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A Comparative Study of the Right and Left Carotid Arteries in Relation to Age for Patients With Diabetes and Hypertension
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Age, hypertension, and diabetes can cause significant alterations in arterial structure and function, including changes in lumen diameter (LD), intimal-medial thickness (IMT), flow velocities, and arterial compliance. These are also considered risk markers of atherosclerosis and cerebrovascular disease. A difference between right and left carotid artery blood flow and IMT has been reported by some researchers, and a difference in the incidence of nonlacunar stroke has been reported between the right and left brain hemispheres. The aim of this study was to determine whether there are differences between the right and left common carotid arteries and internal carotid arteries in patients with hypertension and diabetes for 2 age groups.


We studied 250 patients with both diabetes and hypertension. Patients were divided into 2 age groups with the old age group being 56 to 75 years and the young age group 35 to 55 years. The bilateral common carotid and internal carotid arteries were evaluated with B-mode ultrasound and Doppler examinations. The LD and IMT were measured for both common carotid arteries, and spectral waveform parameters and indices were recorded for both internal carotid arteries.


The difference in LD between the left and right common carotid arteries for the old age group was 11.64% and for the young age group was 6.42%, with significant P values of <.05 for both age groups. The difference in IMT between the left and right common carotid arteries was 18.27% in the old age group compared with 15.38% in the young age group, with significant P values of <.05. There was a difference in peak systolic velocity between the left and right internal carotid arteries of 4.85% in the old age group which was not significant, compared with 14.28% in the young age group with a significant P value <.05, whereas the difference in end-diastolic velocity between the left and right internal carotid arteries was not significant for both age groups. Differences between the right and left internal carotid arteries for resistive index, pulsatility index, and pressure gradient were significant only in the young age group.


We found significant differences between the right and left common carotid and internal carotid arteries in patients with diabetes and hypertension which were more prominent in the young age group. Values for common carotid IMT and LD were significantly higher in the left common carotid artery versus the right common carotid artery in both age groups. Differences between the 2 carotid sides may be attributed to anatomic variations in the common carotid artery origins which lead to differences in stress between the 2 sides.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Comparison of Practical Investigations for CO Emissions Emitted From Single Cylinder S. I. Engine Fueled With Different Kinds of Hydrocarbon Fuels and Hydrogen
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Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), Natural gas (NG) and hydrogen were all used to operate spark ignition internal combustion engine Ricardo E6. A comparison of CO emissions emitted from each case, with emissions emitted from engine fueled with gasoline as a fuel is conducted.

The study was accomplished when engine operated at HUCR for gasoline n(8:1), was compared with its operation at HUCR for each fuel. Compression ratio, equivalence ratio and spark timing were studied at constant speed 1500 rpm.

CO concentrations were little at lean ratios; it appeared to be effected a little with equivalence ratio in this side, at rich side its values became higher, and it appeared to be effected by equivalence ratio highly, the results s

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Proposed Algorithm for Steganography
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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Proposed Algorithm for Steganography
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Steganography is an important class of security which is widely used in computer and network security nowadays. In this research, a new proposed algorithm was introduced with a new concept of dealing with steganography as an algorithmic secret key technique similar to stream cipher cryptographic system. The proposed algorithm is a secret key system suggested to be used in communications for messages transmission steganography

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Criticism and study of “The Arabic translations of contemporary Persian novels” (“Translations of Muhammad Alauddin Mansour” as a model): قنقـــد و بررسی ترجمـــــه¬ی عربی رمــــان¬های معـــــاصر فــــارسی (ترجمه¬های محمد علاء الدین منصور- بررسی نمونه¬ای)
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     Arab translators have always paid great attention to the translation of the Persian literary genres, in particular, contemporary Iranian novels. They have always translated for the most prominent Iranian novelists such as Jalal Al Ahmad, Sadiq Hidayat, Mahmoud Dowlatabadi, Bozorg Alavi, Ismail Fasih‎, Houshang Golshiri, Gholam-Hossein Saedi, Simin Daneshvar, Sadiq Chubak, Samad Behrangi and others that have succeeded in perfectly picturing the Iranian society.

