Abstract This research sheds lights on one of the important rhetorical linguistics methods, which is the idioms phrase and its use in the Israeli political article. By the studying of its most prominent types and different grammatical structures, and its deliberative function. The application of this study was the articles of the Israeli journalist Ben-Dror Yemini. Which were published on the website of Israeli newspaper " Maariv" in (2011-2012). This research is divided into two devotions: theoretically and practically. The theoretical side included an introduction to identify the article generally, and the political article. Practically with a review of the most important definitions concerned with the idioms phrase and showing its most important features. The practically sides interested in observation of the most prominent types of the idioms phrase and its grammatical structures in articles of Ben-Dror Yemini in order to reach to the most important deliberative functions performed by idioms phrase in political article. The research finds that the idioms phrase has its own lexical semantic and grammatical structure can't be compromised without prejudice to the general meaning of the idioms phrase and also find that the most prominent grammatical structures of the idioms phrase in Ben-Dror Yemini articles were (the nominal phrase, the verbal phrase prepositional phrase and simple phrase). The most prominent functions performed by idioms phrase are: convince the receiver, demonstrate of intention and different linguistics and stylistic functions.
The study aims to reveal the level of professional development in basic education schools from the male and female teachers’ viewpoint in the Sultanate of Oman. It further aims to examine its relationship with some variables in light of Sullivan theory, and the differences in the level of professional development (teachers’ skills, professional participation, professional development problems) according to the gender variable, and the educational stage (first cycle/ second cycle). The study sample consisted of (93) teachers distributed as such: (46) male teachers, and (47) female teachers. A questionnaire was prepared and applied to measure the level of the professional development of the male and female teachers. The questionnaire c
... Show Moreملخـــص البحــــث
يعدُّ السيد محمد المالكي صاحب عقيدة سليمة، وخلق قويم من كل شائبة، فعقيدته عقيدة السلف الصالح من أهل السنة والجماعة، والتي تنبذ البدع، وتتبرأ من الغلو والتكفير، فكان جامعاً للمسلمين على اختلاف مذاهبهم؛ لأن منهجه الجمع بين العلم والعمل والروحاني، والدعوة الإصلاحية المبنية على احترام وجهات النظر والتسامح، فكان بحق إماماً من أئمة المسلمين عقيدة و
... Show Moreفسيفساء قبة الصخرة دراسة تحليلية
ملخص البحث
بينت في البحث ماهية الإعجاز القرآني, وتعريف الإعجاز والقرآن,
ومفهوم مصطلح الإعجاز القرآني, ودلائل الإعجاز, ودلائل نبوة محمد صلى
الله عليه وآله وسلم , والقدر المعجز من القرآن, ووجوه إعجاز القرآن,
وأنواع الإعجاز القرآني, ومجموعة من الآيات الكونية
The research aimed to identify the effects of the modern of technology on translating the media term from English language to Arabic. and try to identify the use of the impact of foreign media terminologies on the Arabic media term, and to know the effect of the translation process on Arabic media terminologies.
This research is considered an analytical study by using survey study for 111 items and the results for the study as following:
1.High percentage of the (use of foreign terms work to low the level of production) was (68.13%) and average 3.55
2.The percentage of (The multiplicity of translation of the foreign term into Arabic effects on the opinions and cognitive ideas of the Arab researcher and affects the
... Show Moreتعدُّ حقوق الإنسان من الأمور التي حثّ الدين الإسلامي على احترامها ومن الأمور غير مسموح المساس بها ، وإنّ إغفالها أو إهمالها أو تضييعها يؤدي الى نتائج خطرة
ملخـــص البحــــث
من أهم مسائل الطلاق التي كثر حولها الخلاف: (الحلف بالطلاق وتعليقه بشرط )، لذا عمدت في هذه الصفحات اليسيرة ان اتناول بالبحث والدّراسة مسألة تُعَدُّ من المعضلات، وهي (ما يترتّب على الحلف بالطَّلاق إذا حنث الحالف). وقد فشا وكَثُرَ في الأزمنة المتأخرة الحلف بالطَّلاق في المجتمعات المسلمة، مما دفعني للكتابة فيه ببحث وسميته :
( أحـكام الحلف با
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كلما اتسعت دائرة المحددات باختلاف علومها تلاقحت الافكار في دراسات معاصرة جديدة ، فالمقاربة اللغوية ،والأدبية ، والبلاغية باختلاف انواعها اثرت البحث القرآني ؛ فأنتجت لنا قالباً تفسيرياً جديداً يُدعى بالمقاربات الفقهية , او الموضوعية , او المقاصدية وغير ذلك ، مما دعا الى المقاربات التفسيرية التي للأسف اخذت بعداً كمياً لا نوعياً من قبل
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