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A Comparative Study of the Right and Left Carotid Arteries in Relation to Age for Patients With Diabetes and Hypertension
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Age, hypertension, and diabetes can cause significant alterations in arterial structure and function, including changes in lumen diameter (LD), intimal-medial thickness (IMT), flow velocities, and arterial compliance. These are also considered risk markers of atherosclerosis and cerebrovascular disease. A difference between right and left carotid artery blood flow and IMT has been reported by some researchers, and a difference in the incidence of nonlacunar stroke has been reported between the right and left brain hemispheres. The aim of this study was to determine whether there are differences between the right and left common carotid arteries and internal carotid arteries in patients with hypertension and diabetes for 2 age groups.


We studied 250 patients with both diabetes and hypertension. Patients were divided into 2 age groups with the old age group being 56 to 75 years and the young age group 35 to 55 years. The bilateral common carotid and internal carotid arteries were evaluated with B-mode ultrasound and Doppler examinations. The LD and IMT were measured for both common carotid arteries, and spectral waveform parameters and indices were recorded for both internal carotid arteries.


The difference in LD between the left and right common carotid arteries for the old age group was 11.64% and for the young age group was 6.42%, with significant P values of <.05 for both age groups. The difference in IMT between the left and right common carotid arteries was 18.27% in the old age group compared with 15.38% in the young age group, with significant P values of <.05. There was a difference in peak systolic velocity between the left and right internal carotid arteries of 4.85% in the old age group which was not significant, compared with 14.28% in the young age group with a significant P value <.05, whereas the difference in end-diastolic velocity between the left and right internal carotid arteries was not significant for both age groups. Differences between the right and left internal carotid arteries for resistive index, pulsatility index, and pressure gradient were significant only in the young age group.


We found significant differences between the right and left common carotid and internal carotid arteries in patients with diabetes and hypertension which were more prominent in the young age group. Values for common carotid IMT and LD were significantly higher in the left common carotid artery versus the right common carotid artery in both age groups. Differences between the 2 carotid sides may be attributed to anatomic variations in the common carotid artery origins which lead to differences in stress between the 2 sides.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Some Coincidence and Common Fixed Point Theorems for Two Self Mappings under Generalized Contractive Condition in Cone-b- Metric Space
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    In this paper, we prove some coincidence and common fixed point theorems for a pair of discontinuous weakly compatible self mappings satisfying generalized contractive condition in the setting of Cone-b- metric space under assumption that the Cone which is used is nonnormal. Our results are generalizations of some recent results.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 08 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Design bases for waste recycling rules in cities/ Baghdad, a case study"
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Waste is one of the most important problems affecting the city’s environment and its urban landscape, which results from the activities and activities of man and the natural environment. Its sources have varied between residential, commercial, industrial, medical and hazardous, and its spread in cities, on roads and on abandoned open lands, has led to significant negative effects and risks to human health and the environment.

  Therefore, there were serious attempts to deal with waste and follow sequential steps that formed a waste management system such as (collection, sorting, transport, then treatment and disposal). Preventing and reducing waste, then recycling and recovering by composting or burning, and ending with bu

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Impact beyond the knowledge when students of the Faculty of education in teaching methods
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Research aims to know the impact beyond the defined in the collection. The research community is the second school students at Baghdad University and a research sample (63) students, the number of experimental group (27) students and a control group (30) students.  The researcher was rewarded in variable lifetime for students and educational attainment and educational level of the parents and the educational level of mothers. The researcher has developed a test took the number of paragraphs (20).  A test was true after it has been submitted to the Group of arbitrators. The test was consistent with test method used and the reliability coefficient (0, 88). Either the statistical methods used by the researcher are: Pearson correla

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 27 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Role of Local Satellite Channels toward the Social and Cultural Development in U.A.E Society
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The study seeks to analyze the perceptions of audience in UAE towards the performance of Emirates Satellite TV Channels. It analyzed the exposure motivations of audience to satellite TV channels, its positive and negative aspects and to what extent they abide by media ethics. A survey is conducted with a sample of four hundred. The study shows significant differences between male and female towards the characteristics of TV channels, its positive and negative aspects and its commitments to media ethics.

