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Mandibular Fractures in Iraq: An Epidemiological Study
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the epidemiological characteristics of the mandibular fractures relating to gender, age, the etiology of injury, and the rendered treatment modalities and complications. The data of the patients who sustained mandibular fractures were retrieved and were analyzed retrospectively, and based on these data a descriptive analysis was conducted. A total of 112 patients were included in this study; the most common cause was road traffic accidents (RTAs) followed by assaults and missile injuries. The most frequently involved age group was 11 to 20 years, treatment modalities included conservative, closed reduction and indirect fixation, and open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) in 11.6, 79.5, and 8.9% of the cases, respectively. Most of the major complications were injury related. This study showed RTAs to be the most frequent cause followed by assaults, it also showed that a high percentage of assault victims were females mainly of low socioeconomic status. Another distinguishing feature in this study was the high incidence of missile injuries in the form of bullets and blasts. Closed reduction still has an important role in the treatment of fractures of mandible especially when the necessary equipments for ORIF are not readily available. A higher complication rate was observed in patients diagnosed with multiple and comminuted fractures as well as those caused by violence in the form of missile and assault injuries.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Measuring Uranium Concentrations in Soil Samples of Midland Refineries Company - Doura - Baghdad – Iraq
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      In this study, the CR-39 detector technique was used, to estimate the uranium concentration from the soil in midland refineries Company (Doura refine (, Baghdad, Iraq. Uranium concentrations in soil samples have been measured using solid state nuclear track detector type CR-39.  Nine soil samples were collected from different areas within the Doura refinery and other soil samples were collected form Abu Tayara Street and ALshortaa District outside the refinery for comparison. The results showed variable values for uranium concentrations. The average value of uranium concentration was found to be 0.37 ppm in doura refinery. For areas outside the refinery, the concentration of uranium was 0.008 ppm. Thes

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
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Evaluation of the quality of potable water in Al-Rusafa side, Baghdad, Iraq
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Safe drinking water is essential for the present and future generations' health. This study aims to assess drinking water quality in Baghdad's Al-Rusafa neighborhood. Water samples were taken from 32 neighborhoods on this side. The quality of the examined potable water samples differed depending on the water source. This investigation's pH, chlorine, EC, TDS, TSS, Cd, and Pb levels were below acceptable ranges. TDS levels in Al-Mada'in are more significant than acceptable (>600ppm) water levels. Bacteria have polluted six communities (Shigella, Salmonella, Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella). Bacterial quality of drinking water and gram-negative bacteria resistant to chlorine in Baghdad's municipal water supply. Regarding pH, the w

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Dec 16 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Housing finance and housing needs in Iraq with reference to some Arab experiences
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the financial resources represent a basic factor of production ;It is obvious that the housing sector needs the resources to finance the building operation to produce all the housing units. Finance is the cornerstone of any housing strategy , as its successes dependent on the success of the financing methods and the creation of charnels and effective methods for the provision of the required finances for both individuals and instantly concerned with the production of housing units. The kinds of financial institutions vary from one country to another according to the nature of the economic and financial system. The lending conditions also vary as well as the capital cost of the housing units needed The housing operations is concer

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Causality Analysis of the Nexus between Higher Education and Income Distribution in Iraq
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The achievement of economic and social welfare for individual is the main target to all policies that adopted by all countries worldwide either were economic, social, political or others. The obtaining of education by individuals and especially the higher education is one of the most important determinates in achieving the wellbeing and lasted economic development. This is because via the higher education new fields can be opened in front of individuals in order to get adequate jobs associated with their scientific specialization. This is allowing educated individuals gain higher income that can reduce the gap of income inequality.

Thus, this paper aims to analysis the n

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2023
Journal Name
International Society For The Study Of Vernacular Settlements
Using Modern Techniques in the Formation of Flexible Interior Spaces: Insights from Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The political role of social movements In Iraq for the period 2003-2014
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The phenomenon of the social movements of researchers, based on the scope of their influence on political events, and the nature of the wide role played, and its ability to influence, through its activities and various activities and various. It has practiced its activities through new and non-traditional peaceful means, with clear slogans and specific objectives. And was able to mobilize activists from different strata of the Iraqi people, and its categories and social strata. As the demands focused on freedoms, rights, dignity and social justice

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Open Engineering
Field tests of grouted ground anchors in the sandy soil of Najaf, Iraq
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Abstract<p>This article presents test results documentation for four grouted ground anchors embedded in sandy soil. Three anchors were trial, while one was a working anchor. One trial anchor is instrumented with eight resistance-type strain gauges glued on the corrugated pipe and embedded within the grouted body. An acceptance test was made for all anchors to determine the working load. Acceptance criteria suggested by the Post-Tensioning Institute were applied, and the working anchor did not pass the creep criterion, so it was taken out of service. The strain measurements indicated that the compression stresses were generated along the free length, while the tension stresses were generated alon</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Chemistry
Levels and Distribution of Trace Metals in Surface Soils of Al-Diwaniya, Iraq
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In this work, monitoring of monthly variation (from May 2016 to October 2016) in the concentration of the metals (Co, Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni and Fe) from Al-Diwaniya city of Iraq. Investigation about the pollution with these metals was achieved from five selected sites locate in study area by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy. The results showed a wide variation in the levels of heavy metals from site to site and from month to month. A total of 180 surface soil samples were analyzed to detecting the pollution with selected samples. The resultsshowed that the highest concentration with Ni was 6.290 mg kg-1 while the lowest concentration detected with Ni was 0.080 mg kg-1. The results of pollution index (enrichment factor, contamination factor, po

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
FIRST OBSERVATIONS ON Phrynocephalus maculatus longicaudatus Haas, 1957 (SQUAMATA: SAURIA: AGAMIDAE) IN IRAQ
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    The present paper confirmed the presence of Phrynocephalus maculatus longicaudatus Haas, 1957 in Iraq and recorded the first observations of this taxon in Al-Muthanna province southwestern of Iraq. The existence of the species is yet uncertain in Iraq. The habitat and morphological characteristics of this species were reviewed.

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Publication Date
Sat May 05 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
planning and design of a tourist village in the marshes of southern Iraq
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This study analyzes how to make use of the resources in the marshlands of Iraq and how to utilize them, especially after the water returns to these areas and they are revitalized. We take an example of AL- Saheen Marsh and plan an ideal tourist resort there. This example can further expand to include other parts of the marshlands. The resort will utilize the local environment and tourist characteristics as it will have a feel and architectural resemblance to the houses and buildings that are currently built there. In addition the transportation methods will be the same as those used by the locals. Yet the resort will still posses all the facilities required by a modern tourist resort that includes all the services that will make

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