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The Influence of Flight Direction and Camera Orientation on the Quality Products of UAV-Based SfM-Photogrammetry
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Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can provide valuable spatial information products for many projects across a wide range of applications. One of the major challenges in this discipline is the quality of positioning accuracy of the resulting mapping products in professional photogrammetric projects. This is especially true when using low-cost UAV systems equipped with GNSS receivers for navigation. In this study, the influence of UAV flight direction and camera orientation on positioning accuracy in an urban area on the west bank of the Euphrates river in Iraq was investigated. Positioning accuracy was tested in this study with different flight directions and camera orientation settings using a UAV autopilot app (Pix4Dcapture software (Ver. 4.11.0)). The different combinations of these two main parameters (camera orientation and flight direction) resulted in 11 different flight cases for which individual planimetric and vertical accuracies were evaluated. Eleven flight sets of dense point clouds, DEMs, and ortho-imagery were created in this way to compare the achieved positional accuracies. One set was created using the direct georeferencing method (without using GCPs), while the other ten sets were created using the indirect georeferencing approach based on ground truth measurements of five artificially created GCPs. Positional accuracy was found to vary depending on the user-defined flight plan settings, despite an approximately constant flight altitude. However, it was found that the horizontal accuracy achieved was better than the vertical accuracy for all flight sets. This study revealed that combining multiple sets of images with different flight directions and camera orientations can significantly improve the overall positional accuracy to reach several centimeters.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between medical and nursing staffing and its impact on the quality of health service / Applied Research.
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The research aims to find out the relationship between the medical and nursing staffing and its impact on the quality of provided health service in the Yarmouk Teaching Hospital, and to understand the nature of the relationship between doctors and nurses, it has been the adoption of cooperation and conflict Kmngaran independent knowledge of the relationship between doctors and nurses and the quality of health service as a variable certified by eating five dimensions (tangibility, reliability, safety, responsiveness, empathy). The research was adopted to collect data on the questionnaire prepared medical and nursing to the angel and adopted included Likert Quintet her, and distributed to doctors working in the Yarmouk hospital in

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Direction Finding Using GHA Neural Networks
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 This paper adapted the neural network for the estimating of the direction of arrival (DOA). It uses an unsupervised adaptive neural network with GHA algorithm to extract the principal components that in turn, are used by Capon method to estimate the DOA, where by the PCA neural network we take signal subspace only and use it in Capon (i.e. we will ignore the noise subspace, and take the signal subspace only).



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Publication Date
Tue Jan 30 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering Pedagogy
Information and Communication Technology and its Impact on Improving the Quality of Engineering Education Systems
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 07 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
The Influence of Ramadan Fasting on Some Hematological and Biochemical Parameters in Healthy Adult Males
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Objective(s): Ramadan is the Holy month of the Muslims, where they are required to abstain from food and drinks
from dawn till the beginning of night. This study was conducted in Ramadan to investigate the effect of fasting on
hematological incidences, lipid profile, renal and liver function tests among healthy adult males.
Methodology: The present study was carried out in Ramadan – 1431 of Higira (August-September 2010). The study
sample was 56 healthy adult males. Five samples of blood were taken at five intervals (Before, at day 1, 15, 28 and
after Ramadan). Estimation was done for hematological markers, (hemoglobin, white blood cells count, platelet
count); renal function tests (blood urea, serum uric acid, serum

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Influence of Obesity and IL-6 on Infertile Iraqi Women with COVID-19 Complications
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Infertility is one of the types of diseases that occur in the reproductive system. Obesity is a state that can be occurred due to excessive fats, the progression in obesity stage results in a change in adipose tissue and the development of chronic inflammation, endocrine glands disorders and women’s reproductive system, and also increase the infection with covid-19. The study aimed to investigate the effect of the obesity, lipid-profile, and IL-6 on hormones-dysregulation in infertile-women with COVID-19 complications. The current study included 70 samples: 50 infertility-women-with-covid-19-infected, 20 healthy-women/control, the ages of both patients and healthy subjects were selected within the range 18-34 years. Levels of FBS, LH,

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The influence of cold atmospheric pressure plasma on TSH and thyroid hormones in male rats
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 10 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The influence of magnetic field and cathode dimensions on plasma characteristics in hollow cathode system
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Experimental study on the effect of cylindrical hollow cathode, working pressure and magnetic field on spatial glow distribution and the characteristics of plasma produced by dc discharge in Argon gas, were investigated by image analyses for the plume within the plasma. It was found that the emission intensity appears as a periodic structure with many peaks appeared between the electrodes. Increasing the pressure leads to increase the number of intensity peaks finally converted to continuous form at high pressure, especially with applied of magnetic field, i.e. the plasma is more stable with the presence of magnetic field. The emission intensity study of plasma showed that the intensity has a maximum value at 1.07 mbar pressure and decre

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Influence of Magnetohydrodynamic Flow and Slip Condition on Generalized Burgers’ Fluid with Fractional Derivative
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This paper investigates the effect of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) of an incompressible generalized burgers’ fluid including a gradient constant pressure and an exponentially accelerate plate where no slip hypothesis between the burgers’ fluid and an exponential plate is no longer valid. The constitutive relationship can establish of the fluid model process by fractional calculus, by using Laplace and Finite Fourier sine transforms. We obtain a solution for shear stress and velocity distribution. Furthermore, 3D figures are drawn to exhibit the effect of magneto hydrodynamic and different parameters for the velocity distribution.

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Influence of Waste Concrete and Glass Recycled on the Strength Properties of Green Reactive Powder Concrete
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These days, the world is facing a global environmental and sustainability problem due to the increasing generation of large amounts of waste through construction and demolition work, which causes a serious problem for the environment. Therefore, this research was conducted to get rid of the waste disposal problems, including old glass and concrete, which were used as recycled fine aggregates. Seven different mixtures were prepared. The first mixture was with the used sand, which is glass sand, and it was adopted as a reference mixture (ORPC), and three mixtures were prepared for each of the recycled materials (waste concrete and glass) and partially replaced by glass sand in different proportions (25, 50, and 75) %. Some

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effect of Pioneer Aeromedical Evacuation Program on Flight Medics' Knowledge toward Emergency Casualties at Army Aviation Bases in Iraq
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Objective(s): The aims of present study to findout the effect of aeromedical evacuation program on flight medics’ knowledge.
Methods: A pre-experimental design is carried in army aviation bases in Iraq, for the period of April 1st 2019 to October 25th 2019. Non-probability "purposive" sample of (30) flight medics are selected from army aviation bases. The questionnaire consisted of two main parts: the demographic characteristics of air paramedics, and the second part included five axes, which are (50) paragraphs related to the knowledge of air paramedics towards emergency injuries. The researcher used the statistical program version 20 to analyze the data, and the stability of the questionnaire was measured through the pre and post

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