Extremism detection is an important area of natural language processing (NLP). It is used to detect hate speech, sectarianism, and terrorism on social media. This field has been discussed and studied in many international languages, especially Arabic and English, as many studies touched on languages in particular, but dialects were not addressed even though users of social networking sites write in their dialect. One of the most difficult Arabic dialects is the Iraqi dialect. Because the Iraqi dialect has few sources on the Internet regarding available data that can be used by researchers, this research aims to detect extremism in Iraqi texts using machine learning. The data was pre-processed by deleting suffixes and prefixes for Iraqi w
... Show MoreThis research aims to study the behavior of solutions of second-order neutral differential equations with periodic coefficients. Some necessary and sufficient conditions have been obtained that classify all solutions of these equations into three categories: either oscillatory, non-oscillatory, and convergent to zero, or non-oscillatory and divergent. The extent to which periodic coefficients influence the occurrence of oscillation, convergence, or divergence for each solution has been explained. The equation under consideration contained a variable delay and a constant delays in which the coefficients are periodic. Not much previous research has discussed the oscillation of solutions of second-order neutral equations with periodic coeff
... Show MoreVoice encryption is crucial to protecting data during transmission and storage due to the widespread problem of document fabrication and forgery. Various methods have been used to protect important data, including encryption. Voice data encryption is a way to encrypt important messages within transmissions. Therefore, it needs a strong and efficient encryption algorithm, using the standard encryption algorithm known as Rijndeal. This method is reliable, secure and efficient, because the Rijndael algorithm is characterized by its key lengths and blocks of different sizes. The Rijndael algorithm is a method of decrypting audio files, making it a powerful tool for protecting sensitive information. This paper presents a method for encoding W
... Show MoreThe current work aims to study the effect of an inclined magnetohydro dynamics peristaltic transport of a non-Newtonian hyperbolic tangent fluid in a non-uniform channel via porous medium. The nonlinear governing equations regarding hyperbolic tangent fluid have been studied and solved analytically with the use of a regular perturbation approach under considerations of a long wavelength as well as low Reynolds number. All computational results are also discussed graphically using the MATHEMATICA program. The mathematical expressions for axial velocity and stream functions have been derived analytically. Different physical parameters have been shown graphically and discussed it's effect. It is established that increasing the Hartmann nu
... Show MorePolycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) comprises a multiplex hormone-based disorder that is typically accompanied by several complications, including irregularity of menses, excessiveness of hair growth in face and body, acne, obesity, diminished fertility, and higher probability of developing diabetes. Many hormones and enzymes may undergo changes in PCOS patients. This study involved 138 women who were separated into two groups: PCOS women (n=90) with an age range of (22-45) years, and apparently healthy women (n=48) representing the control group with age being matched to the patient group. All patients attended to Al-Kadhimiya Teaching Hospital, Department of Obstetrical and Gynecology and diagnosed by a consultant physician. Following per
... Show MoreIn this paper, we explore and introduce a novel study employing a new operator denoted as W_(ν,γ,δ,τ,n,r,d)^(η,s) within the field of geometric function theory, particularly in the context of sandwich theorems. We derive results pertaining to differential subordination and superordination for this new formula operator. Additionally, we establish specific sandwich theorems.
Mathematics and the applied sciences both heavily rely on fixed point ( theory. Additionally, this theory has several applications in integral equations and differential equations to guarantee the solutions' existence and uniqueness. theory relies mainly on the Banach contraction principle. Since this idea first appeared, it has gained a lot of attention and there has been a lot of development in this field. In this paper, the concept of generalized Kannan-type() mapping is presented in intuitionistic fuzzy metric space(IFM space), and the theory is proven. The results contain extensions of theory in IFM-space which include the Caccioppoli theorem. Additionally, an instance is provided to illustrate the practi
... Show MoreNoise reduction is a significant field that appears in many aspects of life. There are many methods for speech noise reduction, especially for stationary noise. This paper talks about a new way to lower speech noise that combines the Log-MMSE (Logarithmic Minimum Mean Square Error) algorithm, which is used to improve speech signals that have been messed up by noise, with an adaptive Wiener filter with a decision-directed (DD) approach. This filter lowers musical noise and predicts the time-varying noise spectrum, which results in a better signal-to-noise ratio. The frame delay issue resulting from DD was resolved by utilizing the Two-Step Noise Reduction (TSNR) technique to reconstruct the harmonic structure of the voice signal that was
... Show MoreIn this paper, we modify an SEIVR model concerning COVID-19 from the first-order system into a multi-fractional order system of differential equations. We also find an approximate solution by using the Sumudu Adomian decomposition method. Furthermore, we try to give qualitative results rather than qualitative results. Numerical simulation is given through a table and graphs which show the efficiency of the method.