      Within the perspectives of Arab translators and by using the descriptive - analytical approach, the present study provides an analytical study of the translation into Arabic some of the modern Persian novels. Moreove

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Inhibitory Effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus plantarum against Candida albicans Associated with Denture Stomatitis
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In this study Candida speices was diagnosed in 26 swab samples from patients with denture stomatitis , investigates the antagonism activity of Lactobacillus was investigated against the yeast of Candida albicans in vitro.Results revealed that The inhibition effect of Lactic Acid Bacteria against C.albicans was examined in solid medium, L.plantarum gave higher inhibition average 11mm followed by L.acidophillus with average 9 mm and, L.fermentum , L.casei with averages 7 mm. Whereas the filtrates, the highest inhibition zone were 20 and 16 mm by L. plantarum and L.acidophillus, respectively.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Direct Gene Injection Using of Egg Yolk Emulsion as Carrier and its Comparison with Liposomes.
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The efficiency of egg yolk emulsion in coating DNA and its delivery across cellular membranes was evaluated in comparison with liposomes DOPE . The murine leukemia viral oncogene v-abl , cloned on pBR322 was used as a DNA substrate for direct injection into mice tissue . the DNA complexes were prepared by mixing the DNA with egg yolk emulsion and liposome . Each was directly injected into mice peritoneal cavity with proper control. The gene delivery was examined phenotypically by blood analysis and cytogenetic analysis . Chromosomal changes were detected in the bone marrow as from the fourth day post inoculation through the eleventh day when chromosomal ring s could be seen . this was accompanied by decrease in the WBC count ,

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of Structure and Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Deposited by Using Thermal Evaporation Technique under Different Flow Rate of Oxygen O2
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 Zinc oxide (ZnO) transparent thin films with different oxygen flow rates (0.5, 1.0, and 1.5)Litter/min. were prepared by thermal evaporation technique on glass substrate at a temperature of 200℃ with rate (10±2)nm sec-1,  The crystallinity and structure of these films were analyzed  by X-ray diffraction (XRD). It exhibits a polycrystalline hexagonal wurtzite structure and the preferred orientation along (002) plane. The Optical properties of ZnO were determined through the optical transmission method using ulta violet–Visible spectrophotometer with in wave length (300-1100)nm. The optical transmittance of the ZnO films increases from 75% to 85% with increase flow rate of O2, and the optical band gap of ZnO

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Contemporary Challenges for Cloud Computing Data Governance in Information Centers: An analytical study
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Purpose – The Cloud computing (CC) and its services have enabled the information centers of organizations to adapt their informatic and technological infrastructure and making it more appropriate to develop flexible information systems in the light of responding to the informational and knowledge needs of their users. In this context, cloud-data governance has become more complex and dynamic, requiring an in-depth understanding of the data management strategy at these centers in terms of: organizational structure and regulations, people, technology, process, roles and responsibilities. Therefore, our paper discusses these dimensions as challenges that facing information centers in according to their data governance and the impa

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 27 2021
Journal Name
Palarch's Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/egyptology
Artistic expression in diagnosing behavioral disorders for elementary school students an applied study
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The interest in art for young ages is seen as an obvious breakthrough and as revealing of psychological and health feelings in addition to emotions, and it is a treatment for those who suffer from behavioral disorders. The problem arose with the following question: What is the role of artistic expression in diagnosing behavioral disorders for primary school pupils? The aim of the research is to detect the behavioral disorders in the artistic expression of the female students' paintings from the teachers' point of view. The descriptive analytical approach was adopted as it is the appropriate method for identifying and estimating the characteristics and features related to people, places and things, and analyzing situations or phenomena as a

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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2024
Journal Name
Formulation, in vitro and in vivo evaluation of olanzapine nanoparticles dissolving microneedles for transdermal delivery
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Olanzapine (OLZ) is classified as a typical antipsychotic drug utilized for the treatment of schizophrenia. Its oral bioavailability is 60% due to its low solubility and pre-systemic metabolism. Hence, the present work aims to formulate and evaluate OLZ nanoparticles dissolving microneedles (MNs) for transdermal delivery to overcome the problems associated with drug administration orally. OLZ nanoparticles were prepared by the nanoprecipitation method. The optimized OLZ nanoparticle formula was utilized for the fabrication of dissolving MNs by loading OLZ nanodispersion into polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) micromould cavities, followed by casting the polymeric solution of polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP-K30) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) to form

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