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Improved Merging Multi Convolutional Neural Networks Framework of Image Indexing and Retrieval

Improved Merging Multi Convolutional Neural Networks Framework of Image Indexing and Retrieval

Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Community Detection in Modular Complex Networks Using an Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

     Community detection is an important and interesting topic for better understanding and analyzing complex network structures. Detecting hidden partitions in complex networks is proven to be an NP-hard problem that may not be accurately resolved using traditional methods. So it is solved using evolutionary computation methods and modeled in the literature as an optimization problem.  In recent years, many researchers have directed their research efforts toward addressing the problem of community structure detection by developing different algorithms and making use of single-objective optimization methods. In this study, we have continued that research line by improving the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm using a

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Wireless Communications And Mobile Computing
Corrigendum to “Developing a Video Buffer Framework for Video Streaming in Cellular Networks”

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Improved Image Security in Internet of Thing (IOT) Using Multiple Key AES

Image is an important digital information that used in many internet of things (IoT) applications such as transport, healthcare, agriculture, military, vehicles and wildlife. etc. Also, any image has very important characteristic such as large size, strong correlation and huge redundancy, therefore, encrypting it by using single key Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) through IoT communication technologies makes it vulnerable to many threats, thus, the pixels that have the same values will be encrypted to another pixels that have same values when they use the same key. The contribution of this work is to increase the security of transferred image. This paper proposed multiple key AES algorithm (MECCAES) to improve the security of the tran

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Spe Europec Featured At 81st Eage Conference And Exhibition
Development of Artificial Neural Networks and Multiple Regression Analysis for Estimating of Formation Permeability

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
User Authentication Based on Keystroke Dynamics Using Artificial Neural Networks

Computer systems and networks are being used in almost every aspect of our daily life, the security threats to computers and networks have increased significantly. Usually, password-based user authentication is used to authenticate the legitimate user. However, this method has many gaps such as password sharing, brute force attack, dictionary attack and guessing. Keystroke dynamics is one of the famous and inexpensive behavioral biometric technologies, which authenticate a user based on the analysis of his/her typing rhythm. In this way, intrusion becomes more difficult because the password as well as the typing speed must match with the correct keystroke patterns. This thesis considers static keystroke dynamics as a transparent layer of t

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Influence Activation Function in Approximate Periodic Functions Using Neural Networks

The aim of this paper is to design fast neural networks to approximate periodic functions, that is, design a fully connected networks contains links between all nodes in adjacent layers which can speed up the approximation times, reduce approximation failures, and increase possibility of obtaining the globally optimal approximation. We training suggested network by Levenberg-Marquardt training algorithm then speeding suggested networks by choosing most activation function (transfer function) which having a very fast convergence rate for reasonable size networks.             In all algorithms, the gradient of the performance function (energy function) is used to determine how to

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Comparative study of logistic regression and artificial neural networks on predicting breast cancer cytology

<p>Currently, breast cancer is one of the most common cancers and a main reason of women death worldwide particularly in<strong> </strong>developing countries such as Iraq. our work aims to predict the type of tumor whether benign or malignant through models that were built using logistic regression and neural networks and we hope it will help doctors in detecting the type of breast tumor. Four models were set using binary logistic regression and two different types of artificial neural networks namely multilayer perceptron MLP and radial basis function RBF. Evaluation of validated and trained models was done using several performance metrics like accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and AUC (area under receiver ope

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Human Face Recognition Using GABOR Filter And Different Self Organizing Maps Neural Networks


This work implements the face recognition system based on two stages, the first stage is feature extraction stage and the second stage is the classification stage. The feature extraction stage consists of Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) in a hierarchical format in conjunction with Gabor Filters and local image sampling. Different types of SOM’s were used and a comparison between the results from these SOM’s was given.

The next stage is the classification stage, and consists of self-organizing map neural network; the goal of this stage is to find the similar image to the input image. The proposal method algorithm implemented by using C++ packages, this work is successful classifier for a face database consist of 20

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prediction of Shear Strength Parameters of Gypseous Soil using Artificial Neural Networks

The shear strength of soil is one of the most important soil properties that should be identified before any foundation design. The presence of gypseous soil exacerbates foundation problems. In this research, an approach to forecasting shear strength parameters of gypseous soils based on basic soil properties was created using Artificial Neural Networks. Two models were built to forecast the cohesion and the angle of internal friction. Nine basic soil properties were used as inputs to both models for they were considered to have the most significant impact on soil shear strength, namely: depth, gypsum content, passing sieve no.200, liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index, water content, dry unit weight, and initial

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On the Greedy Ridge Function Neural Networks for Approximation Multidimensional Functions

The aim of this paper is to approximate multidimensional functions f∈C(R^s) by developing a new type of Feedforward neural networks (FFNS) which we called it Greedy ridge function neural networks (GRGFNNS). Also, we introduce a modification to the greedy algorithm which is used to train the greedy ridge function neural networks. An error bound are introduced in Sobolov space. Finally, a comparison was made between the three algorithms (modified greedy algorithm, Backpropagation algorithm and the result in [1]).

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