The conditional style represents a form of structures built on associative relationships within the sentence sometimes, which also coincides with textual relationships at other times. It is based on the principle of semantic interrelation between the conditional verb and its response with a tool, as well as the textual context in which it is woven, which leads to the production of different meanings according to the stylistic structure of the condition and its context. Rhetoricians looked for those relationships and their semantic production especially with Al-Skaki and the rhetoricians after him, as they studied the harmony built on restriction and attachment in the conditional structure and what it carries of structural and semantic features.
The sport took the rapid progress in recent years, as a result of thedevelopment in the principles and theories of sports training, and lambdabenefit sports coaches of the various technical and scientific progress invarious big science. Corrigendum to the skill of jumping is one of thebasic skills and vitality of the basketball player , and on this basis, thebasketball coaches to be bound by the education and training anddevelopment of abilities and physical abilities to their students andathletes to perform this skill, so as to create a team of offensive nature tomake the most effective number of points, often to compensate for theanomalies in the defense, if any.مجلة الریاضة المعاصرة ..... المجلد الثامن ....
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قمت بدراسة وتحقيق المسائل الكلامية من قسم السمعيات مبتدأةً من مسألة عذاب القبر ثم مسألة النعيم والعذاب فيه، ومسألة سؤال منكر ونكير، ومسألة البعث والحشر ووزن الاعمال ، واستلام الكتب وصحائف الاعمال وسؤال الله تعالى للعبد يوم العرض عليه ، والحوض والشرب منه، ومسألة الصراط والعبور عليه كل هذه المسائل درستها ودللت عليها من آيات القرآن الكريم والسنة النبو
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