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This study was carried out at the Dept. Hortic. and Land.Gard., Coll. Agric. Eng.Sci., University of Baghdad during fall season of 2019-2020, in order to evaluate the effect of nutrient solution type under hydroponic system (NFT) on growth, yield and quality of broccoli Brassica oleracea var.italica. Two experiments were carried out which were the standard solution experiment (Cooper) and the alternative solution experiment (ABEER) prepared from fertilizers. Results revealed that  the type of solution used in the hydroponics system had non significant effect on the leaves content of N,K, Mg, Fe, Cu, B, Chlorophyll, leaves number, root length, weight of the main heads, number of side heads were not significantly affected. 13nt, reflected on the productivity under the nutrient solution (45.87 and 44.78 ton ha-1 for the standard and alternative solutions, respectively), While the effect of the alternative solution was recorded a significant increment for each of the leaves percent of phosphorous, manganese and zinc concentration, Number of days until harvest 50% of the plants (0.65%, 23.84,59.56 mg kg-1, 94.74 day respectively ),compared to the standard solution, which recorded a significant increment in the calcium percent in the leaves, plant height, leaves area, shoots dry weight, roots dry weight, shoots: roots dry weight, diameter of the main heads and weight of the side heads. As for the yield quality parameters, Results revealed the type of nutrient solution non significant effect on quality of broccoli. The results could be recommend the alternative solution (ABEER) as a promising nutrient solution in hydroponics system.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Monitoring dust storm using Normalized difference dust index (NDDI) and brightness temperature variation in Simi arid areas over Iraq
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Dust storms are a natural phenomenon occurring in most areas of Iraq. In recent years, the study of this phenomenon has become important because of the danger caused by increasing desertification at the expense of the green cover as well as its impact on human health. In this study  is important to devote the remote sensing of dust storms and its detection.Through this research, the dust storms can be detected in semi-arid areas, which are difficult to distinguish between these storms and desert areas. For the distinction between the dust storm pixels in the image with those that do not contain dust storm can be applied the Normalized Difference Dust Index (NDDI) and Brightness Temperature variation (BTV). MODIS sensors that carried

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
American hegemony over the Persian Gulf oil After the 1991 Gulf War and the Gulf War III in 2003
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Since the end of World War II, the United States of America began to look at the Gulf States and Iraq due to the possession of huge quantities of oil, after taking the American oil depletion in order to tighten control over the oil of these countries, has pursued various means, political and military, in the framework of its strategy So that it could achieve this control, which focused on control of production and prices, for the conviction that those who control oil impose control over the political decision of the countries of the world.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
ISO 9001: International Standards and their impact on achieving competitive advantage /An Applied at the private colleges in Iraq
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The results of the analysis showed that there is a correlation between ISO 9001    and the competitive advantage, which shows that the implementation of ISO 9001 in the private colleges achieves a competitive advantage through its ability to employ the entrance of quality systems management according to ISO 9001, By focusing on improving the quality of its educational services in accordance with a clear and understandable policy for all and its ability to meet the expectations, expectations and wishes of students and beneficiaries, which leads to lower costs of operations compared to other colleges and achieve a higher level of reliability and quality and value of services provided and rapid respon

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Applied Water Science
Hydrochemistry as a tool for interpreting brine origin and chemical equilibrium in oilfields: Zubair reservoir southern Iraq case study
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Studying the Connection Between Partical Size and Lattice Distortions Through X - Ray Diffraction Line Profile Analysis for CaO Powder
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The integral  breadth  method  has been utilized to analyse line

proIiles broadening and lattice strain of CaO at different temperatures

The effect of tcmperattre on crystallite size and strain has also been investigated  . The crystall i tes are found to be highly anisotropic even at high temperatures

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Prospects for adopting Takaful Insurance and its role in developing insurance services: Applied research in the Iraqi insurance sector
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The present research aims to present a theoretical framework for the application of takaful insurance in Iraq, as well as to identify the level of impact on the development of insurance services in the Iraqi market, and to make recommendations and suggestions that lead to increased interest in this area, and thus contribute to the development and integration of insurance service in the Iraqi market,

The research adopted the descriptive analytical method, and the questionnaire was used to survey the opinions of the research sample consisting of department managers and their assistants and some employees of the graduate degrees in addition to employees of the departments of electronic calculator in the Iraqi insurance sector, and t

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Comparison among pulp capping materials in: calcium ion release, pH change, solubility and water sorption (An in vitro study)
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Background: Calcium hydroxide and calcium-silicate materials used as direct pulp capping materials. The aims of this in vitro study is to compare among these materials in, the calcium ion release and pH change in soaking water after immersion of materials’ specimens in deionized water. Also Solubility and water sorption of materials’ specimens measured after soaking time. Calcium-silicate materials used were Biodentine, TheraCal and MTA Plus. Materials and methods: Four materials used in this study; Urbical lining (as control group), Biodentine, TheraCal and MTA Plus. Ten discs fabricated from each tested material, by using plastic moulds of 9 mm diameter and 1 mm thickness. Each specimen was immersed in 10 ml of d

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Suggested Index for studying violent by Environment and Psychology components among Collegian students at a sample in Baghdad City
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Objective: To identification environmental and psychological violence's components among collegians’ students of different stages, and gender throughout creating specific questionnaire, and estimating regression of environmental domain effect on psychological domain, as well as measuring powerful of the association contingency between violence's domains in admixed form with respondent characteristics, such that (Demographics, Economics, and Behaviors), and extracting model of estimates impact of studied domains in studying risks, and protective factors among collegians’ students in Baghdad city. Methodolog

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Identification Pseudomonas aeruginosa by 16s rRNA gene for Differentiation from Other Pseudomonas Species that isolated from Patients and environment
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Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common and major opportunistic human pathogen, its causes many and dangersinfectious diseases due to death in some timesex: cystic fibrosis , wounds inflammation , burns inflammation , urinary tract infection , other many infections otitis external , Endocarditis , nosocomial infection and also causes other blood infections (Bacteremia). thereforebecomes founding fast and exact identification of P. aeruginosafrom samples culture very important.However, identification of this species may be problematic due to the marked phenotypic variabilitydemonstrated by samples isolates and the presence of other closely related species. To facilitate species identification, we used 16S ribosomal DNA(rRNA) sequence data

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Publication Date
Wed May 22 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Angiotherapy
Immune Cytokines IFN-γ, TGF-β, TNF-α, and IL-1β Modulate the Pathophysiological Markers in Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease
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Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative aging disease, with idiopathic PD being most common. Gastrointestinal tract disorders (GITD) and microbiota changes may trigger idiopathic PD. Neurotoxins from microbiota can travel from the gut to the brain via the brain-gut axis (BGA), leading to α-syn protein misfolding and dopaminergic neuron death. Methods: The aim of the current study was to investigate the link between PD and GITD by measuring several biochemical and immunological markers in 142 patients. The biochemical markers measured were vitamins B6, B12, and D, calcium, serotonin, ghrelin, dopamine, and α-syn protein. The immunological markers included transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β), tu

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