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Apexification and Periapical Healing of Immature Teeth Using Mineral Trioxide Aggregate

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2023
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Nondestructive Evaluation of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Using Microwave Techniques: A Review

Carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) is widely acknowledged as a leading advanced material structure, offering superior properties compared to traditional materials, and has found diverse applications in several industrial sectors, such as that of automobiles, aircrafts, and power plants. However, the production of CFRP composites is prone to fabrication problems, leading to structural defects arising from cycling and aging processes. Identifying these defects at an early stage is crucial to prevent service issues that could result in catastrophic failures. Hence, routine inspection and maintenance are crucial to prevent system collapse. To achieve this objective, conventional nondestructive testing (NDT) methods are utilized to i

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Nondestructive Evaluation of Coatings Delamination Using Microwave Time Domain Reflectometry Technique

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
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International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Smart internet of things kindergarten garbage observation system using Arduino uno

<span lang="EN-US">Increase the in population and kindergarten number, especially in urban areas made it difficult to properly manage waste. Thus, this paper proposed a system dedicated to kindergartens to manage to dispose of waste, the system can be called smart garbage based on internet of things (SGI). To ensure a healthy environment and an intelligent waste in the kindergarten management system in an integrated manner and supported by the internet of things (IoT), we presented it in detail identification, the SGI system includes details like a display system, an automatic lid system, and a communication system. This system supplied capabilities to monitor the status of waste continuously and on IoT website can show the pe

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 13 2020
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Mechanics Of Advanced Materials And Structures
Enhancing the strength of reinforced concrete columns using steel embedded tubes

This paper demonstrates an experimental and numerical study on the behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) columns with longitudinal steel embedded tubes positioned at the center of the column cross-section. A total of 12 pin-ended square sectional columns of 150 × 150 mm having a total height of 1400 mm were investigated. The considered variables were the steel tube diameters of 29, 58, and 76 mm and the load eccentricity (0, 50, and 150) mm. Accordingly, these columns were divided into three groups (four columns in each group) depending on the load eccentricity (e) to column depth (h) ratio (e/h = 0, 1/3, and 1). For each group, one column was solid (reference), and the other three columns contained steel tubes with hollow rat

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of Suicidal Ideation on Twitter using Machine Learning & Ensemble Approaches

Suicidal ideation is one of the most severe mental health issues faced by people all over the world. There are various risk factors involved that can lead to suicide. The most common & critical risk factors among them are depression, anxiety, social isolation and hopelessness. Early detection of these risk factors can help in preventing or reducing the number of suicides. Online social networking platforms like Twitter, Redditt and Facebook are becoming a new way for the people to express themselves freely without worrying about social stigma. This paper presents a methodology and experimentation using social media as a tool to analyse the suicidal ideation in a better way, thus helping in preventing the chances of being the victim o

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Classification of Diseases in Oil Palm Leaves Using the GoogLeNet Model

The general health of palm trees, encompassing the roots, stems, and leaves, significantly impacts palm oil production, therefore, meticulous attention is needed to achieve optimal yield. One of the challenges encountered in sustaining productive crops is the prevalence of pests and diseases afflicting oil palm plants. These diseases can detrimentally influence growth and development, leading to decreased productivity. Oil palm productivity is closely related to the conditions of its leaves, which play a vital role in photosynthesis. This research employed a comprehensive dataset of 1,230 images, consisting of 410 showing leaves, another 410 depicting bagworm infestations, and an additional 410 displaying caterpillar infestations. Furthe

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effects of Using Static Methods with Contourlet Transformation on Speech Compression

Compression of speech signal is an essential field in signal processing. Speech compression is very important in today’s world, due to the limited bandwidth transmission and storage capacity. This paper explores a Contourlet transformation based methodology for the compression of the speech signal. In this methodology, the speech signal is analysed using Contourlet transformation coefficients with statistic methods as threshold values, such as Interquartile Filter (IQR), Average Absolute Deviation (AAD), Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) and standard deviation (STD), followed by the application of (Run length encoding) They are exploited for recording speech in different times (5, 30, and 120 seconds). A comparative study of performance

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Publication Date
Tue May 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using Microalga Scenedesmus quadricauda for the Improvement of Municipal Wastewater Quality

     Microalgae culture is an interesting step in wastewater treatment since it provides a tertiary biotreatment while also producing potentially valuable biomass that may be used for a variety of applications. Microalgae cultures, with their ability to utilize inorganic nitrogen and phosphate for growth, provide an elegant solution to tertiary and quaternary treatments. Scenedesmus quadricauda culture was employed with three different doses, 2g/l, 1g/l, and 0.2g/l, to investigate the impacts of microalgae in wastewater. Standard procedures were used to measure samples for physicochemical parameters such as pH, EC, PO4, NO3, NO2, NH4 and BOD5 every third day for

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Performance Assessment of Solar-Transformer-Consumption System Using Neural Network Approach

Solar energy is one of the immeasurable renewable energy in power generation for a green, clean and healthier environment. The silicon-layer solar panels absorb sun energy and converts it into electricity by off-grid inverter. Electricity is transferred either from this inverter or from transformer, consumed by consumption unit(s) available for residential or economic purposes. The artificial neural network is the foundation of artificial intelligence and solves many complex problems which are difficult by statistical methods or by humans. In view of this, the purpose of this work is to assess the performance of the Solar - Transformer - Consumption (STC) system. The system may be in complete breakdown situation due to failure of both so

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Implementation of a Proposed Load-Shedding System Using Altera DE2 FPGA

A load-shedding controller suitable for small to medium size loads is designed and implemented based on preprogrammed priorities and power consumption for individual loads. The main controller decides if a particular load can be switched ON or not according to the amount of available power generation, load consumption and loads priorities. When themaximum allowed power consumption is reached and the user want to deliver power to additional load, the controller will decide if this particular load should be denied receiving power if its priority is low. Otherwise, it can be granted to receive power if its priority is high and in this case lower priority loads are automatically switched OFF in order not to overload the power generation. The

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