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Impact of North African Sand and Dust Storms on the Middle East Using Iraq as an Example: Causes, Sources, and Mitigation
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This study aims to determine the reasons for the increase in the frequency of sand and dust storms in the Middle East and to identify their sources and mitigate them. A set of climatic data from 60 years (1960–2022) was analyzed. Sand storms in Iraq are a silty sand mature arkose composed of 72.7% sand, 25.1% silt, and 2.19% clay; the clay fraction in dust storms constitutes 70%, with a small amount of silt (20.6%) and sand (9.4%). Dust and sand storms (%) are composed of quartz (49.2, 67.1), feldspar (4.9, 20.9), calcite (38, 5), gypsum (4.8, 0.4), dolomite (0.8, 1.0), and heavy minerals (3.2, 6.6). Increasing temperatures in Iraq, by an average of 2 °C for sixty years, have contributed to an increase in the number of dust storms from 75 to 200 times annually. North African storms affect the Middle East, with a monthly average exceeding 300 g/m3 in peak dust seasons. To reduce the negative impacts on public health, property, and infrastructure, the study suggests solutions to mitigate them, including reducing carbon dioxide gas emissions to prevent the expansion of drought and the afforestation of the desert with plants adapted to drought using advanced techniques and avoiding land overuse.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
North and north-eastern wind and its impact on the racial temperature and humidity in Iraq
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The study area is witnessing divergence where I am North wind North East wind as we find that the north wind is getting replicated as we move from the south, The reason can be attributed to the nature of the surface of the region, with at least repeat this wind the northern region to the presence of mountain ranges, while we find that energizes the surface in the center and south helped to increase repeat this wind gusts, It also finds that the North wind East prevail in the northern region and least replicated as we move from the north to the south and to the fact that North stations are within blowing this wind sites for the circles near the display of high pressure located centers to the north-east, north and distancing itself from pa

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Design and Construction of a Dust Detection System using Infrared Laser: The Case of Dust Storms in Baghdad in the Summer 2022
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Iraq suffers from serious pollution with harmful particles that have important direct and indirect effects on human activities and human health. In this research, a system for detecting pollutants in the air was designed and manufactured using infrared laser technology. This system was used to detect the presence of pollutants in the dust storms that swept the city of Baghdad which could have a negative impact on human health and living organisms.

The designed detection system based on the use of infrared laser (IR) with a wavelength of 1064 nm was used for the purposes of detecting pollutants based on the scattering of the laser beam from these pollutants. The system was aligned to obtain the best signal for the scattered rays, w

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Mitigation of collapse characteristics of gypseous soils by activated carbon, sodium metasilicate, and cement dust: An experimental study
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This study includes adding chemicals to gypseous soil to improve its collapse characteristics. The collapse behavior of gypseous soil brought from the north of Iraq (Salah El-Deen governorate) with a gypsum content of 59% was investigated using five types of additions (cement dust, powder sodium meta-silicate, powder activated carbon, sodium silicate solution, and granular activated carbon). The soil was mixed by weight with cement dust (10, 20, and 30%), powder sodium meta-silicate (6%), powder activated carbon (10%), sodium silicate solution (3, 6, and 9%), and granular activated carbon (5, 10, and 15%). The collapse potential is reduced by 86, 71, 43, 37, and 35% when 30% cement dust, 6% powder sodium meta-silicate, 10% powder activated

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Models for long range forecast to the dust storms
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In this research ,we will study the phenomenon of dust storms for all types
(Suspended dust , rising dust , dust storm) , and its relationship with some climate
variables (Temperature , rainfall ,wind speed , Relative humidity ) through
regression models to three different locations ( Kirkuk , Rutba , Diwaniya ) almost
covering Iraq area for the period (1981 – 2012) . Time series has been addressing the
phenomenon of storms and climate variables for the time period under study to
attain the best models for long range forcast to the dust storms.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Testing the MODIS Thermal Modes for Dust Storms Monitoring
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Climate change is one of the global issues that is receiving wide attention due to its clear impact on all living organisms. This is essential for Iraq since it was classified as the fifth most vulnerable country to climate change. One of the manifestations of these changes in Iraq is the increasing frequency and severity of dust storms. In this study, the Normalized Difference Dust Index (NDDI) spectral index for Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor bands was used to measure and track the dust storm that occurred on May 16, 2022, as well as to test the validity of one of the daily products of this sensor, MOD11A1, to measure surface temperature and emissivity before and after the storm. It was found that the MOD0

