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Effect of pigments of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on adhering and cytotoxicity of A549 cell line
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Pseudomonas aeruginosa  gram-negative, bacilli and facultative aerobic, P. aeruginosa cause cystic fibrosis patients, wounds, burns, and immunodeficienct patients,  that have many virulence factors such as pyocyanin , cytotoxic ,biofilm formation  and motility, Eighty-eight isolates belonging to P. aeruginosa were collected including the 66 clinical isolates obtained from different hospitals in Baghdad and were from different sources and 22 environmental isolates from previous studies of soil near oil fields. Microscopical and cultural characteristics were studied and diagnosed using biochemical tests, VITEC device, their ability to adhere to non-living (Polystyrene), living cell line (A549) and cytotoxicity of bacterial filtrate by MTT method. The results displayed that all isolates belonged to P. aeruginosa. The pigment-forming (pe26 – pc36) isolates and (PE33 – PC31) non-pigment-forming isolates were selected. That all selected bacteria were able to adhere to the Polystyrene  and an epithelial carcinoma of lung (A549) was of more than 300 colony formation units in dilution (1:10) ,(1:1000), and   (1:10000). The toxicity of the P. aeruginosa filtrate (pc36) isolated from clinical sources and producing pigments was 15.7, 34.5, 44 % at a concentration of 40, 60, 80 % respectively, while the isolate (pc31) that was isolated from clinical sources and non-producing pigment was 28.1, 75.2, 80.9 % at the same concentrations. As for the isolate (pe26),isolated from environmental sources and forming the pigment, the inhibition rate was 38.5, 83.1, 48.8 % at concentrations of 40, 60, 80) % respectively, and the isolate (PE33) that was isolated from environmental sources was 42, 73.4, 74.1 % at concentrations of  40, 60, 80 % respectively. The study will be helpful in evaluating the effect of pigment formation in P. aeruginosa on adhesion.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Yearly Energy, Exergy, and Environmental (3E) Analyses of A Photovoltaic Thermal Module and Solar Thermal Collector in Series
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The annual performance of a hybrid system of a flat plate photovoltaic thermal system and a solar thermal collector (PVT/ST) is numerically analyzed from the energy, exergy, and environmental (CO2 reduction) viewpoints. This system can produce electricity and thermal power simultaneously, with higher thermal power and exergy compared to conventional photovoltaic thermal systems. For this purpose, a 3D transient numerical model is developed for investigating the system's performance in four main steps: (1) investigating the effects of the mass flow rate of the working fluid (20 to 50 kg/h) on the temperature behavior and thermodynamic performance of the system, (2) studying the impacts of using glass covers on the different parts of the s

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Kerbala Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Synthesis of new Schiff bases and nucleoside analogues derivatives derived from D-Glucose and their biological activity study
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Inthis study new derivatives of Schiff bases and nucleoside analogues have been synthesized from the starting material D-glucose after a series of reactions. Derivative 1 was prepared from D-glucose then react with P-bromoacetophenone gave derivative 2 was reacted with dimethyl sulfoxide and acetic anhydride for dehydration a molecule of water gave 3. The spiro ring was prepared at 3-position from the reaction of 3 derivative with 1-phenyl-2–thioureagave 4. The protection group at 1 position was removed by using acetic acid fllowed by periodate oxidation to obtain 6. Reaction of 6 with hydrazide derivative at once and dtriazole derivative at another gave 8 and 9 respectively. Compound 6 was reduced to gave derivative 7. The 1-hydroxylgrou

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Protein bound fucos, protein bound hexose and total calcium in sera of patient with thyroid dysfunction and control
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Protein bound fucose (PBF), protein  bound hexose (PBHex), and total calcium {T.Ca) were 'determined in sera of (40) hy-p.ertnyroidism , (40)  hypothyroidism patients and (40) controL The resultsr vealed  a significant decrease in the kwel of PBF,  PBHex and T.Ca in sera of patients with .hyperthyroidism  compared  to control; Inc se Qf PBF. there nQ difference in its level betwe.en patients with hypothyroidism and  control  group.  While there  is a significant increment in  PBHex leveli:n both hyper and hypothyroidism With respect to that of control Result  indicates, that total calcium levels were i.n  the nomml range for all p tients groups. Patient  compa

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparison the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Composite Materials (Al /SiC and Al/ B4C) Produced by Powder Technology
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In this investigation, metal matrix composites (MMCs) were manufactured by using powder technology. Aluminum 6061 is reinforced with two different ceramics particles (SiC and B4C) with different volume fractions as (3, 6, 9 and 12 wt. %). The most important applications of particulate reinforcement of aluminum matrix are: Pistons, Connecting rods etc. The specimens were prepared by using aluminum powder with 150 µm in particle size and SiC, B4C powder with 200 µm in particle size. The chosen powders were mixed by using planetary mixing setup at 250 rpm for 4hr.with zinc stearate as an activator material in steel ball milling. After mixing process the powders were compacted by hydraulic

