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The Effect of Nickel, Vanadium, Asphaltene, NSO and Sulfur on Crude Oil Quality
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The Mishrif reservoir (Cenomanian - Turonian) in the Z, H, B and N oilfields in southern Iraq was investigated to clarify how nickel, vanadium, asphaltene, NSO and sulfur content affect the crude oil quality. The GC-Mass and ICP-MS analyses were used to provide fruitful hydrocarbon results. Classification of crude oil based on API gravity broadly indicates the oil's density and general properties. Typically, lighter crude oils are easier to refine, yield higher percentages of valuable products such as gasoline and diesel, and have a higher market value. Heavier crude oils require more processing and may yield more residual products, such as heavy fuel oil and asphalt. The Mishrif crude oil was classified as a medium sour crude oil containing high sulfur content (%) in Z oilfield (5.22), H oilfield (5.1), and B (5.12); more significant than those in N crude oil, which is classified a sweet based on less than 5% sulfur. The content of asphaltene, nickel, NSO, and vanadium affects the quality of crude oil and the market price because of its negative impact on refining processes, susceptibility to corrosion, and environmental damage later after fuel consumption and burning.

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Brainstorming on audit Quality and its Reflection on Detecting the Risk of Fraud
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Brainstorming is one of the fundamental and necessary concepts for practising the auditing profession, as auditing standards encouraged the implementation of brainstorming sessions to reach reasonable assurance about the validity of the evidence and information obtained by the auditor to detect fraud, as the implementation of brainstorming sessions and the practice of professional suspicion during the audit process lead To increase the quality of auditing and thus raise the financial community's confidence in the auditing profession again after it was exposed to several crises that led to the financial community losing confidence in the auditing profession.

The research aims to explain the effect of brain

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 30 2003
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Catalytic Pour Point Reduction and Viscosity Improvement of Lubricating Oil Fractions using Sulfided Nickel-Tungsten Catalysts
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Alvezaúah properties of crude oil and associated water and the relationship with qualities Alheidrocorpunat resulting Fertile Mkami and central Iraq
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Conducted Althilelat chemical models of crude oil back to the reservoir Fertile from the fields of Baghdad and Kut and models of crude oil back to the reservoir ??????? of Haklbe Tikrit and Baghdad were calculated their properties Alvezaúah Kalkthaqh and weight, quality and degree of August j (API) and know the quality Nfothma that was light or heavy and make the comparison between Alinvtin also conducted chemical analyzes of the two models of Almia associated with each of the oil above Almkmnin and measured Ktvthma and Zojithma and concentrations of some dissolved salts in them and clarify the relationship between the oil reservoir and water associated with oil fields...

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrochemical Science
Effect of Electrolysis Parameters on the Specific Surface Area of Nickel Powder: Optimization using Box-Behnken Design
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Continuous De-emulsification of Crude Oil Using Packed Column Under Various Conditions
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This research dealt with desalting of East Baghdad crude oil using pellets of either anionic, PVC, quartz, PE, PP or
nonionic at different temperature ranging from 30 to 80 °C, pH from 6 to 8, time from 2 to 20 minutes, volume percent
washing water from 5 to 25% and fluid velocity from 0.5 to 0.8 m/s under voltage from 2 to 6 kV and / or using additives
such as alkyl benzene sulphonate or sodium stearate. The optimum conditions and materials were reported to remove
most of water from East Baghdad wet crude oil.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of the Number of Gaussian Points and Their Distribution on Image Quality
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This  research  involves  studying  the  influence  of  increasing  the

number of Gaussian points and the style of their distribution, on a circular exit pupil, on the numerical calculations accuracy of the point spread function for an ideal optical system and another system having focus error of (0.25 A. and 0.5 A. )

It was shown that the accuracy of the results depends on the type of

distributing points on the exit pupil. Also, the accuracy increases with the increase of the number of points (N) and the increase of aberrations which requires on increas (N).

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Diyala River Water Quality on the Quality of Tigris River Water using GIS Mapping
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The assessment of a river water’ quality is an essential procedure of monitor programs and is used to collect basic environmental data. The management of integrated water resources in a sustainable method is also necessary to allow future generations to meet their water needs. The main objective of this research is to assess the effect of the Diyala River on Tigris River water quality using Geographic Information System (GIS) technique. Water samples have been collected monthly from November 2017 to April 2018 from four selected locations in Tigris and Diyala Rivers using the grab sampling method. Fourteen parameters were studied which are Turbidity, pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Biological Oxygen Demand, Electrical Conductivi

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
" The Effect of the Auditor's Experience on the Quality of Internal Audit "
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The importance of internal audit in the growing demand for services in the public and private economic units, and in the rapid growth of its systems professional, has also been recognition of the importance of internal audit quality and the quality of information provided in a long time, as well as the importance of achieving the greatest possible quality in his work to reduce accounting risks of financial reports misleading or fraudulent, which is one of the important features of the audit.

The internal audit quality are linked with the ability of auditors to detect errors in the financial statements, and their willingness to express an opinion technical neutral and non-aligned based on the results of th

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The inhibition effect of crude juice of olive Olea europeae on cancer cell line Rhabdomyosarcoma (RD)
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The inhibition effect of crude juice of green and black olive on cancer cell line (RD) in vitro has been studied by depending on micro titration system . Eleven different concentration starting from (916-960) mg/ml of crude juice respectively ,for three periods of exposure(24-48-72)hours. The resulted showed that the inhibition effect dependent on type of olive fruit juice ,concentration of dose ,time of exposure and the high concentration of both type of olive juice increased the growth of cell line while other concentration caused decrease in different rates ,moreover the black juice was more effective than green and 48 hours' time exposure was the best for inhibition.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of green colour on glass quality
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The study of green colour in glass has a special importance on the glass quality, specially the effect of ferrous oxides content of the limestone. Results obtained that there was a reduction in green colour when different ferrous oxide contents in the limestone were added in glass production, limestone sources from two quarries, and the first contains 0.67% ferrous oxide and the second posses less ferrous oxide.

Reduction of green colour showed higher transmittance12% and it could be suggested that reduction of ferrous oxides content in the limestone is of special importance on the optical properties of glass.

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