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Extraction and Delineation of Pera Magroon Alluvial Fans North East Iraq Using Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS application
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Pera Magroon anticline is located within the northeastern of Iraq, covering area estimated by 958 Km2. The Landsat ETM+ false color composite imagery was produced by assigning [741] bands. It is used to distinguish alluvial fans in the southwestern limb of Pera Magroon anticline. Digital elevation models (DEM) were used for describing topographic features related to the alluvial fans, as well as, three dominations model (3D) was created from (DEM) and the Landsat ETM+ image.

 Arc GIS, hydro tool set was used to draw the drainage patterns, the area of study was covered by dendritic and parallel patterns. Contour lines across the fans form segments of ellipses reveal the pattern of tectonic act

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The radiological effects of dust storms in Baghdad- Ramadi area
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Twelve storm dust samples were collected from three cities in Iraq. The samples were collected in the same time during big storms which hit Iraq in summer, 2012 and 2013.  The deposited dust on 4 by 4 nylon sheet on surfaces of selected buildings in cities of Baghdad, Fallujah and Al-Ramadi were collected. Each sample was put in sealed Marinilli beaker and kept for 4 weeks to reach the equilibrium state between radium and its short half-life daughters. Gamma spectrometry system based on HPGe was used for analysis of natural and artificial radionuclides in the dust. The activities of natural radionuclides were found to be ranged between 13-19 Bq/kg, 9-14 Bq/kg and 200-240 Bq/kg for Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40 respectively, while Cs-137 w

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Individualism and the Symbolic Language of Imagination (Pablo Neruda as an Example)
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Pablo Neruda's artistic distinctiveness can be considered in two ideas or attitudes of romanticism. First, the imagination, which is the result of conduct and spirituality, and second, the individualism, which is a collection of mysterious mysteries from the texts of individuality based on philosophical sonnets. His collection of poems points out the ethereality and indescribability of life, employing the reality of life at the level of human perception in a symbolic language. In other words, Pablo Neruda recreates the meanings in poetry through the three ideas of reduction, interpretation, and analysis. "What is the essential connection between individualism and the symbolic language of Pablo Neruda's imagination and What are the reason

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Subsurface Structural Image of Galabat Field, North East of Iraq Using 2D Seismic Data
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This research had been achieved to identify the image of the subsurface structure representing the Tertiary period in the Galabat Field northeast of Iraq using 2D seismic survey measurements. Synthetic seismograms of the Galabat-3 well were generated in order to identify and pick the reflectors in seismic sections. Structural Images were drawn in the time domain and then converted to the depth domain by using average velocities. Structurally, seismic sections illustrate these reflectors are affected by two reverse faults affected on the Jeribe Formation and the layers below with the increase in the density of the reverse faults in the northern division. The structural maps show Galabat field, which consists of longitudinal Asymmetrical narr

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Heavy Metal Pollution and Sources in Dust from Primary Schools and Kindergartens in Ramadi City, Iraq
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The aim of this study is to determine the level of pollution with heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) and their potential sources in dust samples collected from schools in Ramadi City, Iraq. The dust samples were collected from 40 primary schools and two kindergartens and analyzed by using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The heavy metal concentrations were found to follow the order Cr > Cu > Pb > Ni > Zn > Cd.  The results indicated that the concentrations of Cd, Cu, and Pb exceeded the permitted background values. The pollution level was assessed using the geo-accumulation index (Igeo) and pollution load index (PLI). The classification of dust samples according to Igeo values showed that

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