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A Case Study of Potential Reasons of Increased Soil Phosphorus Levels in the Northeast United States
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Recent phosphorus (P) pollution in the United States, mainly in Maine, has raised some severe concerns over the use of P fertilizer application rates in agriculture. Phosphorus is the second most limiting nutrient after nitrogen and has damaging impacts on crop yield if found to be deficient. Therefore, farmers tend to apply more P than is required to satisfy any P loss after its application at planting. Several important questions were raised in this study to improve P efficiency and reduce its pollution. The objective of this study was to find potential reasons for P pollution in water bodies despite a decrease in potato acreage. Historically, the potato was found to be responsible for P water contamination due to its high P sensitivity and low P removal (25–30 kg ha−1) from the soil. Despite University of Maine recommended rate of 56 kg ha−1 P, if soil tests reveal that P is below 50 kg ha−1, growers tend to apply P fertilizer at the rate of 182 kg ha−1 to compensate for any loss. The second key reason for excessive P application is its tendency to get fixed by aluminum (Al) in the soil. Soil sampling data from UMaine Soil Testing Laboratory confirmed that in Maine reactive Al levels have remained high over the last ten years and are increasing further. Likewise, P application to non-responsive sites, soil variability, pH change, and soil testing methods were found to be other possible reasons that might have led to increases in soil P levels resulting in P erosion to water streams.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Hadith Lesson Retreated in Colleges of Sharia Sciences (Reasons and Proposals).
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This research deals with shedding light on the issue of the poor understanding of students of Islamic sciences colleges for the subject of modern sciences; their causes and treatment, and it started with an introduction and an introductory research; The general weakness of the level of students of colleges of Islamic sciences in this article, and I detailed these reasons that relate to: the curriculum, the teaching staff, and students, and then concluded it with proposals and recommendations that would address this weakness.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Analytical Study of near Mobility Edge Density of States of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
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Experimental results for the density of states of hydrogenated amorphous silicon due to Jackson et al near the valence and conduction band edges were analyzed using Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear fitting method. It is found that the density of states of the valence band and the conduction band can be fitted to a simple power law, with a power index 0.60 near the valence band edge, and 0.55 near the conduction band edge. These results indicate a modest but noticeable deviation from the square root law (power index=0.5) which is found in crystalline semiconductors. Analysis of Jackson et al density of states integral J(E) data over about (1.4 eV) of photon energy range, showed a significant fit to a simple power law with a power index of 2.11

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of sports marketing in achieving the competitive superiority of the organization: a case study in a sample of the Iraqi Premier League clubs
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The organization of sporting activities at the local and international levels requires a lot of money, which has increased interest in marketing in the sports field, as it is one of the modern topics that represent the basic knowledge needed by the sports marketer and which represents one of the basic concepts to enhance the benefits and returns of sports clubs. The research problem was the weak awareness of the members of the administrative body of Iraqi sports clubs of the role of sports marketing in the dimensions of competitive superiority and not exploiting them in the optimal way that enables clubs to achieve competitive superiority. The research aims to know the role of sports marketing in competitive superi

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Review Of International Geographical Education
Evaluating the performance of project management using network diagrams methods: A case study in the Ramadi Municipality
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This study came for the reason that some project administrations still do not follow the appropriate scientific methods that enable them to perform their work in a manner that achieves the goals for which those projects arise, in addition to exceeding the planned times and costs, so this study aims to apply the methods of network diagrams in Planning, scheduling and monitoring the project of constructing an Alzeuot intersection bridge in the city of Ramadi, as the research sample, being one of the strategic projects that are being implemented in the city of Ramadi, as well as being one of the projects that faced during its implementation Several of problems, the project problem was studied according to scientific methods through the applica

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Effect of increased axle load weight on the response of local flexible pavements
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Traffic loading and environmental factors are among the most serious variables that cause the spoilage of flexible pavements and lead to a decrease in their design life. The objective of this study is to investigate the influence of axle load raise and the change in resilient modulus on the flexible pavement design life. Locally, Highway geometric design code for Iraqi building code has assign certain admissible maximum load limits per every axle truck type that should not be overrun. In this paper nine different axle truck loads (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16) tons, single axle with dual tire and, and two different resilient moduli of asphalt pavement were chosen. The evaluation was carried out assuming high temperature to represent

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Intellectual as an Alien: A Study of Henry James's The Beast in the Jungle and James Joyce's "A Painful Case"
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This research paper studies the alienation of the intellectuals in the modern novel through the study of two alienated characters, John Marcher in Henry James's The Beast in the Jungle, and Mr. Duffy in James's Joyce's "A Painful Case." As a result of the complexity of life in the industrial societies, the individuals, especially the intellectual ones, feel themselves unable to integrate into social life; they fear society and feel that it endangers their individuality and independence. Thus, these characters live on the fringe of the societ

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Reasons of the Student of Secondary School Abstention From Participation in The Theatrical Activity
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The present study aims at knowing the reasons of the student of secondary school abstention from participation in the theatrical activity, and to know the reasons that resulted in this abstention. In addition to that, the study aims at knowing the differences according to variables (gender, scholastic stage, and major of study). The sample of the study was chosen from the secondary schools in Baghdad in the random manner from Al-Karakh and Al-Rusafa districts of (147) students. The questionnaire was used to collected data.

          The result showed that all the items are intense, the item of (Students do not know how to use their leisure time) obtained the hi

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 18 2021
Journal Name
Review Of International Geographical Education Online
Chomsky's Political Views as a Case Study in a Critical Discourse Analysis of Ideology in the Iraqi Wars
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APDBN Rashid, Review of International Geographical Education Online (RIGEO), 2021

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Southwest Jiaotong University
Effect of Saturation Levels on Shear Strength and Bearing Capacity Properties of Soil Types
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This study presents a comprehensive set of laboratory works for the examined soil layers extracted from Baghdad city (specifically from Alkadhimya, Alaitaifiya, and Alhurriya) to illustrate their engineering properties. The researchers have adopted the unified soil classification system for soil classification purposes. Also, the direct shear test was performed for soil samples with various degrees of saturation (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%). The test results have shown a significant reduction in cohesion property with higher moisture content within soil samples. Also, a noticeable reduction in angle of internal friction value has occurred with such changes. Furthermore, it has been found that the bearing capacity of unsaturated soi

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Scopus (1)
Crossref (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Feb 14 2021
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
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Determining risk indicators for dental implants is an essential strategy for preventing peri-implant diseases and effective diagnosis of dental implant success. To investigate the impact of certain potential factors on the osseointegrated dental implant. Eighty-four individuals were included in our study, 50 cases as a patient’s group and 34 participants as a control group. All cases were diagnosed based on certain criteria, 30 (60%) of patients had peri-implantitis, 20 (40%) with severe periimplantitis, 36(72%) were generalized, and 15 (30%) as localized peri-implantitis cases. The study has indicated that 44.7% of dental implants were in the anterior maxilla, followed by (27.3%) posterior maxilla, (17.4%) posterior mandible, and (10.4%)

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