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The Costs of Environmental Failure and The Impact of The Green Value Chain in Reducing Them
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The research aims to apply the activities of the green value chain as one of the modern administrative techniques that economic units resort to develop solutions to the pollution problems that occur due to the activity of economic units and their products that may cause damage to the environment as well as the waste of natural resources and to identify the production of environmentally friendly products and reduce the costs of environmental failure of both types Internal and external that may be borne by economic units such as taxes, fines and compensation due to non- observance of environmental requirements and the preservation of human health and protection of the environment.To achieve the goal of the research, the researchers relied on the descriptive analytical approach of the theoretical side by relying on Arabic and foreign books, letters, university theses, articles, research and periodicals related to the topic of the research. Engineers and employees of the aforementioned company.The study concluded a set of conclusions, the most important of which is that there is an effect of green value chain activities in reducing the costs of environmental failure if mechanisms and materials that take into account the environment and human health are used by reducing waste and recycling products to preserve the environment and natural resources. In light of these conclusions, many recommendations were reached, the most important of which is that the economic units must apply value chain activities when producing products to obtain environmentally friendly, non- polluting products that do not cause harm to humans and contribute to avoiding economic units from being subjected to fines, taxes and penalties by complying with the requirements Environmental.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Contrast in Matthew Arnold’s The Scholar Gipsy and Kahlil Gibran’s Al-Mawakib: A Contrastive Stylistic Analysis
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     Poetry is regarded an interesting area of inquiry in linguistic studies due to its eccentric and aesthetic use of language. A lot of studies have been carried out so far for the analysis of poetry, yet few have dealt with pastoral poetry. The present research attempts to investigate the language of pastoral poetry in two different languages i.e. English and Arabic with the aim of finding similarities and differences. The data of the study consists of one English and one Arabic pastoral poems. Leech and Short's (2007) checklist is used as a model for analysis. The findings of the study reveal that there are more similarities than differences between English and Arabic pastoral poems as the poems rely on contrast

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Adaptive digital technique for discriminating between shadow and water bodies in the high resolution satellite imagery
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This research presents a new algorithm for classification the
shadow and water bodies for high-resolution satellite images (4-
meter) of Baghdad city, have been modulated the equations of the
color space components C1-C2-C3. Have been using the color space
component C3 (blue) for discriminating the shadow, and has been
used C1 (red) to detect the water bodies (river). The new technique
was successfully tested on many images of the Google earth and
Ikonos. Experimental results show that this algorithm effective to
detect all the types of the shadows with color, and also detects the
water bodies in another color. The benefit of this new technique to
discriminate between the shadows and water in fast Matlab pro

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
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Investigate and Calculation Electron Transfer Rate Constant in the N749 Sensitized Dye Contact to ZnSe Semiconductor
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The dye–semiconductor interface between N749 sensitized and zinc semiconductor (ZnSe) has been investigated and studied according to quantum transition theory with focusing on the electron transfer processes from the N749 sensitized (donor) to the ZnSe semiconductor (acceptor). The electron transfer rate constant and the orientation energy were studied and evaluated depended on the polarity of solvents according to refractive index and dielectric constant coefficient of solvents and ZnSe semiconductor. Attention focusing on the influence of orientation energies on the behavior of electron transfer rate constant. Differentdata of rate constant was discussion with orientation energy and effective driving energy for N749-ZnSe system.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Medical Journal Of Babylon
Dual and Multiple AV Nodal Pathways, What is The Deference in Typical Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia
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Abstractin adult typical atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) consider most common paroxysmalsupraventricular tachycardia. Dual pathway idea still accepted and used widely and commonly. According tothe guide line, ablations of slow pathway still the first treatment with good success rate.Identify the electrophysiological difference of atrioventricular nodal pathways pre and post ablation.Electrophysiological study was done to 54 patients with only typical type AVNRTs; they were 40 (74%)females and 14 (26%) males. Divided into two groups G1 with 38 patients (70.4%) having one pathway andG2 with 16 patients (29.6%) with multiple pathway. After induction we study the clinical andelectrophysiological feature of tachycardia and s

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Isolation and Identification the Cyanobacterium: Scytonema hofmanni var. calcicolum as New Record in Iraqi Drinking Water.
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The aim of this study was to isolate and identify the cyanobacterium Scytonema hofmanni Var. calcicolum from the domestic drinking tanks as a new record in Iraqi drinking water. Scytonema hofmanni var. calcicolum, a filamentous freshwater cyanobacterium (blue-green alga). This alga was isolated from the walls of the domestic plastic water tanks in Al- karkh/ Baghdad city on July 2014. The sampling was performed by collecting three samples from this tanks, the three examined samples microscopically revealed the dominance of this cyanobacterium as unialgal in the studied samples. The results showed this alga has the ability to tolerate high temperature up to 42 Cº and very low light intensity inside the tanks which up to 10 μE/m²/s.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
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Conceptual and procedural scientific culture according to NSES standards among chemistry students in the intermediate stage
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Publication Date
Wed Apr 03 2024
Journal Name
Al- Anbar Medical Journal
Hypervirulent and the Multi-Drug Resistant Klebsiella oxytoca: A New Emerging Pathogen in Baghdad Hospitals, Iraq
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Comparative between Intermediat Stage Art Education Curriculum in Iraq and Egypt Base on the Contemporary Theory
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The current research aims to analyze the content and and make a comparison based on the theory of art education as an organized cognitive area D.B.A.E. The researcher started by making a comparison followed by analysing the content to design a philosophical framework for content. He used these steps as starting point to study the comparison and some elements of art education due to the modern theories at the third intermediate stage in both Iraq and Egypt in light of the art education trend as an organizing cognitive area.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
Symbols and slogans used by electoral lists participating in the 2009 provincial council elections, Baghdad Governorate
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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Investigation into the Heat and Mass Transfer in an Indirect Contact Closed Circuit Cooling Tower
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The heat and mass transfer coefficients of the indirect contact closed circuit cooling tower, ICCCCT, were investigated experimentally. Different experiments were conducted involving the controlling parameters such as air velocity, spray water to air mass flow rate ratio, spray water flow rate, ambient air wet bulb temperature and the provided heat load to investigate their effects on the performance of the ICCCCT. Also the effect of using packing on the performance of the ICCCCT was investigated. It was noticed that these parameters affect the tower performance and the use of packing materials is a good approach to enhance the performance for different operational conditions. Correlations for mass and heat transfer coefficients are pres

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