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The Influence of Flight Direction and Camera Orientation on the Quality Products of UAV-Based SfM-Photogrammetry
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Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can provide valuable spatial information products for many projects across a wide range of applications. One of the major challenges in this discipline is the quality of positioning accuracy of the resulting mapping products in professional photogrammetric projects. This is especially true when using low-cost UAV systems equipped with GNSS receivers for navigation. In this study, the influence of UAV flight direction and camera orientation on positioning accuracy in an urban area on the west bank of the Euphrates river in Iraq was investigated. Positioning accuracy was tested in this study with different flight directions and camera orientation settings using a UAV autopilot app (Pix4Dcapture software (Ver. 4.11.0)). The different combinations of these two main parameters (camera orientation and flight direction) resulted in 11 different flight cases for which individual planimetric and vertical accuracies were evaluated. Eleven flight sets of dense point clouds, DEMs, and ortho-imagery were created in this way to compare the achieved positional accuracies. One set was created using the direct georeferencing method (without using GCPs), while the other ten sets were created using the indirect georeferencing approach based on ground truth measurements of five artificially created GCPs. Positional accuracy was found to vary depending on the user-defined flight plan settings, despite an approximately constant flight altitude. However, it was found that the horizontal accuracy achieved was better than the vertical accuracy for all flight sets. This study revealed that combining multiple sets of images with different flight directions and camera orientations can significantly improve the overall positional accuracy to reach several centimeters.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Experimental Study for the Influence of Operating Parameters on Copper Electrorefining Process
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Copper electrodeposition by electrorefining process in acidic sulfate media contains 40 g/l of cupric ions and 160 g/l of sulfuric acid was achieved to study the influence of the operating parameters on cathode purity, surface morphology, deposition rate, current efficiency and power consumption. These operating parameters and there ranges are: current density 200, 300 and 400 A/m2, electrolyte temperature 35, 50 and 65 oC, electrodes spacing 15, 30 and 45 mm and electrolyte residence time 6, 4 and 2 h were utilized. XRF, SEM and EDX analyses were attained to clarify the properties of the produced cathode.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Advances In The Theory Of Nonlinear Analysis And Its Application
The Influence of the Magnetic Domain on The Peristaltic Motion of The Non-Newtonian Fluid in A Curved Tube
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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Optics
The influence of gold nanoparticles on electro-optical properties of nematic liquid crystal
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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Influence of substrates on the properties of cerium -doped CdO nanocrystalline thin films
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Transparent thin films of CdO:Ce has been deposited on to glass and silicon substrates by spray pyrolysis technique for various concentrations of cerium (2, 4, and 6 Vol.%). CdO:Ce films were characterized using different techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy(AFM) and optical properties. XRD analysis show that CdO films exhibit cubic crystal structure with (1 1 1) preferred orientation and the intensity of the peak increases with increasing's of Ce contain when deposited films on glass substrate, while for silicon substrate, the intensity of peaks decreases, the results reveal that the grain size of the prepared thin film is approximately (73.75-109.88) nm various with increased of cerium content. With a sur

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Influence of Optical Fiber Diameters on the Performance of Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor
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In this research, a sensor for chemical solutions was designed and formed using optical fiber-based on a surface Plasmon resonance technology. A single-mode optical fiber with three different diameters (25, 45 and 65) µm was used, respectively.  The second layer of the low refractive fiber was replaced by gold, which was electrically deposited at 40 µm thickness. For each of the three types of optical fiber, different saline concentrations (different index of refraction) were used to evaluate the performance of the refractive index sensor (chemical sensor) by measuring its sensitivity and resolutions. The highest values we could get for these two parameters were 240mm/RIU, and 6*10-5 RIU respectively, when the diameter of a

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Solid State Communications
Influence of In-dopant on the optoelectronic properties of thermal evaporated CuAlTe2 films
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In the current study, CuAl0.7In0.3Te2 thin films with 400 nm thickness were deposited on glass substrates using thermal evaporation technique. The films were annealed at various annealing temperatures of (473,573,673 and 773) K. Furthermore, the films were characterized by X-ray Diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and Ultra violet-visible (UV–vis). XRD patterns confirm that the films exhibit chalcopyrite structure and the predominant diffraction peak is oriented at (112). The grain size and surface roughness of the annealed films have been reported. Optical properties for the synthesized films including, absorbance, transmittance, dielectric constant, and refr

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Solid State Communications
Influence of In-dopant on the optoelectronic properties of thermal evaporated CuAlTe2 films
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 20 2023
Journal Name
Health Education And Health Promotion
Influence of Educational Program of Cholera Disease on Nannies' Practices in the Nurseries
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 08 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies (ijim)
Implementation of RWP and Gauss Markov Mobility Model for Multi-UAV Networks in Search and Rescue Environment
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Future generations of wireless networks are expected to heavily rely on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). UAV networks have extraordinary features like high mobility, frequent topology change, tolerance to link failure, and extending the coverage area by adding external UAVs. UAV network provides several advantages for civilian, commercial, search and rescue applications. A realistic mobility model must be used to assess the dependability and effectiveness of UAV protocols and algorithms.  In this research paper, the performance of the Gauss Markov (GM) and Random Waypoint (RWP) mobility models in multi-UAV networks for a search and rescue scenario is analyzed and evaluated. Additionally, the two mobility models GM and RWP are descr

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The influence of the political and social socialization in the trend towards extremism
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The research deals with the impact of the nature of social and political formation in the orientation towards extremism through tracking the institutions and beliefs that the individual is going through. The role of the family, the group, the school, education, and religion has been touched upon in acquiring the trends of extremism, whether publicly or covertly, Focusing on the social and economic contexts that are an incubator environment for extremism supported by the form of the group and the beliefs it espouses, whether direct through religion or indirectly through the nature of education, this study relied on political literature that addressed this The topic, which focused on the phenomenon of extremism that swept the world recentl

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