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Mandibular Fractures in Iraq: An Epidemiological Study
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the epidemiological characteristics of the mandibular fractures relating to gender, age, the etiology of injury, and the rendered treatment modalities and complications. The data of the patients who sustained mandibular fractures were retrieved and were analyzed retrospectively, and based on these data a descriptive analysis was conducted. A total of 112 patients were included in this study; the most common cause was road traffic accidents (RTAs) followed by assaults and missile injuries. The most frequently involved age group was 11 to 20 years, treatment modalities included conservative, closed reduction and indirect fixation, and open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) in 11.6, 79.5, and 8.9% of the cases, respectively. Most of the major complications were injury related. This study showed RTAs to be the most frequent cause followed by assaults, it also showed that a high percentage of assault victims were females mainly of low socioeconomic status. Another distinguishing feature in this study was the high incidence of missile injuries in the form of bullets and blasts. Closed reduction still has an important role in the treatment of fractures of mandible especially when the necessary equipments for ORIF are not readily available. A higher complication rate was observed in patients diagnosed with multiple and comminuted fractures as well as those caused by violence in the form of missile and assault injuries.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Cigarette Smoking on Serum Liver Enzymes in Baghdad
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Smoking is the most noticeably horrible human conduct; it is rehearsed by individuals dependent on nicotine numerous hurtful sicknesses, for example, cancer and liver disorder are brought about by smoking cigarettes. So this study aimed to study some of the liver function represented by the enzymes aspartate aminotransferase (AST or GOT) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT or GPT) in smokers and non-smokers for 50 persons in a group consists of 25 smokers and 25 non-smokers of different ages and to study the effectiveness of cigarette smoking on liver enzymes by checking the secretion of (AST) (35.84± 4.1)U/ 1 (ALT)(51.08±7.286 ) U/1(p<0.05) relative to non-smokers were significantly correlated with heavy cigarette smoking.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
The importance of quality standards in fabric designs and women's fashion
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The rapid breakthrough achieved by technological progress in the field of designing and implementing women's fashion has resulted in the emergence of the need for quality control and control to improve the completed visual image of fashion as an aesthetic and functional product and not clothed in its abstract qualities.
The quality in women’s fashion and the importance of showing the design and conveying the design message to the recipient depends on the level of its implementation, starting from the selection of textile fibers and determining their appropriate characteristics for the functional purpose and design prepared by the designer and ending with the final operations of the costume. This calls for spreading awareness and c

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Load-settlement Behavior of Steel Piles in Different Sandy Soil Configurations
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In the case where a shallow foundation does not satisfy with design requirements alone, the addition of a pile may be suitable to improve the performance of the foundation design. The lack of in-situ data and the complexity of the issues caused by lagging in the research area of pile foundations are notable. In this study, different types of piles were used under the same geometric conditions to determine the load-settlement relationships with various sandy soil relative densities. The ultimate pile capacity for each selected pile is obtained from a modified California Bearing Ratio (CBR) machine to be suitable for axial pile loading. Based on the results, the values of Qu for close-ended square pile were increased by 15

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 24 2020
Journal Name
Mintage Journal Of Pharmaceutical & Medical Sciences
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 22 2023
Journal Name
Nasaq Journal
The language of diplomats in modern Russian (stylistic and educational aspect(
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This article is devoted to the stylistic and educational characteristics of the language of Russian diplomacy. The article describes the stylistic and educational aspect of the appearance of the Russian protocol, its relation to universal diplomacy, the relationship between the diplomatic language and the business sub-style. Here the semantic features of the diplomatic vocabulary are determined and the factors influencing its formation and the emergence of new terms in the language of Russian diplomacy are considered. The article also examines the national and cultural identity of the language of Russian diplomacy, provides rules for drafting diplomatic documents and conducting negotiations, defines the concept of a document as a whole, giv

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 27 2023
Journal Name
Applied Sciences
Comparison of ML/DL Approaches for Detecting DDoS Attacks in SDN
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Software-defined networking (SDN) presents novel security and privacy risks, including distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. In response to these threats, machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) have emerged as effective approaches for quickly identifying and mitigating anomalies. To this end, this research employs various classification methods, including support vector machines (SVMs), K-nearest neighbors (KNNs), decision trees (DTs), multiple layer perceptron (MLP), and convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and compares their performance. CNN exhibits the highest train accuracy at 97.808%, yet the lowest prediction accuracy at 90.08%. In contrast, SVM demonstrates the highest prediction accuracy of 95.5%. As such, an

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Aware of the roots of the text in the arab heritage
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Text science presented a set of criteria to make the text essentially a project to create
texts and use. Me and means of cohesion script text scientists, two standard foundries and
knitting. Find this means their equivalent in the Arab rhetorical Heritage has been found, it
means foundries find Accompanying represented (link grammar in the classroom and link),
and referrals represented by (Baldmair, Ldefinition, and the name of the signal), and
deletion, and repetition, and presentation delays. As in the standard knitting it has confirmed
Albulagjun Arabs on the semantic consistency between the text components, as reflected in
the moral link in Chapter interfaces, as well as in moral coherence between parts of the te

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Osmanlı Edebiyatında Karagöz Qara Quz (Shadow Puppetry) in the Ottoman Literature
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Karagöz , tarihin derinliklerinden düşünülmüş bir hayal oyunu’dur . Beyazperde üzerine , birtakım tasvirlerin gölgelerini yansıtmak suretiyle gösterilentemaşa çeşididir. Meddahlık ile orta oyunu’na yakınlığı ve aşağı yukarı aynıteatral unsurları , komik temaları kullanması dolayısı ile karagöz’de sözlü tiyatrogeleneklerisayabiliriz . Nitekim bu hayal oyunu’nun perde arkasına yerleşerekhüner gösteren bir tek aktörüvardır . Bu aktörün oyun için kullandığı malzemeperde , şema (mum) ve tasvirler’dir. Altı yüzyıldır canlı kalan karagöz , dünyanın eneski en zengin ve en güzel halktiyatrolarındandır. Türk toplumunun yüz

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The semantic use of Emiri discourse in the story of Joseph
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   The term discourse is one of the terms that have attracted the attention of learners because it is indicative of the speech that is directly related to the addressee and the addressee through a common message between them. In the story of the study and the importance of research can be a widespread method, and then the choice of this story the story of Joseph (peace be upon him) in particular did not come The research presented in the introduction and the preamble and three topics, dealt with the definition of discourse, and the role of discourse in modern Quranic and linguistic studies, and in the first section dealt with the definition of the style of command language, terminology and command formu

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation of nurses' practices toward postoperative wound dressing in surgical wards
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Objective(s): The study aimed to assess the level of nursing performance and practices in terms of approaching or
distancing itself from the optimal performance criteria universally adopted within the variable dressing surgical
wounds of patients admitted to the surgical wards, and determine the relationship between the level of nurse's
performance and socio-demographic characteristics of them in those wards.
Methodology: A descriptive assessing design was adopted from November the 10th, 2010 until June the 1st, 2011 to
assess the nursing care provided practices for the postoperative period within the variable dressing surgical wounds in
the complex of Medical City. Whereas the study was conducted in three hospitals; Ba

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