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Comparative study between the individual, dual and triple addition of (SF), (TGP) and (PVA) for improving Local Plaster of Paris (LPOP) properties
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The factors that affecting in the recruitment of a teaching staff for the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in university teaching at the University of Khartoum.
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This research aimed at identifying the factors that affecting in the recruitment of a teaching staff for the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in university teaching at the University of Khartoum. The descriptive method was followed. The questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection,, which was distributed directly to a sample of (181) respondent of the teaching staff members of the senate at University of Khartoum from those who were attend at the senate meeting No. (409) which was held on 22 August 2016 Of (272). The researcher followed for the distribution the chance method, where each questionnaire was distributed to each of a teaching staff from different faculties at the University of Khartoum, according to his willingness

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A study of some of the of the Verbs’ Arabic Roots in the stories of Osman Ceviksoy Like a Voice in The Dark.: Osman Çeviksoy'un "Karanlıkta Ses Gibi" Başlıklı Öykü Kitabında Arapça Kökenli Türkçe Fillerin İncelenmesi
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Due to the Geographical links, language is one of the multiple affects among Arabs and Turks. As the different studies demonstrate, Turkish contains many words derived from other languages, yet Arabic remains the language that has great affects on Turkish. Unlike Turkish language, Arabic is a derivative language that requires no suffixes. Thus, Arabic verbs are tuned into Turkish verbs by adding auxiliary verbs. The present study traces some of the Turkish compound words of Arabic roots with an explanation that shows the Auxiliary added to form the Turkish verb as found in the stories of Otman Chevek Sawy’s Like A voice in the Dark. The conclusion sums up the findings of the study illustrated by numbers.


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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The role of sialic acid in the immune response of patients with acute leukemia Almufaawi the subject and is on treatment Alkamiawi this
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The focus of this research revolves around the importance level of sialic acid in the reasoning of cases, including tumors and then evaluate the patient's response to treatment and its impact on the immune response there are a lot of evidence showing that parts Alkrbu ???????? in peptides sugary and glycoproteins play an important role in Alfalitin life and responsiveness

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 11 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
The effect of the maximum physical effort on some physiological variables, body components and achievement level in the effectiveness of air rifle shooting
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The job that confronts players with the effectiveness of shooting with an air rifle is high, so it requires necessary functional adaptations that differ in their degrees from other sports. Regular training in air rifle shooting leads to physiological changes in most of the body's internal systems, and changes and responses can be identified. The functional accompanying physical activity through the presence of body components that reflect these physiological changes in the form of changes in some components, and the importance of research lies in studying the physiological changes accompanying the maximum physical effort and the consequent development of the level of achievement in the effectiveness of shooting with air rifle and body

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of The Electrochemical Deposition Potential Variation on The Coating of Hydroxyatite on Commertialy pure Titanium (CpTi) and Ti-6Al-4V Alloy
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In this research we investigated the corrosion behavior of the commertialy pure titanium and Ti-6Al-4V alloy that coated with hydroxyapatite by electrochemical deposition with applied voltage (6,9,12) Volt from aqueous solution containing Ca(NO3)2.H2O =7.0 gm/l , (NH4)2HPO4 =3.5 gm/l , Na(NO3)2 = 8.5 gm/l in order to improve the bonding strength of hydroxyapetite and medical metals and alloys and increasing the biocompatibility. The coating layer morphology was investigated by XRD, Optical microscope , and SEM tests, the corrosio tests was made by use senthesys simulated body fluid (SBF) , and we found that the propreate voltage for coatint on Ti was 9 Volt and for Ti-6Al-4Vwas12Volt.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Strategic Information Systems and their effects on the Developing of Intellectual Capital in the Electricity Distribution Company in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
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This research aims to study the impact of strategic information systems on the development of intellectual capital in the Public Shareholding Electricity Distribution Company in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was developed for the purpose of data collection, as the number of valid questionnaires for analysis was about (135), and SPSS and AMOS 0.26 software was used to analyze the collected data. The study found out that the respondents' perceptions of the level of importance of strategic information systems and the level of importance of intellectual capital were high, and that the relational capital has ranked as first, followed by structural capital, and h

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analysis of factors affecting the desire of the customer and their impact on the market share in a competitive market National Insurance Company
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The research aims to identify the factors affecting the customer and their impact desire for market share in a competitive market National Insurance Company, where he was after the tremendous developments that have taken place in the insurance sector, crowded markets, private companies and the intensified competition among those companies on one side and public sector companies, including national insurance company on the other hand, increased attention and study in a big way the customer and the factors influencing the desire. As the national insurance company ascertains its targets once the sale of insurance documents only, but by knowing the tendencies and aspirations of current and prospective customers a way that helps to strengthen

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Studies In Humanities And Educational Sciences
Unlocking the Language of the Heart: A Stylistic Analysis of EmotiveTechniques in Paulo Coelho's By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept
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This paper presents an in-depth stylistic analysis of the linguistic artistry andliterary techniques employed by Paulo Coelho in his novel By the River Piedra ISat Down and Wept. A close reading approach guided by stylistics and linguisticsframeworks reveals Coelho's extensive incorporation of imaginative metaphors,vivid imagery, poetic diction, and resonant symbols across the narrative. Analysisspecifically elucidates how Coelho adeptly manipulates various stylistic features toconvey thematic content, shape characterization, and produce aesthetic impacts.Findings provide critical insights into Coelho’s linguistic mastery and contribute toresearch in stylistics and literary linguistics through rigorous examination of anentire contemporary

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Remittances Review
Analyzing the Influence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on the Per Capita GDP of Iraq from 2004 to 2021
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The study aims to identify the theoretical literature for all the variables of the study (ICT, GDP) as well as to identify the practical side of the impact of ICT on the per capita GDP in Iraq for the period (2004-2021). The study was based on the hypothesis that ICT impacts per capita GDP in Iraq. The problem of the study was to answer the question: does ICT contribute to per capita GDP? The study concluded that an increase in the rate of internet users per 100 people by one unit would increase. Increasing the landline telephone rate per 100 people by one unit will increase GDP per capita. In addition, increasing the mobile phone rate per 100 people by one unit will increase GDP per capita. The study recommended adopting rational poli

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
Obstacles to the application of electronic management in university libraries: the universities of Baghdad and Al-Mustansiriya as a model.
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The research aims to identify the obstacles facing the application of electronic management in our university libraries, including the central library of the University of Baghdad and the central library of Al-Mustansiriya University, the research sample, as they are among the main libraries that used electronic technologies in managing some of their work and in providing their services, and they have a website via the Internet. The research relied on the case study method to identify the obstacles by visiting the two libraries, interviewing their managers and employees responsible for the departments, and answering inquiries about the obstacles that prevent the application of electronic management in order to identify them and find appropr

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