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Effect of pigments of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on adhering and cytotoxicity of A549 cell line
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Pseudomonas aeruginosa  gram-negative, bacilli and facultative aerobic, P. aeruginosa cause cystic fibrosis patients, wounds, burns, and immunodeficienct patients,  that have many virulence factors such as pyocyanin , cytotoxic ,biofilm formation  and motility, Eighty-eight isolates belonging to P. aeruginosa were collected including the 66 clinical isolates obtained from different hospitals in Baghdad and were from different sources and 22 environmental isolates from previous studies of soil near oil fields. Microscopical and cultural characteristics were studied and diagnosed using biochemical tests, VITEC device, their ability to adhere to non-living (Polystyrene), living cell line (A549) and cytotoxicity of bacterial filtrate by MTT method. The results displayed that all isolates belonged to P. aeruginosa. The pigment-forming (pe26 – pc36) isolates and (PE33 – PC31) non-pigment-forming isolates were selected. That all selected bacteria were able to adhere to the Polystyrene  and an epithelial carcinoma of lung (A549) was of more than 300 colony formation units in dilution (1:10) ,(1:1000), and   (1:10000). The toxicity of the P. aeruginosa filtrate (pc36) isolated from clinical sources and producing pigments was 15.7, 34.5, 44 % at a concentration of 40, 60, 80 % respectively, while the isolate (pc31) that was isolated from clinical sources and non-producing pigment was 28.1, 75.2, 80.9 % at the same concentrations. As for the isolate (pe26),isolated from environmental sources and forming the pigment, the inhibition rate was 38.5, 83.1, 48.8 % at concentrations of 40, 60, 80) % respectively, and the isolate (PE33) that was isolated from environmental sources was 42, 73.4, 74.1 % at concentrations of  40, 60, 80 % respectively. The study will be helpful in evaluating the effect of pigment formation in P. aeruginosa on adhesion.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study Reinforcing and Applied Load of Wear Rate for Epoxy Composites
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This research studies Reinforcing and applied load of  Wear Rate for Epoxy composites contains from epoxy resin (Ep) as a matrix material and reinforced by Gawain red wood flour , Russian white wood flour , glass powder and rock wool fibers , with volume fraction (20%) for all samples in lab conditions.  by using the load (10,20 ,30 ,40) Newton of iron disc for testing  time(10) minute, and the results have shown that the reinforcing of epoxy resin led to decrease  wear rate for all samples except the hybrid composites reinforced earth glass powder , that the wear rate values  decrease  from   (22×10-9g/cm) to (4×10-9g/cm) of composite material(Ep+R.W.F) and thus(Ep+W.W.F)   at la

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 18 2004
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Design and Construction of Semiconductor Laser Range Finder for Target Designation
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The aim of this research is to design and construct a semiconductor laser range finder
operating in the near infrared range for ranging and designation. The main part of the range finder is the
transmitter which is a semiconductor laser type GaAs of 0.904 mm wavelength with a beam expander,
and the receiver with its collecting optics. The characteristics of transmitter pulse width were 200ns and
threshold current 10 Amp. and maximum operating current 38 Amp. The repetition rate was set at 660 Hz
and maximum output power about 1 watt. The divergence of the beam was 0.268o. A special computer
code was used for optimum optical design and laser spot size analysis and for calculation of atmosphere

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Isolation and Characterization Salt Tolerant Strains Of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. Viciae
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Seven strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. vicide were isolated
and purified from the root nodules of faba bean (Viciae faba) plants
collected from different agroclimatic locations in Baghdad and Diyala
provinces of Iraq. Screening of these strains gives four salinity tolernat  strains which tolerate 1-5% sodium chloride supplement mannitol to  salt yeast extract (M Y) medium. Colony forming units for the four tolerant strains under stress conditions were significantly reduced in comparison with those under normal conditions. Different tests were used to study the surface properties of stress tolerant strains under  normal and stress conditions. No differences were found in the production of lipopolysaccharid

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The political participation of the Iraqi woman Between ambition and challenges
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The political participation of the Iraqi woman, gains a big importance equivalent to its role in all other fields. Therefore , it represents a higher value in the democratic orientation in addition to the importance of rising the reality of the woman specifically in the fields that are considered as a scale of the human development like the income, health, and education . The weakness of womenʹs political participation, is something that can't be ignored or neglected if we are looking forward to the rising of the country᾽s reality and achieving the required development in its all aspects. The woman is half of society or more than that due to the burden of raising the generations tasks. This can be achieved by taking part in th

