehas in order to form distinctive character and also is being he have Love Poll For everything that goes on around him.
And attention to cognitive motivation is important for students because the student who owns a motive cognitively looking for self - knowledge with conviction, and learning then be meaningful and lasts long. The motive of knowledge are common in which cognitive components does not mean exclusive knowledge on academic books and research in the narrow borders but a
The Historical effect of Conflict between North and South
This research is a rhetorical study that sheds light on theme
prominent of central identified as custom poet of MUDAFAR AL NAWAB
political and national' that "wine "that themes which had a prominent
presence and intense in his poetry .and objective of this research is to detect
the aesthetic performance ALNAWABY in which he put to categorization
"wine" ,through observation of manifestation the presence of winey. And
related scream the images and the meaning of talking semantics base to
move in the spaces of the text and have built our study on three topics: we
started The first research with lexicon russet in the processes of counting
and analysis of the semantics wine in the office of the poet trying to reveal
تتمتع كل دولة مستقلة بعلم وطني فريد يمثل هويتها للعالم الخارجي ويكون بمثابة رمز للقومية. "قطعة قماش مستطيلة ذات تصميم مميز تستخدم كرمز للامة أو إشارة أو كديكور" هو التعريف الحرفي للعلم وفقًا لقاموس ميريام ويبستر. وعليه فأن العلم يخدم غرضًا حاسمًا في ترسيخ الهوية الوطنية وتعزيز الروابط بين المواطنين. ومن الأمثلة على ذلك استخدامه المتكرر في الطقوس وتعهدات الولاء من قبل عامة الناس. ان تصميم العلم يتضمن في كثير
... Show Moreيحتاج المتعلمون العراقيون إلى تعزيز كفاءتهم في الكتابة. تتطلب الكتابة التطوير المستمر (زسوزسي، 2017). يعد إتقان استخدام الصفات في اللغة الإنجليزية أمرًا مهمًا لأنه يوضح الموضوع المستهدف. تلعب الصفات دورًا مهمًا في جعل الجمل أكثر وضوحًا. وبالأستناد إلى نظرية المجال لانجاكر (1987)، أجرت الباحثة دراسة تجريبية شملت 92 طالبة من جامعة بغداد، كلية التربية للبنات، قسم اللغة الإنجليزية. الهدف من الدراسة هو تحسين مهارات ا
... Show Moreفي عمله "الانضباط والمعاقبة"، يطبق ميشيل فوكو المفهوم الذي قدمه بانوبتيكون للكاتب بينثام. يجادل بأن البنية لنظام "الرؤية الكاملة" ماهو الا العلاقة بين فكرة مجردة مثل العقوبة والواقع الملموس مثل "بانوبتيكون" او الرؤية الكاملة. يصبح الغرض من العقوبة هو توفير مشهد للجمهور بدلاً من إعادة تأهيل السجين، حيث أنها تهدف في المقام الأول إلى ردع الآخرين. تمثل ألعاب الجوع مثالاً واضحًا لهذا المفهوم، حيث إن الأشخاص ال
... Show Moreتقوم الجامعات بدور فريد في تقديم نوع من التعليم يتمكن من تقديم نماذج من رجال الأعمال بصورة قد تُسهم في دفع النمو الاقتصادي؛ ولذا يُعد التعليم الجامعي والتنمية وجهان لعملة واحدة، وهذه العملة هي الموارد البشرية فمن دونها لن يكون هناك تنمية، خاصة أن هناك علاقة تأثير وتأثر بين شخصية الطالب والجامعة، ينتج عنها اكتساب الطالب مهارات وخبرات تساعده في النهاية للقيام بدوره في خدمة مجتمعه. حيث يفتقد الكثير من الريادي
... Show Moreتطرق هذا البحث لمراحل تطور علم المناخ التطبيقي (Applied Climatology)، حيث اشار علماء اليونان مثل ابقراط وجالينوس وبطليموس الى الافكار الاولى لهذا العلم، اذ تطرقوا الى العلاقة بين تغيرات الفصول وبين التكوين البدني للشعوب وصحتهم وأمراضهم. ثم اضاف علماء العرب (كاليعقوبي وابن الفقيه والاصطخري والمقدسي والبيروني والعزيزي والمقريزي والسبتي والغزي وابن خلدون وغيرهم) الكثير من الافكار الجديدة لعلم المناخ التطبيقي، والمت