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Investigations in the sanctity of divine texts and their composition: (Comparative study between the Quran and the Torah)
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The research deals with an important issue that many people are working on, namely the sanctification of the texts on which the timings of the time and the different conditions of the place took place. Do not live up to the ranks of perfection and perfection, and every effort has explanations according to the mind machine, which is not protected by infallibility from error. The great downfall is to put these intellectual efforts in the Bible without separating them from the Word of God. The situation and the place on the adherents of a religion and mixed with the trick of the average individual only to be subject to the words of the teachers of Sharia and docility.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study of the Static and Dynamic Nuclear Properties and Form Factors for Some Magnesium Isotopes 29-34 Mg
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Nuclear structure of 29-34Mg isotopes toward neutron dripline have been investigated using shell model with Skyrme-Hartree–Fock calculations. In particular nuclear densities for proton, neutron, mass and charge densities with their corresponding rms radii, neutron skin thicknesses and inelastic electron scattering form factors are calculated for positive low-lying states. The deduced results are discussed for the transverse form factor and compared with the available experimental data. It has been confirmed that the combining shell model with Hartree-Fock mean field method with Skyrme interaction can accommodate very well the nuclear excitation properties and can reach a highly descriptive and predictive power when investiga

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Detection of Helicobacter Pylori IgG and IgA , Serum Biomarkers CA19-9 and CEA in Patients with Gastrointestinal Diseases
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Gastrointestinal diseases and especially chronic gastritis are mainly induced by Helicobacter pylori infection, and provides the basis for gastric carcinogenesis and colorectal cancer. The study involved the detection of serum anti-H. pylori IgG and IgA antibody of  and some serum biomarkers ;CEA and CA19-9 in patients with gastrointestinal diseases. Fifty eight serum samples were collected from 25 males and 33 females .Peripheral venous blood was collected from each patient and sera obtained  by centrifugation. Serum anti-H. pylori IgG and IgA ,serum CEA and  CA19-9 were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assays (ELISA).Forty eight serum samples were positive for IgG (82.7% ) divided int

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2023
Journal Name
The Iraqi Journal Of Veterinary Medicine
Molecular Identification and Phylogenetic Analysis of Salmonella‎ species ‎Isolated from Diarrheal Children and Dogs in Baghdad Governorate, ‎Iraq‎
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This work aimed to use conventional PCR to identify Salmonella‎ spp. that ‎were isolated from diarrheal children and healthy and diarrheic dogs based on four ‎virulence genes, hilA, stn, spvR‎, and marT. Sixteen Salmonella‎ isolates including: 9 ‎isolated from children's diarrhea from three species (S. Typhimurium, S. Enteritidis, S. ‎Typhi) and seven isolated from dogs including (S. Typhimurium, S. Enteritidis, S. ‎Muenchen), were identified primarily by several methods. The PCR products of the 16S ‎rRNA gene were sequenced and examined using BLAST analysis to find differences and ‎similarities between these Iraqi isolates and already-known global strains in order to ‎construct the phylogenetic tree of S.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 27 2018
Journal Name
Bioscience Research
Silver nanoparticles biosynthesis and their antimicrobial activity against wild and mutant isolates of different G-ve bacterial types
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Five isolates of Gram negative bacteria (Klebsiella pneumoniae, Psuedomonas auroginosa, proteus mirabilis and two strains of E.coli) were in quested for the ability of bearing silver nanoparticles by using LB medium, all the isolates of bacteria were buttered brown color just as soon as mixed the supernatant of bacterial culture with AgNO3 solution, that refered the biosynthesis of Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs). UV–visible spectrophotometer and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy were utilized for estimation of (Ag NPs). The five isolates of bacteria were tendered to produce spontaneous mutants by using different kinds of antibiotics, Ampicillin put to use for making mutant in E.coli and Proteus mirabillis, while Pseudom

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Social Skills and its Relationship with Self-Regulation of Gifted Students According to the academic Stage and Gender
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This study aimed at investigating the level of social skills and its relationship with self-regulation among gifted students according to the academic stage and gender. The sample consisted of (417) male and female students at King Abdullah II School for Excellence in Salt, Jordan. Two instruments were used to collect the data; A scale of social skills and a scale of self-regulation. The results revealed that the level of social skills was high among gifted students. There were statistically significant differences in the social skills among gifted students according to their academic stage in favor of the secondary stage and according to their gender in favor of female students. There were statistically signific

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