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The role of university in promoting the culture of volunteering among students (Mustansiriya University Model)
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Abstract The aim of this study is to identify the role played by the university in reinforcing the culture of voluntary work in college students and sequencing these roles according to their priority. To achieve this aim, the researcher used the descriptive approach. After being informed of the literature background and of the previous studies related to the core aim of this recent study, the researcher has built up a questionnaire of (20) items investigating the role of university in reinforcing the culture of voluntary work in the college students. The standardized features of the questionnaire have been checked for the purpose of the questionnaire validity (virtual and constructive validity) and stability (reconstruction and Cronbach's Alpha equation). Then, the questionnaire was carried out to a sample of Al-Mustansiriyah University including (181) students; (89) males and (92) females. After collecting the data taken from the sample, the Arithmetical Means and the Standard Deviations have been concluded for each single item of the questionnaire. Then, to know the disparity conduction between the arithmetical means and the hypothetical means for each item of the questionnaire.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The reasons for the failure of Bishara CO2 compressor belonging to Southern Fertilizer Company
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In this research study failed Annunciation No. 10 for the fourth phase of the pressure of carbon dioxide of the company for Southern Fertilizers and repeated the failures more than once for the same gospel was a detailed study of the gospel included a series tests for properties Mechanical and Structural addition to the tests microscopic and scanning electron microscope shows m This study parameters and a failure Elal well as the existence of an old internal cracks in the metal of the Annunciation

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The use of water resources internationally and their implications for the water issue globally
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The rivers are the main source of fresh water for many countries and the great development which is considered as one of the sustainable development elements in its various agricultural, industrial, domestic and environmental fields .The countries of the world seek food security and water security in order to ensure the basic needs of citizens .Because their distribution is uneven in many regions of the world with different human needs, which leads to conflicts over water sources, especially those located in one international river basin .This has led to the emergence of internationallegal rules governing the management of The problem revolves around the dialectic between limited water resources and increased need for water use b

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2016
Journal Name
Design trends of the counterfeit product and the original competition: عبد الخالق سمين فتاح
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The problem of the research represented by knowing the approaches which presented by knowing the design guides and the design styles which the imitation products enter upon it to be able to competitor the other original products .The research aim was to comparison the design approaches of the functional performance and the utilizations for the imitation and the original products , however the research limits contained study products samples of the kitchen electric equipments which available in local markets of Baghdad city for the period (2000 – 2013) .After the view of research back for the subject fundamental basics and investigating research sample to be complete to a group of results and conclusions and the most marked of her were

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Experimental Study to Investigate the Effect of Polyacrylamide Gel to Reduce the Lost Circulation
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One of the challenging issues encountered during drilling operations is the lost circulation. Numerous issues might arise because of losses, such as wasting of time and higher drilling cost. Several types of lost circulation materials have been developed and are being used to limit mud losses and avoid associated issues. Each solution has benefits and drawbacks.

In this study, a core flooding test was performed to study the effectiveness of polyacrylamide (PAM) granular gel on the reduction of the circulation lost. One common type of fracture characteristic is fractures with tips, commonly known as partially open fracture (POF). However, PAM gel therapy in POFs received little attention in prior research. Models of partly open fra

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparative Study for the Early Detection of the most Important Factors Leading to Preeclampsia
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The aim of this research is to determine the most important and main factors that lead to Preeclampsia. It is also about finding suitable solutions to eradicate these factors and avoid them in order to prevent getting Preeclampsia. To achieve this, a case study sample of (40) patients from Medical City - Oncology Teaching Hospital was used to collect data by a questionnaire which contained (17) reasons to be investigated. The statistical package (SPSS) was used to compare the results of the data analysis through two methods (Radial Bases Function Network) and (Factorial Analysis). Important results were obtained, the two methods determined the same factors that could represent the direct reason which causes Preecla

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Peptide Science
Studies on the antileishmanial properties of the antimicrobial peptides temporin A, B and 1Sa
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Given the paucity and toxicity of available drugs for leishmaniasis, coupled with the advent of drug resistance, the discovery of new therapies for this neglected tropical disease is recognised as being of the utmost urgency. As such antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have been proposed as promising compounds against the causative Leishmania species, insect vector-borne protozoan parasites. Here the AMP temporins A, B and 1Sa have been synthesised and screened for activity against Leishmania mexicana insect stage promastigotes and mammalian stage amastigotes, a significant cause of human cutaneous disease. In contrast to previous studies with other species the activity of these AMPs against L. mexicana amastigotes was low. This suggests that ama

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Structural-Semantic and Stylistic Characteristics of the New Idioms in Russian Language: Структурно-семантическая и стилистическая характеристика новых фразеологизмов русского языка
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This study is dedicated to one of the most difficult topics in Russian - this is the science of idioms. A feature of the Russian speech application in recent decades has been the effective change in the lexical composition of the Russian language. This article illustrates the semantic, grammatical and stylistic structural characteristics of the linguistic units that appeared in Russian at the end of the 20th century - the beginning of the twenty-first century. This work defines these terms : terminology, linguistic unity, and terms that are used as synonyms. In this research , we will adhere to the conciliatory view of the problem and include not only the terminology in the language units, but also the terminological compositions, saying

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Inauguration of Faisal Bin Al -husain as Iraq King (A Study of British Documents)
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Husain as a king of Iraq.
This paper deals with the British communication with faisel . then Winston Churchill's speech in British common house .then fodlowed by arriving faisal to Iraq after that the referend um faisel .
The his claims of British maneuver lastly coronation on faisal & his inauguration as a king of Iraq.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
Journal Name
Employment aesthetic to the sitting position in contemporary Iraqi Sculpture: سلام محمد سعيد هاشم
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This paper deals with aesthetic and a sitting position in contemporary Iraqi sculpture and studied this situation, an analytical study to reveal how to employ them in aesthetically pleasing work of art has been research in a sitting position to a lack of technical library for such research, this study includes four chaptersChapter I contains the research problem and its importance in terms of the released address and its objectives in the detection of this situation, how to employ the HDL research is to detect how the aesthetic of the Employment sit position and limits Find business is bronze and stone-dimensional exclusively carried out from 2000 to 2009 AD.Chapter II included the Framework theory and previous studies and with three Inv

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Dystopian Future: Social Oppression and Religious Extremism in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale
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Many literary research papers have dealt with the work of Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale (1985) as a feminist work. However, nearly few studies combine social oppression with religious extremism. To bridge this gap, the present study aims at exploring the use of totalitarian theocracy of terror to oppress its citizens in the name of religion. In other words, it explicates the way religion is used to brutally suppress and exploit people in general and vulnerable women in particular. To meet this objective, the study adopted the qualitative descriptive method to describe how religion is used as a contradictory controlling means in Gilead discourse. It also adopted the Foucault theory in analyzing the data of the study, illu

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