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Optimization of sintering temperature for the enhancement of pyroelectric properties of lead-free 0.88(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3–0.084(K0.5Bi0.5)TiO3–0.036BaTiO3 piezoelectric ceramics

Lead-free 0.88(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3–0.084(K0.5Bi0.5)TiO3–0.036BaTiO3 (BNT–BKT–BT) piezoelectric ceramics were prepared using the conventional mixed-oxide method with a sintering temperature range of 1120–1200 °C. The effect of the sintering temperature on the crystal structure, microstructure, and densification, as well as the dielectrics, piezoelectrics, and the pyroelectric properties of BNT–BKT–BT ceramics were investigated. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction were used to study the microstructures of the sintered samples. The results showed that the increase in sintering temperature was very effective in improving both the density and electrical properties. However, the samples deteriorated when the sintering temperature was above the optimum. The BNT–BKT–BT ceramics exhibited an excellent structure and electrical properties at a 1180 °C sintering temperature. The density of the ceramics reached a maximum value of 5880 kg/cm3, which is about 98% of the theoretical density. The ceramic exhibited a pyroelectric coefficient of (p) 366 μC/m2 K, a piezoelectric coefficient of d33 = 183 pC/N, a remanent polarisation of Pr = 38.43 μC/cm2, a dielectric constant of ε′ = 933, a loss tangent (tan δ) of 0.0235, and the figure-of-merit for detection was (FD) of 15.408 μPa1/2. Improvement in the pyroelectric properties is crucial for the development of infrared detectors and sensors.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 05 2019
Journal Name
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews

Purpose: This study aims to shed the light on allusions to real lab rats in Dashner’s trilogy: The Maze Runner (2009), The Scorch Trails (2010), and The Death Cure (2011).  It also aims to trace the historical documents and chronicles essential to reveal the justifications behind the vague political and scientific crimes.  Methodology: The researchers have used the literary analytical approach to study and analyze selected prominent aspects from each novel; such as the concept of lab rats and genocide crimes in The Maze Runner; references to weather experiments, the climate change conspiracy, gas chambers, and the Holocaust in The Scorch Trails; and finally, the man-made diseases and biological weapons in The Death Cure. Results

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 1999
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
New Records And Some Notes On The Broad Bean Root Aphids and Their Natural Enemies in Hammam Al-Alil

In May 20th. 1985 two species of aphids were found on the roots of Vicia faba L. in Hammam region 30 Kilometer south of Mosul. Samples of these aphids were sent to the Commonwealth Institute of Entomology, London. ( No. 17002/9804 Asia ) and identified as being Smynthurodes betas westwood and Dysaphis crataegi (Kaltenbach) (APhididae : Homoptera). The first species was dominant. The latter species was also noticed on the roots of the common bishop's weed (Ammi majus L.) and on the wide carrot (Daucus carrota L.) of the family Umbelliferae (Bodenheimer & Swirski, 1957).

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Adopting opportunity cost as a tool to increase tax revenue: Applied research in the General Tax Authority - Companies Division

This research seeks to try to address one of the important issues in society that prevents the state from achieving its social, economic, political and financial goals, represented by the low tax proceeds, through which it can achieve those goals. What is reflected on the tax proceeds, knowing that the General Tax Authority does not take into account the issue of analyzing the opportunity cost of corporate capital as one of the profit indicators when setting the annual controls, which leads to a decrease in the tax proceeds, and therefore the research objective will be to shed light on the importance of adopting the concept of analysis The opportunity cost by the General Tax Authority to achieve a tax proceeds commensurate with t

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 13 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Dental anomalies in permanent teeth and the associated etiological factors among fifteen years-old students in Basrah city\Iraq

ABSTRACT Background: Dental anomalies of teeth are major issue that contributes to dental problems encountered in general practice. The aim of this study is to measure the prevalence of dental anomalies and the associated etiological factors among 15 years old students in Basrah city –Iraq. Materials and methods: The total sample composed of 1000 students (435 males and 565 females) from urban area selected randomly from different high schools in the city. Diagnosis of dental anomalies were recorded by present or absent, diagnosis and recording of enamel defects were done according to the criteria of WHO (1997). Results: The prevalence of hypodontia was 4.6%, Females have higher prevalence than males (5.8% females and 3.0% males), ta

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Energy Science And Engineering
CFD analysis on optimizing the annular fin parameters toward an improved storage response in a triple‐tube containment system

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Employment and Labor Union Laws in Japan between the 1889 and 1946 Constitutions: A Comparative Study: أفراح محمد علي

This research is based on the descriptive and analytical methodology. The importance of studying labor laws and labor unions in Japan between 1889 and 1946 constitutions is because Japan was out of a feudal phase, and had no idea about the factory system and industrialization in their modern sense before the Meiji era. Generally, its labor system used to be mostly familial, and the economic system was based on agriculture. This called for the enactment of legislations and laws appropriate for the coming phase in Meiji era. Thus, this paper examines the role of Meiji government in enacting labor legislations and laws when he came to power in 1896, and his new constitution in 1889 and the civil code of 1896. It further examines the way Mei

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
How to build a virtual personal imagined in the picture, directed by James Cameron (Avatar) movie as a model

The personal drama in particular, and one of the key elements underlying the dramatic structure to convey ideas and visions presented by the author when writing the text of the dramatic fall after that on the way out the submission form that suits the proposals of the text and processors directorial would push the wheel of dramatic structure to the front. So take the maker of the artwork (writer) undertook the transfer of those events and personalities in art presumed sometimes real and sometimes, in order to enrich the art inspired by the human reality through the ages, and full of its themes and ideas that led to the development experiences of peoples experiences of living. Therefore, we find it important to research in the characters

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
ISO 9001: International Standards and their impact on achieving competitive advantage /An Applied at the private colleges in Iraq

The results of the analysis showed that there is a correlation between ISO 9001    and the competitive advantage, which shows that the implementation of ISO 9001 in the private colleges achieves a competitive advantage through its ability to employ the entrance of quality systems management according to ISO 9001, By focusing on improving the quality of its educational services in accordance with a clear and understandable policy for all and its ability to meet the expectations, expectations and wishes of students and beneficiaries, which leads to lower costs of operations compared to other colleges and achieve a higher level of reliability and quality and value of services provided and rapid respon

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using the Box Jenkins models to predict Iraq's cement production and to demonstrate its adequacy under future construction projects

تعد صناعة السمنت في العراق من اقدم الصناعات الحديثة واكثرها تطورا وتقدما ومن اقواها تاثيرا في الاقتصاد القومي. واذ توفر في صناعة السمنت العراقي كافة المستلزمات الناجحة من حيث توفر المواد الاولية والخبرات الفنية والتقنية واسواق ثابتة وراسخة محليا وعالميا فقد كان من المفروض ان يتم التوسع في هذه الصناعة، وان التخطيط لهذه الصناعة امرا ضروريا خاصة وان مادة السمنت هي احدى اهم المواد الرئيسة التي يؤثر توفره

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Brokerage Firms under Information Asymmetry and its Effect on Common Stock Trade : Applied Research in the Iraq Stock Exchange

The research aims to Applied Study in the nature of the impact of information asymmetry for brokerage firms in the common stock trading, The research included the theoretical concepts associated with each of the brokerage firms ,information asymmetry and common stock trading, It used the financial methods on the practical side of the information asymmetry for brokerage firms based in the sector as well as trading volume and spread for common stock , The community of the research included the Iraq Stock Exchange,the sample of research the companies listed which have been trading on its stock for the period August 2015 until December 2015 as well as brokerage firms

amounting to 47 brokerage firm. The resea

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