تعد الثقافة التنظيمية في المجال االداري وكذلك الرياضي من المفاهيم الحديثة لذا وجب التعرف عليها من عدة اتجاهات لمعرفة تكوينها واب عادها والنظريات التي تناولتها لتكوين رؤية تختلف عن االخرين لما لها من دور مهم ونافع في مختلف المؤسسات ومنها االتحادات الرياضية، ولعل لعلوم الرياضة واالختبار والقياس على وجه الخصوص الدور الرئيس في المساعدة بإيجاد وسيلة علمية وتطبيقها على االعضاء لمعرفة انماط الثقافة لديهم ومن ثم التعرف على النمط السائد ألعضاء االتحاد العراقي المركزي بالكرة الطائرة كما تظهر اهمية اخرى هي من اهمية االتحاد العراقي المركزي للكرة الطائرة وما يقدمه من خدمات لتطوير المنتمين لهذه اللعبة من اجل تحقيق االنجازات المحلية والدولية. ان أهمية المؤسسات الرياضية تدفع الى التساؤل حول ما هي حدود مسؤولية تلك المؤسسات؟، بمعنى هل تنتهي مسؤوليتها عند حدود تقديم التسهيالت والنشاطات والبطوالت والدورات وغيرها( وهل يمكن ان يؤثر نمط الثقافة التنظيمية السائد في تلك المؤسسات الذي يستمد وبصورة كبيرة من طبيعة تلك المؤسسة ومن المجتمع لتبنيها انماط معينة من الثقافة التنظيمية؟ كما هدف البحث الى: بناء مقياس انماط الثقافة التنظيمية لالتحاد العراقي المركزي بالكرة الطائرة من وجهة نظر المعنيين باللعبة. تحديد درجات ومستويات معيارية لمقياس انماط الثقافة التنظيمية ولتحقيق هدفا البحث استخدم الباحثون المنهج الوصفي باألسلوب المسحي والعالقات االرتباطية كما قاموا بعدة اجراءات منها تحديد اجراءات البناء وتحديد المجاالت والفقرات الخاصة بالمقياس واجراء التجربة االستطالعية لمعرفة مدى سهولة وصعوبة تطبيق المقياس على العينة وبعد التأكد من هذا تم اجراء التجربة الرئيسة الستخراج االسس العلمية للمقياس وقد تم استخدام الوسائل االحصائية المناسبة الستخراج النتائج وبعدها الحصول على عدة استنتاجات منها التوصل الى المقياس بالصورة النهائية والتوصل الى الدرجات والمستويات المعيارية وقد اوصى الباحثون بعدة توصيات منها: استخدام المقياس بشكل مستمر لالطالع على مستوى اعضاء االتحاد العراقي بالكرة الطائرة في انماط الثقافة التنظيمية. اقامة دورات وورش وندوات ثقافية ادارية وتنظيمية ألعضاء االتحاد.
Objectives: To assess nurses' attitude toward end of life phase. To find out relationships between nurses attitude and socio demographic data (age, gender, level of education, years of experience).
Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study design is carried out to assess the attitude on nurses concerning patient at the end of life phase at critical care units, from the period of (1nd November 2021) to (1th February 2022). A probability sample random sampling technique used. Then, the number of participants in Baquba Teaching Hospital and general al khalis hospital were determined by using rando
... Show MoreThe results of the study showed the statistical significant difference (P≥0.05) for each of the relative weight of the yolk and egg whites, the relative weight of the shell and the Hauh unit, which is affected positively by the addition of ground fenugreek seed and Laurels leave to the quail bird's diet. There is also a statistically significant difference positively for each of the percentage of ash, protein and carbohydrates for qualis egg, while there is no significant difference for both the percentage of moisture and fat. The results of the mineral estimation showed an increase in each of the elements of iron, copper and cadmium from the addition of fenugreek and laurels leave, while there was no significant difference for
... Show MoreAbstract The means of self-determination have their peaceful and non-peaceful dimensions and are united(peaceful and non-peaceful) by international consensus adopted by international conventions and instruments. This has given it various dimensions at the applied level, especially in the light of the contemporary international developments witnessed by the world represented by a number of complete and incomplete implementation models that have nothing to do with the theory of truth Self-determination associated with the liberation of peoples from colonial domination or the liberation of oppressed nationalities
The aim of this study is to know the effect of different percentages of chitosan added to drinking water on the weight and quality of quail meat, physical anatomy in terms of (the body of the long carcass, the girth of the chest, the length of the thigh bones, the thigh racket, the fullness of the chest), chemical analysis (protein, moisture, fat and ash) and sensory evaluation of quail meat. It was purchased 320 Iraqi-origin birds of quail and one day old. Chicks were randomly distributed to three equal groups' treatments and treated with chitosan and added to the drinking water: the first treatment (0.1 gm./L water only as a control treatment), the second treatment (0.2 gm./L of chitosan was added to the drinking water) and the
... Show MoreAbstract: The researcher aims to highlight the historical frames of political development in royal regime era (1921-1949) and study its transitions on social-political aspect for the various periods during this consistent era of Iraq history. As some elements played an important role in shaping this era’s features ,as well as 2hat succeed it, which mainly affected the political progression’s configuration, such as : political culture role, social and cultural foundation, state policy essence and the unofficial institutions remarkable role in influencing public awareness and concerning it's relation to the state ,the clan and religious institutions. The researcher employed Alexis de Tocqueville’s evaluation criteria and indi
... Show MoreObjective(s): To assess the eating habits of adolescent females with iron deficient anemia.
Methodology: This study employed a quantitative research, descriptive evaluation design.The study was carried out on adolescent girls attending Kirkuk secondary school, period from 11 April to 27 December 2022. A non- probability (Purposive) sample has been applied to obtain the study goals. The study sample was (62) student who participate in the study.
Results: Pre-test results from the study revealed that 54.8% of students had moderate IDA. While the students' iron levels returned to normal in the posttest (53.2%). The majority of students (59.7%) had poor eatin
... Show MoreUltraviolet spectrophotometric studies for antibiotic (amino glycoside) derivatives including, Neomycin, Streptomycin, Gentamycin and Kanamycin with special reagents, which are benzoyl chloride; benzene sulfonyl chloride, toluenesulfonyl chloride and phthalic anhydride were made. Amino glycosides derivatives were followed through measurements of the ultraviolet absorbance (A) from which the absorptivity (ε) of the complexes was deduced and molar absorbances using Ultraviolet for products and calculate the number of reagents molecule that combine to amino glycosides.
Objectives: To find out the association between enhancing learning needs and demographic characteristic of (gender, education level and age).
Methods: This study was conducted on purposive sample was selected to obtain representative and accurate data consisting of (90) patients who are in a peroid of recovering from myocardial infarction at Missan Center for Cardiac Diseases and Surgery, (10) patients were excluded for the pilot study, Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical data analysis approach of frequency, percentage, and analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Results: The study finding shows, there was sign
... Show MoreABSTRACT
Naproxen(NPX) imprinted liquid electrodes of polymers are built using polymerization precipitation. The molecularly imprinted (MIP) and non imprinted (NIP) polymers were synthesized using NPX as a template. In the polymerization precipitation involved, styrene(STY) was used as monomer, N,N-methylenediacrylamide (N,N-MDAM) as a cross-linker and benzoyl peroxide (BPO) as an initiator. The molecularly imprinted membranes and the non-imprinted membranes were prepared using acetophenone(AOPH) and di octylphathalate(DOP)as plasticizers in PVC matrix. The slopes and detection limits of the liquid electrodes ranged from)-18.1,-17.72 (mV/decade and )4.0 x 10-
... Show MoreThis study including synthesis of some new Schiff bases compounds [1‐6] from the reaction of Sulfamethoxazole drug with some aromatic aldehydes in classical Schiff base method then treatment Schiff bases with succinic anhydride to get oxazepines rings [7-11]These derivatives were characterized by melting point, FT‐IR, 1H NMR and mass spectra. Some of synthesized compounds were evaluated in vitro for their antibacterial activities against three kinds of pathogenic strains Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli