The study aimed to determine the impact of awareness of the exercisearm at the level of performance skill Tabtabp in basketball.Used the experimental approach to female students of the fourth stage(25) Ksmo students into two groups (experimental and officer) applied theempirical understanding of the arm exercises, during Tabtabp (to push theball) introduced in the main section of the application of the lesson and by(10) minutes and over the 8 weeks . Concluded that the awareness of thearm exercises a positive influence in the development of skill in basketballTabtabp of members of a sample search.It recommends that researchersfocus on understanding the exercise arm, especially during the lesson toupgrade the performance of skill.God bless
وهو بحث تجريبي أجري على عينة من اللاعبين فئة الناشئين لكرة اليد وبواقع (20) لاعب إذ تم إعداد برنامج متضمن للتمرينات الخاصة بالهجوم الفردي بهدف تطوير بعض القدرات البدنية واللياقة القلبية للاعبين . وتكمن أهمية البحث في استخدام تمرينات الهجوم الفردي، فمن أجل الارتقاء بالمستوى البدني والوظيفي للاعبين من خلال رفع مستوى الأداء البدني لبعض المهارات في لعبة كرة اليد فضلاً عن رفع مستوى اللياقة القلبية وم
... Show Moreتعد كرة اليد من الألعاب السريعة جداً سواء في تمرير الكرة أو تصويبها. وبما أن عدد الأهداف هو الحد الفاصل في حسم المباراة, فإن إصابة الهدف هي الغرض الاساسي لمباراة كرة اليد, عليه تعد مهارة التصويب من أهم المهارات الأساسية وإن كل المهارات تصبح عديمة الفائدة مالم تنته بإصابة الهدف. ويهدف البحث الى التعرف على الفروق بين التصويب بالقفز من الزاوية بالرجل الضعيفة، والقوية بكرة اليد. والتعرف على العلاقة بين التصوي
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... Show MoreThe study tackles the market orientation and the organizational learning as independent variables each included three sub-dimensions, and the variable of business performance as affiliated variable. These three variables have interacted to form the framework around which the study revolves. Since the banking sector has become an important part of which service sector is made, as well as it represents the basic pivot for the process of building and the development of the economies of countries, the Iraqi banking sector have been taken to be the sample of this study. A nonrandom sample of nine Iraqi banks was chosen, including four state banks (Al-Rafdain, Al-RaSheed, Industrial Bank, and Agricultural), and five private banks (Bagh
... Show MoreBasketball is one of the games that requires high physical effort because it is characterized by changing the level of playing rhythm and being an enjoyable competitive game because it includes many diverse offensive and defensive skills. The importance of research is related to developing these two skills because of their major role in influencing the performance of the game skill. The problem with the research lies in the fact that the skills performed by students are performed in a slow manner that is not consistent with the reality of the performance that should be during playing, which should be given in a competitive manner similar to the real skill performance in matches. The research aims to prepare competitive exercises, then fi
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... Show MoreTotal resistance training (TRX) is a new technique for resistance training using body weight, and gives the body movement at more than one angle compared to regular dumbbell training or weight training, in addition to reducing the risk of injury, developing strength, balance, and flexibility. It has an effective effect in developing functional muscle balance and can be combined with... Basic exercises to increase their effectiveness, and the two researchers noticed, after reviewing previous studies and following the game, that they noticed the lack of use of TRX exercises among the teams, and this was confirmed after the personal appetizers that the two researchers conducted with the volleyball coaches, which does not allow diversification
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