Kirkuk province needs a comprehensive and specialized strategy to address these difficulties and identify the most suitable solar energy solutions to reduce its ecological impact and improve its energy security and economic sustainability in future years. This study aims to present a framework for solar energy farm site selection working with Geographic Information System (GIS) and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) techniques surrounding Kirkuk province, Iraq. Several spatial data sets were integrated in two steps to locate the best locations for solar energy farms. The first stage was to identify land availability with the elimination of constraints areas such as distance from major roads, distance from bodies of water, urban are
... Show MoreThe Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network comprised of interconnected items, including computing devices and digital gadgets. Cloud-based IoT infrastructures are vulnerable to distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. A DDoS attack has the potential to incapacitate a server for an extended duration, resulting in service disruptions as a consequence of overwhelming system resources. This research presents a novel framework for mitigating DDoS attacks in IoT networks. The proposed system leverages the fog-cloud architecture to provide efficient, lightweight, and precise attack mitigation. Notably, the mitigation process is executed at the fog layer. The suggested fog layer uses Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to make allocatin
... Show MoreMedia platforms have become essential for staying informed about events and activities around the globe. While there has been research on identifying news in English, detecting it in Arabic has been relatively overlooked. The unique linguistic characteristics and diverse slang expressions in Arabic have contributed to a scarcity of studies in this area. This research examines the effectiveness of deep learning algorithms in identifying fake news, specifically in the Arabic language. In this study, Global Vectors for Word Representation (GloVe) were used to capture the semantic relationships between words in order to improve the performance of the models. Furthermore, the utilization of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Bidirectional LSTM
... Show MoreHyaluronidase is an enzyme that primarily breaks down hyaluronic acid, thereby disrupting the structural integrity of the extracellular matrix (ECM) found in connective tissues, which is considered a virulence factor. Peganum is a genus of plants in the family Nitrariaceae that contains a number of alkaloids, including harmaline and harmine, which have been used in traditional medicine. This study aimed to investigate the effect of a plant-active compound (peganin) isolated from a plant sample as an inhibitor of hyaluronidase. In total, 120 samples were randomly isolated from infected burns. Isolates with highly hydrolyzed zones were identified. The Turbidity Reduction Assay was used to assess cell growth and hyaluronidase activity spect
... Show MoreLet A be a 2- torsion free prime Γ- ring, and L be a square closed Lie ideal of A i.e. xβx∈L for all x∈L and β∈Γ, suppose that μ is an endomorphism of A, and f is a right μ- centralizer which is not the identity map on L, satisfying f([x, b]_γ )=〖∓[x,b]〗_γ ( or f(xδr)=∓xδr) for all x,b∈L , γ∈Γ, then L⊆Z(A).
استخدمت بعض الخصائص الهيدروكيميائية كالمواد الصلبة الذائبة وت ا ركيز الايونات الرئيسة
المشتملةعلى الكالسيوم,المغنيسيوم, الصوديوم, الكلوريد, الكبريتات والعسرة الكاربونية لنهر الخابور في محطة
. 1983- ا زخو لتحليل الاتجاه العام لها وسلوكها الدوري اعتمادا على القياسات الشهرية للفترة 1979
اوضحت نتائج الد ا رسة الحالية ان هنالك اتجاها عاما للزيادة في قيم هذه المتغي ا رت باستثناء العسرة الكاربونية
التي ت
The fractional free volume (Fh) in polystyrene (PS) as a function of neutron-irradiation dose has been measured, using positron annihilation lifetime (PAL) method. The results show that Fh values decreased with increasing n-irradiation dose up to a total dose of 501.03x 10-2 Gy.