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 18 2019
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Chemistry
Determination of Chemicals and its Isotopic Composition in Tigris River,Iraq
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Stable isotope (?18O, ?D) values were determined along with the chemical compositions at 10 different locations along the Tigris river between Baghdad-Ammara cities of Iraq. The physico-chemical parameters and isotopic data were measured. The sampling site represents 34 % of total Tigris river in the republic of Iraq. The systematically increased in values of stable isotope as move from the downstream of the river and the most significantly appears at Kut lake. This increase occurs as a result of several factors, viz. (a) evaporation occurs low water level in the river and its tributaries, and (b) return flow water to the river from irrigation water in groundwater systems. The change in ion distribution and in the isotopic values related di

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
The philosophy of physical and sensory communication in the dramatic show
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Modern critical theories revealed polemical views about the reality of the existence of communication - as a necessity for building a deliberative discourse - in the theater or not. To the theory of communication with all the conditions it imposes on thinking, interaction, and emancipation of selves in different contexts.
Therefore, the current research included four chapters, the first chapter dealt with the research problem, which was represented in (the philosophy of sensory and physical communication in theatrical performance), and the first chapter included the importance of the research, its goal and its limits, and ended with defining the terminology, and the second chapter included (theoretical framework) the first topic (ph

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Mathematical Model of Amplified Stimulated Raman Scattering and Fiber Raman Amplifier
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The result of a developed mathematical model for predicting the design
parameters of the fiber Raman amplifier (FRA) are demonstrated. The amplification
parameters are tested at different pump power with different fiber length. Recently,
the FRA employed in optical communication system to increase the repeater distance
as will as the capacity of the communication systems. The output results show, that
high Raman gain can be achieved by high pumping power, long effective area that
need to be small for high Raman gain. High-stimulated Raman gain coefficient is
recommended for high Raman amplifier gain, the low attenuation of the pump and the
transmitted signal in the fiber lead to high Raman gain.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Assessment of microvessels density and inflammatory status in oral lichen planus
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Background: Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic inflammatory disease with an autoimmune inflammatory pathogenesis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of angiogenesis in the pathogenesis of OLP, using CD34 stain to highlight the blood vessels for measuring the microvessel density (MVD) as well as to evaluate the relation of this marker with the degree of inflammation Materials and Methods: Immunohistochemical (IHC) staining technique was used to evaluate angiogenesis using CD34 in 46 paraffin blocks 10 of them obtained from normal mucosa and 36 from cases diagnosed as lichen planus , 20 of them diagnosed as Reticular type while 16 as erosive type. Severity of inflammation was divided into mild, moderate and severe accordi

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Indium doped ZnO Urbach energy and dispersion parameters of thin films
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The characterization of ZnO and ZnO:In thin films were confirmed by spray pyrolysis technique. The films were deposited onto glass substrate at a temperature of 450°C. Optical absorption measurements were also studied by UV-VIS technique in the wavelength range 300-900 nm which was used to calculate the optical constants. The changes in dispersion and Urbach parameters were investigated as a function of In content. The optical energy gap was decreased and the wide band tails were increased in width from 616 to 844 eV as the In content increased from 0wt.% to 3wt.%. The single–oscillator parameters were determined also the change in dispersion was investigated before and after doping.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of total Immunoglobulin E and Eosinophil count in allergic disease
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The present study aimed to evaluate the levels of total immunoglobulin E and percentage count of eosinophil in some of allergic disease. Blood sample collected from 210 patients (110 female, 100 male) with allergic disease (allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis, and urticaria) their age between 10-70 years and 50 healthy control their age between 23-52 years. A highly significant (P<0.01) increase in the mean serum total IgE in patients with asthma (503.54 ± 63.49 IU/ml), Allergic rhinitis (442.77 ± 95.76 IU/ml) and urticaria (489.53 ± 69.68 IU/ml) as a compared with healthy controls (23.67 ± 5.81 IU/ml).There was a significant difference in percentage count of eosinophil in patients groups allergic asthma 4.37 ± 0.52% ,allergic rhinitis

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