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Multiobjective Optimization of Stereolithography for Dental Bridge Based on a Simple Shape Model Using Taguchi and Response Surface Methods
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Stereolithography (SLA) has become an essential photocuring 3D printing process for producing parts of complex shapes from photosensitive resin exposed to UV light. The selection of the best printing parameters for good accuracy and surface quality can be further complicated by the geometric complexity of the models. This work introduces multiobjective optimization of SLA printing of 3D dental bridges based on simple CAD objects. The effect of the best combination of a low-cost resin 3D printer’s machine parameter settings, namely normal exposure time, bottom exposure time and bottom layers for less dimensional deviation and surface roughness, was studied. A multiobjective optimization method was utilized, combining the Taguchi method with response surface methodology and the desirability function technique. The predicted optimal values for the cube’s dimensional deviation and surface roughness were 0.0517 mm and 2.8079 µm, respectively. The experiments’ validation of the findings confirmed the results, which were determined to be 0.0560 and 0.064667 mm and 2.770 and 2.6431 µm for the dimensional deviation and surface roughness for the cube and bridge, respectively. The percentages of prediction errors between the predicted optimum results and the printed response were 7.68% and 1.36% for dimensional deviation and surface roughness, respectively. This study demonstrates that the robust method used produced a dental bridge with good accuracy and a smooth surface.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 20 2018
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
An Evaluation of the "English for Iraq" Course for the Fifth Grade Secondary Schools
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Providing Iraqi students with proficiency in English is the ultimate goal of the educational system which is a way of getting knowledge in the fields of arts, sciences, transferring knowledge and sciences to other communities. Therefore, conducting such a type of study is very important because the contents of English textbooks have a huge influence on learning of the students. Once the content of English textbooks contain errors as the correct one, this will effect on his/her learning. The present study is an attempt to evaluate the new course entitled “English for Iraq” for fifth grade students for secondary schools, by Olivia Johnston and Mark Farell. It aims to answer eleven questions relating to the following domains: strength, obj

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science
Organic acid concentration thresholds for ageing of carbonate minerals: Implications for CO2 trapping/storage
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Hypothesis CO2 geological storage (CGS) involves different mechanisms which can store millions of tonnes of CO2 per year in depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs and deep saline aquifers. But their storage capacity is influenced by the presence of different carboxylic compounds in the reservoir. These molecules strongly affect the water wetness of the rock, which has a dramatic impact on storage capacities and containment security. However, precise understanding of how these carboxylic acids influence the rock’s CO2-wettability is lacking. Experiments We thus systematically analysed these relationships as a function of pressure, temperature, storage depth and organic acid concentrations. A particular focus was on identifying organic acid conce

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
The Suitability of Bailey Method for Design of Local Asphalt Concrete Mixture
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The study investigated the behaviour of asphalt concrete mixes for aggregate gradations, according to the Iraqi specification using the Bailey method designed by an Excel spreadsheet. In mixing aggregates with varying gradations (coarse and fine aggregate), The Bailey method is a systematic methodology that offers aggregate interlocking as the backbone of the framework and a controlled gradation to complete the blends. Six types of gradation are used according to the bailey method considered in this study. Two-course prepared Asphalt Concrete Wearing and Asphalt Concrete binder, the Nominal Maximum Aggregate Sizes (NMAS) of the mixtures are 19 and 12.5 mm, respectively. The total number of specimens was 240 for both layers (15 samp

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Physiology, Nutrition And Physical Education
The effect of effort perception training according to race speed rhythm control for developing speed endurance, adapting maximum heart rate, and achieving 3000 m running/hurdles for men
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 27 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Evaluation of the Clinical use of Metformin or Pioglitazone in Combination with Meloxicam in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis; using Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis outcome Score
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Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent arthritic disease and a leading cause of disability. The pathogenesis of osteoarthritis involves multiple etiologies, including variable degree of synovial inflammation. Metformin and pioglitazone could potentially reduce the levels and activity of inflammatory mediators. This may consider as a new therapeutic approach added to the current used drugs in an attempt to decrease the pain, inflammation, and improve daily activity and quality of life in patients with knee osteoarthritis.

This study designed to evaluate the clinical utility of using metformin or pioglitazone as anti-inflammatory agents in combination with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) of selective type of cyclooxygen

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Corrosion Inhibition of Low Carbon Steel in Sulfuric Acid Using Polyvinyl Alcohol
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The inhibitive power of Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) was investigated toward the corrosion of carbon steel in 0.2N H2SO4 solution in the temperature range of 30-60˚C and PVA concentration range of 150-2000 ppm.

   The corrosion rate was measured using both the weight loss and the electrochemical techniques. The weight loss results showed that PVA could serve as a corrosion inhibitor but its inhibition power was found to be low for the corrosion of carbon steel in the acidic media. Electrochemical analysis of the corrosion process of carbon steel in an electrochemical corrosion cell was investigated using 3-Electrode corrosion cell. Polarization technique was used for carbon steel corrosion in 0.2N H

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
مجلة المستنصرية للعلوم والتربية
Calculation of Electron Drift Velocity in Xenon Gas Using Boltzmann Equation Analysis
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
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Remote sensing technique to monitoring the risk of soil degradation using NDVI
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In order to take measures in controlling soil erosion it is required to estimate soil loss over area of interest. Soil loss due to soil erosion can be estimated using predictive models such as Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). The accuracy of these models depends on parameters that are used in equations. One of the most important parameters in equations used in both of models is (C) factor that represents effects of vegetation and other land covers. Estimating land cover by interpretation of remote sensing imagery involves Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), an indicator that shows vegetation cover. The aim of this study is estimate (C) factor values for Part of Baghdad city using NDVI derived from satellite Image of Landsat-7

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
Hiding Data in Color Image Using Least Significant Bits of Blue Sector
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 30 2018
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Determining the Causes of Punching Shear in Reinforced Slabs Using Fishbone Diagram
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Risk identification and assessment can be analysed using many risk management tools. Fishbone diagram is one of these techniques which can be employed, for the identification of the causes behind the construction failure, which   has become a phenomenon that often gets repeated in several projects. If these failures are not understood and handled scientifically, it may lead to disputes between the project parties. Additionally, the construction failure also leads to an increase in the project budget, which in turn causes a delay in the completion of the projects. Punching shear in reinforcement slab may be one of the reasons for construction failures. However, there are many doubts about other causes that lead to this failure as w

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