A percentage reduction of 2.14 in Fh values is noticed after the initial n-dose corresponding to a percentage reduction of 42.14/Gy. The total n-dose induces a percentage reduction of 7.26, corresponding to a percentage reduction of 1.45 per Gy. These results indicate that cross -linking is the predominant process induced by n-irradiation.
The results suggest that n-irradiation induces structure changes in PS, causing cross-linking in PS chains, whereas
The s-level of a screened hydogenic atom in a uniform magnetic field of arbitrary strength B have been calculated accurately. First, the related spherical symmetric case )~(2122Brhas been treated by using the linear variational method. The trial wave function is taken as linear mixture of hydogenic and 3D harmonic ascillator wave functions of s-symmetry. Second, the actual nonspherical case)(21222yx is studied by adopting the correction proposed by Mustafa and Chhajlany (Phys. Rev.A,50,(I994),2926). The latter accounts for the difference between the two cases in an appaximate way by utilizing the properties of the 2D and 3D harmonic oscillators.
We start our study with the unsceened hydrogen case to recover their shifted
The present paper deals with estimation of compaction parameters from the empirical relationships relating time and velocity of the propagated sonic waves with depth. For this aim two geologic intervals were chosen at Jambur area, the first one is limited between the top of Fatha formation (M. Miocene) and base of Jeribe formation (L. Miocene) while the second one is limited between the base of Jeribe formation and the top of Qamchuqa formation (Albian – M. Cretaceous). Sonic logs data revealed the existence of two Low Velocity Layers (LVL) in these intervals. They correspond to porous saliferous and seepage beds in the first interval. and to the highly fractured and oil bearing carbonate bed in the second interval.
Sonic logs dat
يقع حوض كه ب ا رن الثانوي في الجزء الشمالي الشرقي من الع ا رق والذي يمثل الجزء الشمالي من حوض
أربيل حيث تبلغ مساحته 802 كم 2 . المناخ السائد في المنطقة قاري جاف الى شبه جاف، حيث تم حساب
حيث Thornthwaite, Blany Cridle, and Kharufa التبخر – نتح الكامن نظريا وبثلاث طرق وهي
كان التبخر-النتح ( 1242.8 ) ملم و ( 1629.271 ) ملم و ( 1799.059 ) ملم سنويا على التوالي. الزيادة
المائية المحسوبة بالطرق الثلاث كانت نسبها % 30.35 و % 27.49 و % 27.48 على التوالي. بل
في هذا البحث تمت د ا رسة منحني الانعكاسية في المنطقة المايكروية (منطقة الاطوال الموجيه الطويلة)
متجانس (dielectric) 8.5 ) حيث تم استخدام نموذج لغشاء عازل – 12.5) GHz ضمن مدى الترددات
حيث ، n λo / بسمك بصري 4 n1 = معامل انكسارها 1.38 MgF من مادة 2 (homogenous) الخواص
حيث نحصل على انعكاسية nS = معامل انكساره 1.52 BK- مرسبة على زجاج نوع 7 (n =1,2,3,5)
حسب المعادله λo صفرية عند طول موجة التصميم
نظرا للأهمية الكبيرة للخواص الفيزياوية و الميكانيكية للقماش المنتج في مصانع الغزل والنسيج ومنها
نسيج الكوت والأثر المباشر لتلك الخواص على فترة الاستخدام لهذه المنتجات، ولما تعانيه الصناعات
النسيجية من مشاكل في جودة الانتاج تمت دراسة هذه الخواص بعد مراحل الإكمال وتأثي رها على القماش الخام
وخصوصا قماش (الكوت). يهدف البحث الى دراسة تأثير م ا رحل الإكمال على قماش بزاة الكوت باتجاه هذا
التأثير على كث
In this paper we introduce a class of operators on a Hilbert space that contains properly the classes of normal operator, hyponormal operators, M – hyponormal operators, *- paranormal operators and dominat operators. We also give some properties of these operators. We call these operators Pseudonormal.
Let R be a ring with center , and n, m are arbitrary positive integers. We show that a semiprime ring R with suitable - restriction must contain a nonzero central ideal, if it admits a derivation d which is nonzero on a non trivial left ideal U of R and the map satisfies one of the following: )R(Z)]x(d,x[xm
n - commuting on U.
n - skew - commuting on U.
