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Influence of Percentage Replacement of Metakaolin on Different Concrete Types Exposed to Internal Sulphate Attack

This research presents an experimental investigation on the influence of metakaolin replacement percentage upon some properties of different concrete types. Three types of concrete were adopted (self- compacted concrete, high performance concrete and reactive powder concrete) all of high sulphate (SO3) percentage from the fine aggregate weight, 0.75%. Three percentages of metakaolin replacement were selected to be studied (5, 7 and 10) %. Three types of concrete properties (compressive, flexural and splitting tensile strength) were adopted to achieve better understanding for the influence of adding metakaolin.. The output results indicated that the percentage of metakaolin had a different level of positive effect on the compressive strength for both including and excluding of internal sulphate attack. This effect reached at 28 days of curing to (11.86, 10.22 and 4.75) % in case of excluding sulphate attack and to (13.82, 11.47and 6.53) % in the other case for SCC, HPC and RPC respectively. It can be concluded that the effect of metakaolin in both SCC and HPC are more influence than in RPC. Splitting and flexural strength have showed a similar behavior, flexural strength increased by (15.38, 9.42 and 5,84) % at age of 28 days when the sulphate attack is excluded, while it was (14.02, 10.66 and 4.28)% in case of sulphate attack included for SCC,HPC and RPC respectively. The response of splitting tensile strength for both including and excluding of sulphate attack reached to (13.03, 12.95 and 9.17) % and (16.88, 10.33 and 6.74) % respectively for SCC, HPC and RPC.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Reinforcement of Asphalt Concrete by Polyester Fibers to Improve Flexural Bending Fatigue Resistance

Reinforcing asphalt concrete with polyester fibers considered as an active remedy to alleviate the harmful impact of fatigue deterioration. This study covers the investigation of utilizing two shapes of fibers size, 6.35 mm by 3.00 mm and 12.70 mm by 3.00 mm with mutual concentrations equal to 0.25 %, 0.50 % and 0.75 % by weight of mixture. Composition of asphalt mixture consists of different optimum (40-50) asphalt cement content, 12.50 mm nominal aggregate maximum size with limestone dust as a filler. Following the traditional asphalt cement and aggregate tests, three essential test were carried out on mixtures, namely: Marshall test (105 cylindrical specimens), indirect tensile strength test (21 cylindrical specimens)

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Manufacture of Spongy Gravel from Obsidian to Produce Lightweight and Thermal-Insulating Concrete

    The present study aims to convert obsidian rocks into spongy gravel for the use in the production of lightweight and heat insulating concrete. The rocks were burned at 960°C to achieve maximum swelling of the samples, then broken into gravel and sand sizes. For comparison purposes, two other types of aggregates were used, namely pumice and basalt. The main physical tests, such as specific gravity, bulk density, porosity, and water absorption were performed. For testing the resistance of samples to alkalinity, KOH and Na OH solutions were used. The results showed that the obsidian sample gave the best specifications, where its specific gravity was 0.33, while the values were 1.1 for pumice and 2.7 for basalt, with the

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 03 2021
Journal Name
Structural Efficiency of Hollow Reinforced Concrete Beams Subjected to Partial Uniformly Distributed Loading

Reinforced concrete (RC) beams containing a longitudinal cavity have become an innovative development and advantage for economic purposes of light-weight members without largely affecting their resistance against the applied loads. This type of openings can also be used for maintenance purposes and usage space of communication lines, pipelines, etc. RC beams are primarily loaded in the plane of the members, which are two-dimensional in a plane stress state and the dominant structural behaviours include bending, shear, or combination of both. In the present study, six numerical models of RC beams with and without openings were simulated by using commercial finite element software ANSYS to evaluate the structural behaviours of those b

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 27 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Web Stiffeners on The Flexural Behavior of Composite GFRP- Concrete ‎Beam Under Impact Load

In this paper, numerical and experimental studies on the elastic behavior of glass fiber reinforced ‎polymer (GFRP) with stiffeners in the GFRP section's web (to prevent local buckling) are presented. ‎The GFRP profiles‎ were connected to the concrete deck slab by shear connectors. Two full-scale simply supported ‎composite beams (with and without stiffeners) were tested under impact load (three-point load) to ‎assess its structural response. The results ‎proved that the maximum impact force, maximum ‎deflection, damping time, and ‎damping ratio of the composite beam were affected by the GFRP ‎stiffeners‎. The experimental results indicated that the damping ratio and deflection were diminished compare

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Crossref (8)
Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Comparison of Fatigue Life Behavior between Two Different Composite Materials Subjected to Shot Peening at Different Times

This paper investigated the fatigue life behavior of two composite materials subjected to different times of shot peening (2, 4 and 6 min).The first material prepared from unsaturated polyester with E-glass reinforcement by 33% volume fraction. While, the second one was prepared from unsaturated polyester with aluminum powder by2.5% volume fraction. The experimental results showed that the improvement in endurance limit was obtained (for the first material) at 2, 4 and 6 min shot peening times where the percentage of maximum improvement was 25% at shot peening time of 6 min. While, the endurance limit of the second material decreased at shot peening times of 2, 4 and 6 min where the percentage of maximum reduction was 29 % at shot peenin

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Mechanical Properties of High Performance Concrete Containing Waste Plastic as Aggregate

         The world's population growth and the increasing demand for new infrastructure facilities and buildings , present us with the vision of a higher resources consumption, specially in the form of more durable concrete such as High Performance Concrete (HPC) . Moreover , the growth of the world pollution by plastic waste has been tremendous. The aim of this research is to investigate the change in mechanical properties of HPC with added waste plastics in concrete. For this purpose 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% in volume of natural fine aggregate in the HPC mixes were replaced by an equal volume of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) waste , got by shredded PET bottles. The mechanical propert

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Eurasian Chemico --technological Journal
Influence of addition (Mn) on enhance efficiency of (CuInTe2) photovoltaic cell

Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Civil Engineering
Influence of Magnetized Water on the Geotechnical Properties of Expansive Soil

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Scopus (9)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Feb 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Geotechnical Engineering
Influence of Combined Stabilization on the Structural Properties of Subgrade Soil

Soil stabilization with liquid asphalt is considered as a sustainable step towards roadway construction on problematic subgrade soil, there are no requirements to import good quality materials or to implement energy consumption, but to mix the readily available soil with liquid asphalt through the cold mix technique. In this work, collapsible soil obtained from Nasiriya was mixed with asphalt emulsion, lime, and combinations of lime and asphalt emulsion (combined stabilization) and tested in the laboratory for California bearing ratio in dry and soaked conditions. Field trial sections have been prepared with the same combinations and subjected to plate bearing test. The influence of combined stabilization on the structural properties in ter

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 14 2017
Journal Name
Chemical And Biomolecular Engineering
Influence of Nano Additives on Unconfined Compressive Strength of Asphaltic Soil

Collapsible behaviour of soil is considered as one of the major problems in the stability of roadway embankment, the lack of cohesion between soil particles and its sensitivity to the change of moisture content are reasons for such problem. Creation of such cohesion may be achieved by implementation of liquid asphalt and introduction of Nano additives. In this work, silica fumes, fly ash and lime have been implemented with the aid of asphalt emulsion to improve the unconfined compressive strength of the collapsible soil. Specimens of 38 mm in diameter and 76 mm height have been prepared with various percentages of each type of Nano additive and fluid content. Specimens were subjected to unconfined compressive strength determination at dry a

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