... Show Moreتضمنت الدراسة أهم القضايا التي كان يعاني منها المجتمع المصري في الفترة الوقعة ما بين(1982- 1992) وهي مشكلة (التعليم) التي تعد أغلى استثمار بشري تقوم به الأمة من أجل تأمين غدها وحماية مستقبلها؛ فالتعليم هوالمدخل الحقيقي إلى عالم الغد بكل آماله وتطلعاته وتحدياته لأنه يسهمبتحقيق الاستقرار الاجتماعي وتعزيز مسيرة التنمية الشاملة. يأتي ذلك لما فرضته طبيعة العصر الذي نعيشه من تفجير معرفي متزايد وثورة هائلة في الاتصال
... Show Moreيهدف البحث إلى تسليط الضوء على الثقافة الاستهلاكية للطاقة الكهربائية للفرد العراقي وأثرها الكبير في أزمة الكهرباء في العراق فضلاً عن القاء الضوء على أهمية ترشيد الاستهلاك للطاقة الكهربائية وتداعيات التبديد والاسراف باعتبارها ظاهرة سلبية يجب تثقيف وتوعية المستهلكين لتفادي اضرارها على الفرد والمجتمع، وقد اعتمدت الدراسة على منهج المسح الاجتماعي وتم اختيار عينة ميدانية بلغ حجمها 200 مستهلك في محافظة بغداد ف
... Show MoreThe research addresses a pattern of imagery which is regarded a Prominent feature of Abi Tamaam's Poetry (the image of implicit simile) which is based on the hidden signified and the signifier which can be deduced out of context . The investigation requires a study whose proof is based on imagery which is of three types: natural proof , human proof and Quran proof . After handling the realistic structures of this image, the researcher has shifted attention to its types and has dealt with the psychological domain , dividing it in two types: the sensory image and the mental image. The research is directed towards studying the implicit sentence regarding its styles of expression : declarative expression and composition expression . The
... Show MoreAccording to Bowens Family systems theory self – differentiation defiance as a
construct that consists of two interrelated abilities : the first is an intrapsychic
ability to distinguish between the thoughts and feelings , and an inter personal
ability to maintain connections with others while achieving an autonomous self .
The present research concerned in testing the hypothesis of marital similarity
(people married persons with the same level of self – differentiation).
The present research aimed to:
1. Measures self – differentiation of university officers .
2. Measures self - differentiation of sample husbands' .
3. Measures self - differentiation of sample wives .
4. Acquaint to the relation betwe
KHalaf Alhmar and what we get from his poem
In the present paper, the researcher attempts to shed some light on the objective behind inserting some Qur'anic verses by Al-Zahraa (Peace Be Upon Her) in her revered speech. Besides, it tries to investigate the hidden meaning of these verses and to study them in the light of pragmaticreferences. This task is supported by Books of Tafseer as well as the books that explained this speech to arrive at its intended meaning. It is possible say that this is astep towards studying speeches of 'Ahlul Bayt' (People of the Prophet's household) in terms of modern linguistic studies, as well as employing modern methods to explore the aesthetic values of these texts.
In The Bluest Eye (1970), the American-African writer, Toni Morrison explores how
Western standards of ideal beauty are created and propagated with and among the black
community. The novel not only portrays the lives of those whose dark skinned and Negroid
features blight their lives; it also shows how the standard of white beauty, when imposed on
black youth, can drastically damage one’s self-love and esteem which usually occurs when
beauty goes unrecognized. Morrison in this novel focuses on the damage that the black
women characters suffer through the construction of femininity in a racialised society where
whiteness is used as a standard of beauty.