            The study also shows that the expectancy value model and third person effect model are applicable in studying the perceptions of audience and media people in UAE t

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 18 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Barriers to Dietary Compliance among Diabetic Patients
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The aim of the study is to identify the barriers to dietary compliance among diabetic patients.
Methodology: The sample of the study consist of 100 patients who were divided into two groups according to
the type of diabetes mellitus; type 1 (Insulin-dependent diabetic mellitus), and type n (Non-Insulin dependent
diabetes mellitus). Each group consists of 50 patient selected randomly at each visit to Al-Waffa center in Mosul
city during the period from (1-12-2005) to (1-2-2006).
The steps of the study include recording the different barriers for diabetic patients. The questionnaire
was used and special list was utilized for such purpose.
Results: The results shows that there were some barriers most common such as both

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Oral Health Status among Group of Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis According to Duration of Illness and Age Group in Iraq
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Background: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a chronic disease of childhood. Increased prevalence of periodontal disease and dental caries in juvenile idiopathic arthritis is due to difficulties in executing good oral hygiene. This study was conducted to assess oral health status in patients with Juvenile idiopathic arthritis according to age and duration of illness. Materials and methods: A research was conducted among Juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients attending Baghdad Teaching Hospital with different age and both gender, underwent a clinical evaluation of their dental and oral condition. Diagnosis of dental caries was done according to the criteria of WHO (1997). Dental plaque, gingival condition, calculus were assessed by PI/

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of Hepcidin Levels and other Biochemical Parameters in Woman with Osteoporosis with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
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Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) could be regarded as a set of chronic metabolic disorders which have a common aspect of hyperglycemia. The resistance in the peripheral actions of insulin or impaired insulin secretion could be the reason  hepcidin which is a peptide hormone derived from liver, in systemic iron homeostasis is an essential regulator, and its lopsided production participates in the pathogenesis of iron disorders in spectrum. Osteoporosis often accompanies many diseases like ß-thalassemia, hemochromatosis, sickle liver diseases, cell disease and hemosiderosis featured by iron overload, evidences suggest that Iron overload and iron deficiency are suggested by evidences that they affec

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 13 2022
Journal Name
Plant Archives
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Background: Cholera has been recognized as a killer disease since earliest time. The disease is caused by infection of the small intestine by Vibrio cholerae O1 and O1391 which is characterized by severe dehydrating diarrheal condition and is one disease in modern times that is epidemic, endemic and pandemic in nature. Objective: This study was carried out to detect and isolate V. cholerae from patients suffered from watery diarrhea, which may cause severe complications such as dehydration, shock followed by death. Materials and methods: stool specimens were collected from 308 patients with watery diarrhea. These samples were tested with many criteria such as TCBS agar, gram stain, biochemical tests and VITEK-2 system to improve the isolati

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Posttraumatic cognitions and its Relationship with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder of Traumatized Individuals
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Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder are associated with various variables such as the exposure to traumatic events, sex and age. Such events could lead to negative cognitions towards self and the world. These cognitions, in turn, may lead to traumatic related disorders.

The present study aims to identify the percentage of traumatised individuals according to sex and age category variables. It also aims to assess the average of spreading symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder of traumatised individuals according to sex and age category variables. Likewise, it aims to test variables significance in cognitions towards the world and the self according to the level of the spread of posttraumatic stre

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Topics of Iraq in the Arab International Press
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The research entitled "the Iraqi Topics in International Arab Press" is an analytical study of two newspapers: Al-Arab and Al-Hayat published in London from September 1-30, 2013.

      The Arab press is one of the cultural monuments Home stretches for culture and media of Arabs outside the Arab Homeland which made them international press targeting public Arab audience's not civil audiences in a particular country and formulating their contents on this basis taking into account intake affairs and issues that have been national or international.

        Because of this international presence of the Arab press, these newspa

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