Let R be a prime with characteristic not equal two, σ,τ : RR be two automorphisms of R. and d be a nonzero derivation of R commuting with σ,τ .It is proved that :
1) Assume U ba a(σ,τ)-left Lie ideal of R.
(a) If [U,U], C, and [U,U]=(0) ,then UZ(R).
(b) If [U,U], C, , then UZ(R) .
(c) If (v)+(v)Z(R) , for some vU ,then there exists a nonzero left ideal A of R and a nonzero right ideal B of R such that [R,A], U , [R,B],U but [R,A], Cσ, and [R,B] Cσ, .
(d) If ))0()(()0()(aUdorUad for Ra, then a=0 or (u)+(u)Z(R) , for all uU.
2) If U be a(σ,τ)-Lie ideal of R for ,))(()(,,,CUadorCaUdR
While several methods of automatic video segmentation for the identification of shot transition have been proposed, they have not been systematically compared. In this paper, several segmentation techniques cross different type of video are examined. Each of these techniques defines a measure of dissimilarity between successive frames, which is then compared to a threshold .Dissimilarity values exceeding the threshold identify shot transition.
The techniques are compared in terms of the percentage of correct and false identifications for various thresholds, their sensitivity to the threshold value their performance across different type of video, their ability to identify complicated transition effects, and their requirements for co
Digital watermarking is a technique that can be used to embed a know piece of digital data (watermark data) within another piece of digital media (media to be protected) to act as a copyright protection and tracing for illegal copies for the digital media.
In recent years, it has been recognize that embedding information in transform domain leads to more robust watermarks, so in this paper wavelet transform used as transformation domain of digital image (i.e. cover image). The main concern of the proposed watermark algorithm in this paper is to embed a watermark text in the selected color image during adaptive wavelet transformation. The embedding of the watermark text (digital 0, 1) makes by separating sequential text into differen
A 3.5m borehole was drilled at the northern part of Qa΄a Selma in the northern Jordanian Badia, and is analyzed for radiometric chronology (14C) and stable isotopes (δ18O and δ13 C) at selective depths (50, 85, 150, 310, 350) cm and (30, 50, 85, 130, 150, 190, 230, 270, 310, 350) cm respectively.
It provides Late Pleistocene record, with Holocene is missing and not represented.
Variations in δ13C and δ18O reveal changes in environmental conditions, induced by climate change. Most of the Late Pleistocene record of the Qa΄a is marked by an arid climatic conditions except for two wet periods (37-32 ka BP) and (15.5-13.9 Ka BP), which are indicating positive precipitation-evaporation balance leading to wetter and/ or cooler c
The Hagiastridae Reidel include Spongodiscacea with two, three or four rayed test comprised of layered spongy meshwork lacking concentric ring or spirl. This family appears to be restricted to the Mesozoic (1, 2, 3). It has ageologic history extending at least as far as the Jurassic. The majority of Hagiastridae species are distinctive and with short range.
Seven species of Hagiastridae: Paronaella ewingi, Halesium quadratum, Patulibracchium inaequalum, Patulibracchium marshensis, Hagiastrum plenum, Crucella messinae, Crucella irwini, have been described. They are frome the upper Jurassic-lower Cretaceous Karimia Formation of northren Iraq.
This paper presented the development and implementation of a steganographic method, the secret message is hidden in plain drawing (AutoCAD drawing) with vector coordinate used as stego cover. This paper focuses on trading a few least significant bits of original floating-point values and replacing them with a secret text. A secret text is implemented by transform each character in the text into numbers (using RSA algorithm), then stores it as part of floating-point numbers embedded with plain drawing. The main goal of steganography was fulfilled since changing plain drawing did not drown any suspicion; the same drawing can be used by experimental person and does not alter the original data content.
In this paper we introduced a new distribution model defined by a mixture of
two modified Agarwal and Kalla generalized gamma distributions. Its possible
application in reliability is to study simultaneously both problems; the two types of
failures and the displacement phenomenon. Moment and maximum likelihood
methods were used to estimate the parameters of this distribution model, the nonlinear
systems obtained by these two methods are solved numerically using Newton-
Raphson iterative technique.